Santiago Espinosa
Cited by
Cited by
An empirical evaluation of camera trap study design: How many, how long and when?
R Kays, BS Arbogast, M Baker‐Whatton, C Beirne, HM Boone, M Bowler, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11 (6), 700-713, 2020
Standardized assessment of biodiversity trends in tropical forest protected areas: the end is not in sight
L Beaudrot, JA Ahumada, T O'Brien, P Alvarez-Loayza, K Boekee, ...
PLoS biology 14 (1), e1002357, 2016
Prey availability and temporal partitioning modulate felid coexistence in Neotropical forests
F Santos, C Carbone, OR Wearn, JM Rowcliffe, S Espinosa, MGM Lima, ...
PloS one 14 (3), e0213671, 2019
Human-wildlife conflict and environmental education: Evaluating a community program to protect the Andean bear in Ecuador
S Espinosa, SK Jacobson
The Journal of Environmental Education 43 (1), 55-65, 2012
Road development and the geography of hunting by an Amazonian indigenous group: consequences for wildlife conservation
S Espinosa, LC Branch, R Cueva
PloS one 9 (12), e114916, 2014
When roads appear jaguars decline: Increased access to an Amazonian wilderness area reduces potential for jaguar conservation
S Espinosa, G Celis, LC Branch
PloS one 13 (1), e0189740, 2018
Pan‐tropical prediction of forest structure from the largest trees
JF Bastin, E Rutishauser, JR Kellner, S Saatchi, R Pélissier, B Hérault, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 27 (11), 1366-1383, 2018
Global camera trap synthesis highlights the importance of protected areas in maintaining mammal diversity
C Chen, JF Brodie, R Kays, TJ Davies, R Liu, JT Fisher, J Ahumada, ...
Conservation Letters 15 (2), e12865, 2022
NEOTROPICAL CARNIVORES: a data set on carnivore distribution in the Neotropics
M Nagy‐Reis, JEF Oshima, CZ Kanda, FBL Palmeira, FR de Melo, ...
Ecology 101 (11), e03128, 2020
A graduate education framework for tropical conservation and development
KA Kainer, M Schmink, H Covert, JR Stepp, EM Bruna, JL Dain, ...
Conservation biology 20 (1), 3-13, 2006
Tropical mammal functional diversity increases with productivity but decreases with anthropogenic disturbance
D Gorczynski, C Hsieh, JT Luciano, J Ahumada, S Espinosa, S Johnson, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1945), 20202098, 2021
A standardized assessment of forest mammal communities reveals consistent functional composition and vulnerability across the tropics
F Rovero, J Ahumada, PA Jansen, D Sheil, P Alvarez, K Boekee, ...
Ecography 43 (1), 75-84, 2020
Hunters landscape accessibility and daily activity of ungulates in Yasuní Biosphere Reserve, Ecuador
S Espinosa, J Salvador
Therya 8 (1), 45-52, 2017
Consistent diel activity patterns of forest mammals among tropical regions
AF Vallejo-Vargas, D Sheil, A Semper-Pascual, L Beaudrot, JA Ahumada, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 7102, 2022
Local ecological knowledge reveals combined landscape effects of light pollution, habitat loss, and fragmentation on insect populations
LF Camacho, G Barragán, S Espinosa
Biological Conservation 262, 109311, 2021
Density and activity patterns of ocelot populations in Yasuní National Park, Ecuador
J Salvador, S Espinosa
Mammalia 80 (4), 395-403, 2016
Geography of roadkills within the Tropical Andes Biodiversity Hotspot: Poorly known vertebrates are part of the toll
P Medrano‐Vizcaíno, S Espinosa
Biotropica 53 (3), 820-830, 2021
Site and species contribution to β-diversity in terrestrial mammal communities: Evidence from multiple Neotropical forest sites
F Santos, MGM Lima, S Espinosa, JA Ahumada, PA Jansen, ...
Science of the Total Environment 789, 147946, 2021
Activity patterns of tayra (Eira barbara) across their distribution
ÁJ Villafañe-Trujillo, JM Kolowski, MV Cove, EP Medici, BJ Harmsen, ...
Journal of Mammalogy 102 (3), 772-788, 2021
An empirical evaluation of camera trap study design: how many, how long and when? Methods Ecol Evol 11: 700–713
R Kays, BS Arbogast, M Baker-Whatton, C Beirne, HM Boone, M Bowler, ...
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