Alex Serb
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Cited by
Unsupervised learning in probabilistic neural networks with multi-state metal-oxide memristive synapses
A Serb, J Bill, A Khiat, R Berdan, R Legenstein, T Prodromakis
Nature communications 7 (1), 12611, 2016
Multibit memory operation of metal-oxide bi-layer memristors
S Stathopoulos, A Khiat, M Trapatseli, S Cortese, A Serb, I Valov, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 17532, 2017
Analog memristive synapse in spiking networks implementing unsupervised learning
E Covi, S Brivio, A Serb, T Prodromakis, M Fanciulli, S Spiga
Frontiers in neuroscience 10, 482, 2016
Real-time encoding and compression of neuronal spikes by metal-oxide memristors
I Gupta, A Serb, A Khiat, R Zeitler, S Vassanelli, T Prodromakis
Nature communications 7 (1), 1-9, 2016
Emulating short-term synaptic dynamics with memristive devices
R Berdan, E Vasilaki, A Khiat, G Indiveri, A Serb, T Prodromakis
Scientific reports 6 (1), 18639, 2016
A data-driven verilog-a reram model
I Messaris, A Serb, S Stathopoulos, A Khiat, S Nikolaidis, T Prodromakis
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 2018
A -Controller-Based System for Interfacing Selectorless RRAM Crossbar Arrays
R Berdan, A Serb, A Khiat, A Regoutz, C Papavassiliou, T Prodromakis
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 62 (7), 2190-2196, 2015
HfO2-based memristors for neuromorphic applications
E Covi, S Brivio, A Serb, T Prodromakis, M Fanciulli, S Spiga
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 393-396, 2016
Experimental study of gradual/abrupt dynamics of HfO2-based memristive devices
S Brivio, E Covi, A Serb, T Prodromakis, M Fanciulli, S Spiga
Applied Physics Letters 109 (13), 2016
Role and Optimization of the Active Oxide Layer in TiO2‐Based RRAM
A Regoutz, I Gupta, A Serb, A Khiat, F Borgatti, TL Lee, C Schlueter, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 26 (4), 507-513, 2016
Practical implementation of memristor-based threshold logic gates
G Papandroulidakis, A Serb, A Khiat, GV Merrett, T Prodromakis
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 66 (8), 3041-3051, 2019
Seamlessly fused digital-analogue reconfigurable computing using memristors
A Serb, A Khiat, T Prodromakis
Nature communications 9 (1), 2170, 2018
Implementation of a spike-based perceptron learning rule using TiO2−x memristors
H Mostafa, A Khiat, A Serb, CG Mayr, G Indiveri, T Prodromakis
Frontiers in neuroscience 9, 357, 2015
A memristor SPICE model accounting for synaptic activity dependence
Q Li, A Serb, T Prodromakis, H Xu
PloS one 10 (3), e0120506, 2015
X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Study of TiO2–x Thin Films for Memory Applications
D Carta, G Mountjoy, A Regoutz, A Khiat, A Serb, T Prodromakis
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (8), 4362-4370, 2015
Conductive atomic force microscopy investigation of switching thresholds in titanium dioxide thin films
M Trapatseli, D Carta, A Regoutz, A Khiat, A Serb, I Gupta, T Prodromakis
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (21), 11958-11964, 2015
An RRAM biasing parameter optimizer
A Serb, A Khiat, T Prodromakis
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 62 (11), 3685-3691, 2015
Impact of ultra-thin Al2O3–y layers on TiO2–x ReRAM switching characteristics
M Trapatseli, S Cortese, A Serb, A Khiat, T Prodromakis
Journal of applied physics 121 (18), 2017
Engineering the switching dynamics of TiOx-based RRAM with Al doping
M Trapatseli, A Khiat, S Cortese, A Serb, D Carta, T Prodromakis
Journal of Applied Physics 120 (2), 2016
Practical determination of individual element resistive states in selectorless RRAM arrays
A Serb, W Redman-White, C Papavassiliou, T Prodromakis
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 63 (6), 827-835, 2015
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Articles 1–20