Xing-Gang Yan
Cited by
Cited by
Nonlinear robust fault reconstruction and estimation using a sliding mode observer
XG Yan, C Edwards
Automatica 43 (9), 1605-1614, 2007
Higher‐order sliding‐mode observer for state estimation and input reconstruction in nonlinear systems
L Fridman, Y Shtessel, C Edwards, XG Yan
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2008
A novel adaptive neural network constrained control for a multi-area interconnected power system with hybrid energy storage
D Xu, J Liu, XG Yan, W Yan
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65 (8), 6625-6634, 2017
Robust sliding mode observer-based actuator fault detection and isolation for a class of nonlinear systems
XG Yan, C Edwards
International Journal of Systems Science 39 (4), 349-359, 2008
Decentralised robust sliding mode control for a class of nonlinear interconnected systems by static output feedback
XG Yan, C Edwards, SK Spurgeon
Automatica 40 (4), 613-620, 2004
Adaptive sliding-mode-observer-based fault reconstruction for nonlinear systems with parametric uncertainties
XG Yan, C Edwards
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 55 (11), 4029-4036, 2008
Sliding mode control for singular stochastic Markovian jump systems with uncertainties
Q Zhang, L Li, XG Yan, SK Spurgeon
Automatica 79, 27-34, 2017
Robust decentralized actuator fault detection and estimation for large-scale systems using a sliding mode observer
XG Yan, C Edwards
International Journal of control 81 (4), 591-606, 2008
Sliding mode control for time-varying delayed systems based on a reduced-order observer
XG Yan, SK Spurgeon, C Edwards
Automatica 46 (8), 1354-1362, 2010
Adaptive fault-tolerant sliding-mode control for high-speed trains with actuator faults and uncertainties
Z Mao, XG Yan, B Jiang, M Chen
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 21 (6), 2449-2460, 2019
Sliding mode observer based incipient sensor fault detection with application to high-speed railway traction device
K Zhang, B Jiang, XG Yan, Z Mao
ISA transactions 63, 49-59, 2016
Decentralized output feedback robust stabilization for a class of nonlinear interconnected systems with similarity
XG Yan, JJ Wang, XY Lu, SY Zhang
Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on 43 (2), 294-299, 1998
On the solvability of the constrained Lyapunov problem
C Edwards, XG Yan, SK Spurgeon
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 52 (10), 1982-1987, 2007
Observer-Based Fuzzy Integral Sliding Mode Control For Nonlinear Descriptor Systems
J Li, Q Zhang, XG Yan, S Spurgeon
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 26 (5), 2818-2832, 2018
Analysis and Design of Singular Markovian Jump Systems
G Wang, Q Zhang, X Yan
Springer Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London, 2015
Integral Sliding Mode Control for Markovian Jump TS Fuzzy Descriptor Systems Based on the Super-Twisting Algorithm
J Li, Q Zhang, X Yan, S Spurgeon
IET Control Theory & Applications 11 (8), 1134-1143, 2017
Memoryless Static Output Feedback Sliding Mode Control for Nonlinear Systems With Delayed Disturbances
XG Yan, SK Spurgeon, C Edwards
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 59 (7), 1906-1912, 2014
Variable Structure Control of Complex Systems: Analysis and Design
XG Yan, SK Spurgeon, C Edwards
Springer International Publishing, 2017
State and Parameter Estimation for Nonlinear Delay Systems Using Sliding Mode Techniques
XG Yan, S Spurgeon, C Edwards
Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on 58 (4), 1023 - 1029, 2013
Distributed Fault Estimation and Fault-Tolerant Control of Interconnected Systems
K Zhang, B Jiang, M Chen, XG Yan
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 51 (3), 1230-1239, 2021
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