Marco A. R. Mello
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Cited by
The missing part of seed dispersal networks: structure and robustness of bat-fruit interactions
MAR Mello, FMD Marquitti, PR Guimaraes Jr, EKV Kalko, P Jordano, ...
PLoS One 6 (2), e17395, 2011
Bat species richness in Atlantic Forest: what is the minimum sampling effort?
HG Bergallo, CEL Esbérard, MAR Mello, V Lins, R Mangolin, GGS Melo, ...
Biotropica 35 (2), 278-288, 2003
Keystone species in seed dispersal networks are mainly determined by dietary specialization
MAR Mello, FA Rodrigues, LF Costa, WD Kissling, ÇH Şekercioğlu, ...
Oikos 124 (8), 1031-1039, 2015
The modularity of seed dispersal: differences in structure and robustness between bat–and bird–fruit networks
MAR Mello, FMD Marquitti, PR Guimarães, EKV Kalko, P Jordano, ...
Oecologia 167, 131-140, 2011
Diet and Abundance of the Bat Sturnira lilium (Chiroptera) in a Brazilian Montane Atlantic Forest
MAR Mello, EKV Kalko, WR Silva
Journal of Mammalogy 89 (2), 485-492, 2008
Seasonal variation in the diet of the bat Carollia perspicillata (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) in an Atlantic Forest area in southeastern Brazil
MAR Mello, GM Schittini, P Selig, HG Bergallo
Walter de Gruyter 68 (1), 49-55, 2004
Invasive Africanized honeybees change the structure of native pollination networks in Brazil
GM de M. Santos, CML Aguiar, J Genini, CF Martins, FCV Zanella, ...
Biological Invasions 14, 2369-2378, 2012
Pollination networks of oil‐flowers: a tiny world within the smallest of all worlds
ELS Bezerra, IC Machado, MAR Mello
Journal of Animal Ecology 78 (5), 1096-1101, 2009
ATLANTIC BATS: a data set of bat communities from the Atlantic Forests of South America
RL Muylaert, RD Stevens, CEL Esbérard, MAR Mello, GST Garbino, ...
Ecology 98 (12), 3227-3227, 2017
A test of the effects of climate and fruiting of Piper species (Piperaceae) on reproductive patterns of the bat Carollia perspicillata (Phyllostomidae)
MAR Mello, GM Schittini, P Selig, HG Bergallo
Acta Chiropterologica 6 (2), 309-318, 2004
Hierarchical fruit selection by Neotropical leaf-nosed bats (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae)
TY Andrade, W Thies, PK Rogeri, EKV Kalko, MAR Mello
Journal of Mammalogy 94 (5), 1094-1101, 2013
Flower-visiting guild associated with the Caatinga flora: trophic interaction networks formed by social bees and social wasps with plants
GM de Mendonça Santos, CML Aguiar, MAR Mello
Apidologie 41 (4), 466-475, 2010
Temporal variation in the organization of a Neotropical assemblage of leaf-nosed bats (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae)
MAR Mello
Acta Oecologica 35 (2), 280-286, 2009
Movements of the bat Sturnira lilium and its role as a seed disperser of Solanaceae in the Brazilian Atlantic forest
MAR Mello, EKV Kalko, WR Silva
Journal of Tropical Ecology 24 (2), 225-228, 2008
Insights into the assembly rules of a continent-wide multilayer network
MAR Mello, GM Felix, RBP Pinheiro, RL Muylaert, C Geiselman, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 3 (11), 1525-1532, 2019
Effects of land use on bat diversity in a complex plantation–forest landscape in northeastern Brazil
K Heer, M Helbig-Bonitz, RG Fernandes, MAR Mello, EKV Kalko
Journal of Mammalogy 96 (4), 720-731, 2015
ATLANTIC MAMMAL TRAITS: a data set of morphological traits of mammals in the Atlantic Forest of South America
F Gonçalves, RS Bovendorp, G Beca, C Bello, R Costa‐Pereira, ...
Ecology 99 (2), 498-498, 2018
An overview of Brazilian mammalogy: trends, biases and future directions
D Brito, LC Oliveira, M Oprea, MAR Mello
Zoologia (Curitiba, Impresso) 26 (1), 67-73, 2009
Ambient temperature is more important than food availability in explaining reproductive timing of the bat Sturnira lilium (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in a montane Atlantic Forest
MAR Mello, EKV Kalko, WR Silva
Canadian Journal of Zoology 87 (3), 239-245, 2009
Duality of interaction outcomes in a plant–frugivore multilayer network
CM Genrich, MAR Mello, FAO Silveira, JL Bronstein, AP Paglia
Oikos 126 (3), 361-368, 2017
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Articles 1–20