Vinu Subashini Rajus
Cited by
Cited by
A review of select human-building interfaces and their relationship to human behavior, energy use and occupant comfort
JK Day, C McIlvennie, C Brackley, M Tarantini, C Piselli, J Hahn, ...
Building and environment 178, 106920, 2020
An international review of occupant-related aspects of building energy codes and standards
W O'Brien, F Tahmasebi, RK Andersen, E Azar, V Barthelmes, ZD Belafi, ...
Building and environment 179, 106906, 2020
DEVS-based building information modeling and simulation for emergency evacuation
S Wang, M Van Schyndel, G Wainer, VS Rajus, R Woodbury
Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 1-12, 2012
Occupancy analysis using building information modeling and Cell-DEVS simulation
S Wang, G Wainer, VS Rajus, R Woodbury
Proceedings of the Symposium on Theory of Modeling & Simulation-DEVS …, 2013
Cell-DEVS models with BIM integration for airborne transmission of COVID-19 indoors
T Altamimi, H Khalil, VS Rajus, R Carriere, G Wainer
Symposium on Simulation in Architecture and Urban Design SimAUD, 2021
Measured data reliability for building performance and maintenance
VS Rajus, J Boi-Ukeme, RS Jiresal, NA Risopatrón, P Nojedehi, G Wainer, ...
IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine 25 (1), 55-61, 2022
Collaboration in Parametric Design
VS Rajus, R Woodbury, HI Erhan, BE Riecke, V Mueller
ACADIA2010, 320-326, 2010
A cloud-based workflow for the integration of BIM to DEVS
VS Rajus, M Patel, R Cárdenas, O Kawach, G Wainer
Proceedings of the 2021 Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban …, 2021
Mitigating the negative impact of new buildings on existing buildings’ user comfort—a case study analysis
VS Rajus, NA Risopatron, W O’Brien, G Wainer, S Fai
Simulation 99 (11), 1095-1115, 2023
Indoor localization and building occupancy count estimation using LTE-A ultra-dense networks
A Al-Habashna, VS Rajus, NA Risopatron, C Ruiz-Martin, S Fai, L O'Brien, ...
Proceedings of the 11th Annual Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and …, 2020
Light weight look ahead options for personal interaction in buildings
VS Rajus, R Woodbury
Proceedings of the Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design …, 2018
Software Architecture For Integrating Devs Simulation Into BIM
M Patel, VS Rajus, G Wainer
2022 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM), 670-681, 2022
Understanding the needs and challenges of occupant-centric building design among stakeholders: a review
T Abuimara, VS Rajus, Q Jin, M Noguchi, J Zhou
International Conference on Zero Energy Mass Custom Home 2019, 348-354, 2019
6 Introduction to Occupant Modeling
W O’brien, D Calì, M De Simone, A Tabadkani, E Azar, VS Rajus, P Agee, ...
Occupant-Centric Simulation-Aided Building Design, 104, 2023
Personas to understand occupant behavior and energy usage
V Subashini Rajus, W O'Brien, G Wainer
Building Simulation 2021 17, 3720-3727, 2021
Light weight look ahead: Eco-dialogues between buildings and their inhabitants
VS Rajus
Simon Fraser University, 2018
Information Visualization for Sustainable Building Design
V Rajus, R Woodbury
Communicating occupant-related assumptions during design: common practice and challenges
T Abuimara, VS Rajus, W O'Brien, B Gunay
Inhabitants’ Adaptive Strategies: A Case of Interactive Control in Residential Buildings Vinu Subashini Rajus, Robert Woodbury1 1School of Interactive Arts & Technology, Simon …
VS Rajus, R Woodbury
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Articles 1–19