Suzana M Lobo
Suzana M Lobo
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Cited by
Surviving sepsis campaign: international guidelines for management of sepsis and septic shock 2021
L Evans, A Rhodes, W Alhazzani, M Antonelli, CM Coopersmith, C French, ...
Critical care medicine 49 (11), e1063-e1143, 2021
Elective surgery cancellations due to the COVID-19 pandemic: global predictive modelling to inform surgical recovery plans
Journal of British Surgery 107 (11), 1440-1449, 2020
C-reactive protein levels correlate with mortality and organ failure in critically ill patients
SMA Lobo, FRM Lobo, DP Bota, F Lopes-Ferreira, HM Soliman, C Meélot, ...
Chest 123 (6), 2043-2049, 2003
Global patient outcomes after elective surgery: prospective cohort study in 27 low-, middle-and high-income countries
BJA: British Journal of Anaesthesia 117 (5), 601-609, 2016
Characteristics and outcomes of patients with cancer requiring admission to intensive care units: A prospective multicenter study*
M Soares, P Caruso, E Silva, JMM Teles, S Lobo, G Friedman, ...
Critical care medicine 38 (1), 9, 2010
Effects of maximizing oxygen delivery on morbidity and mortality in high-risk surgical patients
SMA Lobo, PF Salgado, VGT Castillo, AA Borim, CA Polachini, ...
Critical care medicine 28 (10), 3396-3404, 2000
Effect of a recombinant human soluble thrombomodulin on mortality in patients with sepsis-associated coagulopathy: the SCARLET randomized clinical trial
JL Vincent, B Francois, I Zabolotskikh, MK Daga, JB Lascarrou, MY Kirov, ...
Jama 321 (20), 1993-2002, 2019
Executive summary: surviving sepsis campaign: international guidelines for the management of sepsis and septic shock 2021
L Evans, A Rhodes, W Alhazzani, M Antonelli, CM Coopersmith, C French, ...
Critical care medicine 49 (11), 1974-1982, 2021
Sarilumab in patients admitted to hospital with severe or critical COVID-19: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial
FX Lescure, H Honda, RA Fowler, JS Lazar, G Shi, P Wung, N Patel, ...
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 9 (5), 522-532, 2021
Development of ionized hypomagnesemia is associated with higher mortality rates
HM Soliman, D Mercan, SSM Lobo, C Mélot, JL Vincent
Critical care medicine 31 (4), 1082-1087, 2003
Effect of intravenous fluid treatment with a balanced solution vs 0.9% saline solution on mortality in critically ill patients: the BaSICS randomized clinical trial
FG Zampieri, FR Machado, RS Biondi, FGR Freitas, VC Veiga, ...
Jama 326 (9), 818-829, 2021
Evaluation and initial management of acute kidney injury
J Himmelfarb, M Joannidis, B Molitoris, M Schietz, MD Okusa, D Warnock, ...
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 3 (4), 962-967, 2008
A multicentre, prospective study to evaluate costs of septic patients in Brazilian intensive care units
AMC Sogayar, FR Machado, A Rea-Neto, A Dornas, CMC Grion, ...
Pharmacoeconomics 26, 425-434, 2008
Outcomes for patients with cancer admitted to the ICU requiring ventilatory support: results from a prospective multicenter study
LCP Azevedo, P Caruso, UVA Silva, AP Torelly, E Silva, E Rezende, ...
Chest 146 (2), 257-266, 2014
Noninvasive ventilation immediately after extubation improves weaning outcome after acute respiratory failure: a randomized controlled trial
SR Ornico, SM Lobo, HS Sanches, M Deberaldini, LT Tófoli, AM Vidal, ...
Critical Care 17, 1-10, 2013
The surgical safety checklist and patient outcomes after surgery: a prospective observational cohort study, systematic review and meta-analysis
TEF Abbott, T Ahmad, MK Phull, AJ Fowler, R Hewson, BM Biccard, ...
British journal of anaesthesia 120 (1), 146-155, 2018
Patterns and early evolution of organ failure in the intensive care unit and their relation to outcome
Y Sakr, SM Lobo, RP Moreno, H Gerlach, VM Ranieri, A Michalopoulos, ...
Critical care 16, 1-9, 2012
Restrictive strategy of intraoperative fluid maintenance during optimization of oxygen delivery decreases major complications after high-risk surgery
SM Lobo, LS Ronchi, NE Oliveira, PG Brandão, A Froes, GS Cunrath, ...
Critical care 15, 1-11, 2011
Anemia and blood transfusion in a surgical intensive care unit
Y Sakr, S Lobo, S Knuepfer, E Esser, M Bauer, U Settmacher, D Barz, ...
Critical care 14, 1-10, 2010
Recombinant Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor in Severe Community-acquired Pneumonia A Randomized Trial
RG Wunderink, PF Laterre, B Francois, D Perrotin, A Artigas, LO Vidal, ...
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 183 (11), 1561-1568, 2011
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