Milad Aminzadeh
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Cited by
A generalized complementary relationship between actual and potential evaporation defined by a reference surface temperature
M Aminzadeh, ML Roderick, D Or
Water Resources Research 52 (1), 385-406, 2016
Evaporation suppression and energy balance of water reservoirs covered with self-assembling floating elements
M Aminzadeh, P Lehmann, D Or
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (7), 4015-4032, 2018
Energy partitioning dynamics of drying terrestrial surfaces
M Aminzadeh, D Or
Journal of hydrology 519, 1257-1270, 2014
Evaporation suppression from water bodies using floating covers: Laboratory studies of cover type, wind, and radiation effects
P Lehmann, M Aminzadeh, D Or
Water Resources Research 55 (6), 4839-4853, 2019
Temperature dynamics during nonisothermal evaporation from drying porous surfaces
M Aminzadeh, D Or
Water Resources Research 49 (11), 7339-7349, 2013
On the motion of Newtonian and non-Newtonian liquid drops
M Aminzadeh, A Maleki, B Firoozabadi, H Afshin
Scientia Iranica 19 (5), 1265-1278, 2012
The effect of floating balls density on evaporation suppression of water reservoirs in the presence of surface flows
A Rezazadeh, P Akbarzadeh, M Aminzadeh
Journal of Hydrology 591, 125323, 2020
The complementary relationship between actual and potential evaporation for spatially heterogeneous surfaces
M Aminzadeh, D Or
Water Resources Research 53, 2017
Pore-scale study of thermal fields during evaporation from drying porous surfaces
M Aminzadeh, D Or
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 104, 1189-1201, 2017
The effects of shallow saline groundwater on evaporation, soil moisture, and temperature distribution in the presence of straw mulch
A Yusefi, A Farrokhian Firouzi, M Aminzadeh
Hydrology Research 51 (4), 720-738, 2020
Effects of microplastics on evaporation dynamics in porous media
S Jannesarahmadi, M Aminzadeh, R Raga, N Shokri
Chemosphere, 137023, 2023
Characteristics of turbulent airflow deduced from rapid surface thermal fluctuations: an infrared surface anemometer
M Aminzadeh, D Breitenstein, D Or
Boundary-layer meteorology 165 (3), 519-534, 2017
Effects of floating covers used for evaporation suppression on reservoir physical, chemical, and biological water quality parameters
M Bakhtiar, M Aminzadeh, M Taheriyoun, D Or, E Mashayekh
Ecohydrology, e2470, 2022
Using the complementary relationship between actual and potential evaporation to diagnose the onset of heatwaves
M Aminzadeh, ML Roderick, D Or
Water Resources Research 57 (11), e2020WR029156, 2021
Effect of mulch on soil moisture, temperature and heat flux variation in the presence of shallow groundwater
A Yusefi, A Farrokhian Firouzi, M Aminzadeh
Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research 50 (9), 2213-2225, 2020
Evaporation loss from small agricultural reservoirs in a warming climate: An overlooked component of water accounting
M Aminzadeh, N Friedrich, S Narayanaswamy, K Madani, N Shokri
Earth's Future 12 (1), e2023EF004050, 2024
Upper bounds of maximum land surface temperatures in a warming climate and limits to plant growth
M Aminzadeh, D Or, B Stevens, A AghaKouchak, N Shokri
Earth's future 11 (9), e2023EF003755, 2023
Modelling and Experimental Investigation of the Evaporation Suppression Using Floating Covers in the Presence of Surface Flows
A Rezazadeh, P Akbarzadeh, M Aminzadeh
Amirkabir J. Mech. Eng 53 (1), 1-3, 2020
Numerical investigation of pollution transport around a single non-submerged spur dike
A Montazeri, A Abedini, M Aminzadeh
Journal of contaminant hydrology 248, 104018, 2022
Wet-environment Evapotranspiration and Precipitation Standardized Index (WEPSI) for drought assessment and monitoring
A Khoshnazar, GA Corzo Perez, V Diaz Mercado, M Aminzadeh, ...
Hydrology Research, 2022
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Articles 1–20