Valentin A.Zagrebnov
Valentin A.Zagrebnov
Institut de mathématiques de Marseille - AMU
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On the purity of the limiting Gibbs state for the Ising model on the Bethe lattice
PM Bleher, J Ruiz, VA Zagrebnov
Journal of Statistical Physics 79 (1), 473-482, 1995
The Bogoliubov model of weakly imperfect Bose gas
VA Zagrebnov, JB Bru
Physics reports 350 (5-6), 291-434, 2001
Geometry of quantum principal bundles I
M Durdević
Communications in Mathematical Physics 175, 457-520, 1996
Potential approximations to δ': an inverse Klauder phenomenon with norm-resolvent convergence
P Exner, H Neidhardt, VA Zagrebnov
Communications in Mathematical Physics 224 (3), 593-612, 2001
Gibbs semigroups
VA Zagrebnov, VA Zagrebnov
Gibbs Semigroups, 99-142, 2019
Phase transitions and algebra of fluctuation operators in an exactly soluble model of a quantum anharmonic crystal
A Verbeure, VA Zagrebnov
Journal of statistical physics 69 (1), 329-359, 1992
Lieb-Robinson bounds and existence of the thermodynamic limit for a class of irreversible quantum dynamics
B Nachtergaele, A Vershynina, VA Zagrebnov
AMS Contemporary Mathematics 552, 161-175, 2011
A quantum crystal model in the light-mass limit: Gibbs states
RA Minlos, A Verbeure, VA Zagrebnov
Reviews in mathematical physics 12 (7), 981, 2000
The Casimir effect for the Bose-gas in slabs
PA Martin, VA Zagrebnov
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 73, 15, 2006
On error estimates for the Trotter–Kato product formula
H Neidhardt, VA Zagrebnov
Letters in Mathematical Physics 44 (3), 169-186, 1998
Trotter–Kato product formula and operator-norm convergence
H Neidhardt, VA Zagrebnov
Communications in mathematical physics 205 (1), 129-159, 1999
Topics in the Theory of Gibbs Semigroups, Leuven Notes in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics, Vol. 10
VA Zagrebnov
Leuven University Press, 2003
A lattice model of liquid crystals with matrix order parameter
N Angelescu, VA Zagrebnov
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 15, L639, 1982
Linear non-autonomous Cauchy problems and evolution semigroups
H Neidhardt, VA Zagrebnov
Note on the Paper “The Norm Convergence¶ of the Trotter–Kato Product Formula with Error Bound” by Ichinose and Tamura
T Ichinose, H Tamura, H Tamura, VA Zagrebnov
Communications in Mathematical Physics 221 (3), 499-510, 2001
The approximating Hamiltonian method in statistical physics
NN Bogolubov Jr, JG Brankov, VA Zagrebnov, AM Kurbatov, NS Tonchev
Publishing House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 1981
On the existence of the dynamics for anharmonic quantum oscillator systems
B Nachtergaele, B Schlein, R Sims, S Starr, V Zagrebnov
Reviews in Mathematical Physics 22 (02), 207-231, 2010
On Bogoliubov's model of superfluidity
N Angelescu, A Verbeure, VA Zagrebnov
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 25, 3473, 1992
Asymptotically exact solution for the generalized Dicke model
JG Brankov, VA Zagrebnov, NS Tonchev
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, 1974
Some classes of exactly soluble models of problems in Quantum Statistical Mechanics: the method of the approximating Hamiltonian
JG Brankov, VA Zagrebnov, AM Kurbatov, NS Tonchev
Russian Mathematical Surveys 39, 1, 1984
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Articles 1–20