Gregory L Poe
Gregory L Poe
Professor of Applied Economics and Management
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Computational methods for measuring the difference of empirical distributions
GL Poe, KL Giraud, JB Loomis
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87 (2), 353-365, 2005
Elicitation effects in contingent valuation: comparisons to a multiple bounded discrete choice approach
MP Welsh, GL Poe
Journal of environmental economics and management 36 (2), 170-185, 1998
Alternative non-market value-elicitation methods: are the underlying preferences the same?
TA Cameron, GL Poe, RG Ethier, WD Schulze
Journal of Environmental Economics and management 44 (3), 391-425, 2002
Provision point mechanisms and field validity tests of contingent valuation
GL Poe, JE Clark, D Rondeau, WD Schulze
Environmental and resource economics 23, 105-131, 2002
Measuring the Difference (X — Y) of Simulated Distributions: A Convolutions Approach
GL Poe, EK Severance‐Lossin, MP Welsh
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 76 (4), 904-915, 1994
Voluntary revelation of the demand for public goods using a provision point mechanism
D Rondeau, WD Schulze, GL Poe
Journal of public Economics 72 (3), 455-470, 1999
The structure of motivation for contingent values: a case study of lake water quality improvement
P Cooper, GL Poe, IJ Bateman
Ecological Economics 50 (1-2), 69-82, 2004
A comparison of hypothetical phone and mail contingent valuation responses for green-pricing electricity programs
RG Ethier, GL Poe, WD Schulze, J Clark
Land Economics, 54-67, 2000
What do we know about groundwater values? Preliminary implications from a meta analysis of contingent-valuation studies
KJ Boyle, GL Poe, JC Bergstrom
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 76 (5), 1055-1061, 1994
On visible choice sets and scope sensitivity
IJ Bateman, M Cole, P Cooper, S Georgiou, D Hadley, GL Poe
Journal of environmental economics and management 47 (1), 71-93, 2004
Can hypothetical questions reveal true values? A laboratory comparison of dichotomous choice and open-ended contingent values with auction values
E Balistreri, G McClelland, G Poe, W Schulze
Environmental and Resource Economics 18, 275-292, 2001
The private provision of public goods: tests of a provision point mechanism for funding green power programs
SK Rose, J Clark, GL Poe, D Rondeau, WD Schulze
Resource and energy economics 24 (1-2), 131-155, 2002
VCM or PPM? A comparison of the performance of two voluntary public goods mechanisms
D Rondeau, GL Poe, WD Schulze
Journal of public economics 89 (8), 1581-1592, 2005
Measuring the difference in mean willingness to pay when dichotomous choice contingent valuation responses are not independent
GL Poe, MP Welsh, PA Champ
Land economics, 255-267, 1997
Decoy effects in choice experiments and contingent valuation: asymmetric dominance
IJ Bateman, A Munro, GL Poe
Land Economics 84 (1), 115-127, 2008
Payment certainty in discrete choice contingent valuation responses: results from a field validity test
CA Vossler, RG Ethier, GL Poe, MP Welsh
Southern Economic Journal 69 (4), 886-902, 2003
Exploring the performance of ambient-based policy instruments when nonpoint source polluters can cooperate
GL Poe, WD Schulze, K Segerson, JF Suter, CA Vossler
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 86 (5), 1203-1210, 2004
Valuing the incremental benefits of groundwater protection when exposure levels are known
GL Poe, RC Bishop
Environmental and Resource Economics 13, 341-367, 1999
Communication and incentive mechanisms based on group performance: an experimental study of nonpoint pollution control
CA Vossler, GL Poe, WD Schulze, K Segerson
Economic Inquiry 44 (4), 599-613, 2006
Economic valuation of policies for managing acidity in remote mountain lakes: Examining validity through scope sensitivity testing
IJ Bateman, P Cooper, S Georgiou, S Navrud, GL Poe, RC Ready, ...
Aquatic Sciences 67, 274-291, 2005
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