Marie Eden
Marie Eden
Thünen Institut - Agrartechnologie
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Organic waste recycling in agriculture and related effects on soil water retention and plant available water: a review
M Eden, HH Gerke, S Houot
Agronomy for sustainable development 37 (2), 11, 2017
Multi-criteria indices to evaluate the effects of repeated organic amendment applications on soil and crop quality
F Obriot, M Stauffer, Y Goubard, N Cheviron, G Peres, M Eden, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 232, 165-178, 2016
Revealing soil structure and functional macroporosity along a clay gradient using X‐ray computed tomography
M Naveed, P Moldrup, E Arthur, D Wildenschild, M Eden, M Lamandé, ...
Soil Science Society of America Journal 77 (2), 403-411, 2013
Compaction and rotovation effects on soil pore characteristics of a loamy sand soil with contrasting organic matter content
M Eden, P Schjønning, P Moldrup, LW De Jonge
Soil use and Management 27 (3), 340-349, 2011
Two‐chamber, two‐gas and one‐chamber, one‐gas methods for measuring the soil‐gas diffusion coefficient: Validation and inter‐calibration
P Schjønning, M Eden, P Moldrup, LW de Jonge
Soil Science Society of America Journal 77 (3), 729-740, 2013
Soil physical properties of a Luvisol developed on loess after 15 years of amendment with compost
R Paradelo, M Eden, I Martínez, T Keller, S Houot
Soil and Tillage Research 191, 207-215, 2019
Linking soil physical parameters along a density gradient in a loess-soil long-term experiment
M Eden, P Moldrup, P Schjønning, HJ Vogel, KM Scow, LW de Jonge
Soil science 177 (1), 1-11, 2012
Soil structure of a clay loam as affected by long-term tillage and residue management
M Eden, J Bachmann, C Cavalaris, S Kostopoulou, M Kozaiti, J Böttcher
Soil and Tillage Research 204, 104734, 2020
Soil-gas phase transport and structure parameters for a soil under different management regimes and at two moisture levels
M Eden, P Moldrup, P Schjønning, KM Scow, LW de Jonge
Soil science 177 (9), 527-534, 2012
Vertical distribution of 137Cs in the contaminated soil of a spruce forest in Southern Germany 12 years after regeneration cutting
J Eden,M., Felbermeier, B., Mosandl, R., Völkel
Forest Ecology and Management, 2017
Fluvial landscape development in the southwestern Kalahari during the Holocene–Chronology and provenance of fluvial deposits in the Molopo Canyon
A Ramisch, O Bens, JP Buylaert, M Eden, K Heine, K Hürkamp, ...
Geomorphology 281, 94-107, 2017
Fluvial sediments and playa deposits of the Naukluft Mts. foreland and Tsauchab Valley, Namibia-new insights from key sections in the Late Quaternary landscape and climate …
J Völkel, O Bens, M Eden, L Krauß, AS Murray, K Heine
Characterization of soil structure in Neuras, a Namibian desert-vineyard
M Eden, O Bens, S Betz, J Völkel
DIE ERDE–Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin 151 (4), 207-226, 2020
Simulation with the NCSOIL model of carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a loamy soil after various compost applications [Conference poster].
PE Noirot-Cosson, L Bréchet, JM Gilliot, M Eden, J Molina, JN Rampon, ...
Effects of mechanical impact on soil pore characteristics in soils with different organic matter content
M Eden, P Schjønning, LW de Jonge, P Moldrup
ISTRO 18th Triennial Conference Proceedings, T4-012, 2009
Agriculture Field Shape Parameters on NUTS-3 level for Wind erosion research estimated based on the Image2000 archive
HI Reuter, M Eden
Soil formation in the Tsauchab Valley, Namibia
M Eden, O Bens, A Ramisch, D Schwindt, J Völkel
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-4182, 2016
Chronology and provenance of alluvial fills in the dry valley environment of the lower Molopo River, southern Kalahari
A Ramisch, O Bens, M Eden, K Hürkamp, D Schwindt, J Völkel
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-13257, 2016
Slopes, Fans, Terraces and their Soils-A three Systems Approach for Estimating Future Climate and Land-Use Change
J Voelkel, O Bens, M Eden, A Ramisch
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, GC41B-1087, 2015
Fluvial Sediments as GeoArchives in the Tsauchab Valley, Namibia
J Völkel, O Bens, M Eden, K Heine, K Hürkamp
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 3763, 2015
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Articles 1–20