Brian E. Bunnell
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Cited by
The use of virtual reality technology in the treatment of anxiety and other psychiatric disorders
JL Maples-Keller, BE Bunnell, SJ Kim, BO Rothbaum
Harvard review of psychiatry 25 (3), 103-113, 2017
A review of sleep disturbance in children and adolescents with anxiety
WJ Brown, AK Wilkerson, SJ Boyd, D Dewey, F Mesa, BE Bunnell
Journal of sleep research 27 (3), e12635, 2018
The impact of military deployment on children: Placing developmental risk in context
CA Alfano, S Lau, J Balderas, BE Bunnell, DC Beidel
Clinical Psychology Review 43, 17-29, 2016
Evaluation of children with selective mutism and social phobia: A comparison of psychological and psychophysiological arousal
BJ Young, BE Bunnell, DC Beidel
Behavior Modification 36 (4), 525-544, 2012
Informant discrepancies in adult social anxiety disorder assessments: links with contextual variations in observed behavior.
A De Los Reyes, BE Bunnell, DC Beidel
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 122 (2), 376, 2013
A randomized trial of attention training for generalized social phobia: Does attention training change social behavior?
BE Bunnell, DC Beidel, F Mesa
Behavior therapy 44 (4), 662-673, 2013
The Peritraumatic Distress Inventory: Factor structure and predictive validity in traumatically injured patients admitted through a Level I trauma center
BE Bunnell, TM Davidson, KJ Ruggiero
Journal of anxiety disorders 55, 8-13, 2018
An examination of psychopathology and daily impairment in adolescents with social anxiety disorder
F Mesa, DC Beidel, BE Bunnell
PloS one 9 (4), e93668, 2014
Exploring telemental health practice before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic
D Zhu, SR Paige, H Slone, A Gutierrez, C Lutzky, H Hedriana, JF Barrera, ...
Journal of telemedicine and telecare 30 (1), 72-78, 2024
Acceptability of telemedicine features to promote its uptake in practice: a survey of community telemental health providers
BE Bunnell, JF Barrera, SR Paige, D Turner, BM Welch
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (22), 8525, 2020
Automatically identifying social isolation from clinical narratives for patients with prostate Cancer
VJ Zhu, LA Lenert, BE Bunnell, JS Obeid, M Jefferson, CH Halbert
BMC medical informatics and decision making 19, 1-9, 2019
A critical review of negative affect and the application of CBT for PTSD
WJ Brown, D Dewey, BE Bunnell, SJ Boyd, AK Wilkerson, MA Mitchell, ...
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 19 (2), 176-194, 2018
An online peer educational campaign to reduce stigma and improve help seeking in veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder
JL Hamblen, AL Grubaugh, TM Davidson, AL Borkman, BE Bunnell, ...
Telemedicine and e-Health 25 (1), 41-47, 2019
Identifying and predicting intentional self-harm in electronic health record clinical notes: deep learning approach
JS Obeid, J Dahne, S Christensen, S Howard, T Crawford, LJ Frey, ...
JMIR medical informatics 8 (7), e17784, 2020
Measurement invariance of the social phobia and anxiety inventory
BE Bunnell, DL Joseph, DC Beidel
Journal of Anxiety Disorders 27 (1), 84-91, 2013
Extended reality for enhanced telehealth during and beyond COVID-19
T Ong, H Wilczewski, SR Paige, H Soni, BM Welch, BE Bunnell
JMIR Serious Games 9 (3), e26520, 2021
Incorporating technology into the treatment of a 17-year-old female with selective mutism
BE Bunnell, DC Beidel
Clinical Case Studies 12 (4), 291-306, 2013
Rural and urban/suburban families' use of a web-based mental health intervention
BE Bunnell, TM Davidson, D Dewey, M Price, KJ Ruggiero
Telemedicine and e-Health 23 (5), 390-396, 2017
The impact of ecological momentary assessment on posttraumatic stress symptom trajectory
D Dewey, MK McDonald, WJ Brown, SJ Boyd, BE Bunnell, D Schuldberg
Psychiatry Research 230 (2), 300-303, 2015
Quantifying the impact of COVID-19 on telemedicine utilization: retrospective observational study
EL Vogt, BM Welch, BE Bunnell, JF Barrera, SR Paige, M Owens, ...
Interactive journal of medical research 11 (1), e29880, 2022
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Articles 1–20