Early brain development in infants at high risk for autism spectrum disorder HC Hazlett, H Gu, BC Munsell, SH Kim, M Styner, JJ Wolff, JT Elison, ... Nature 542 (7641), 348-351, 2017 | 1191 | 2017 |
Differences in white matter fiber tract development present from 6 to 24 months in infants with autism JJ Wolff, H Gu, G Gerig, JT Elison, M Styner, S Gouttard, KN Botteron, ... American journal of Psychiatry 169 (6), 589-600, 2012 | 840 | 2012 |
Functional neuroimaging of high-risk 6-month-old infants predicts a diagnosis of autism at 24 months of age RW Emerson, C Adams, T Nishino, HC Hazlett, JJ Wolff, L Zwaigenbaum, ... Science translational medicine 9 (393), eaag2882, 2017 | 405 | 2017 |
White matter microstructure and atypical visual orienting in 7-month-olds at risk for autism JT Elison, SJ Paterson, JJ Wolff, JS Reznick, NJ Sasson, H Gu, ... American Journal of Psychiatry 170 (8), 899-908, 2013 | 323 | 2013 |
Altered corpus callosum morphology associated with autism over the first 2 years of life JJ Wolff, G Gerig, JD Lewis, T Soda, MA Styner, C Vachet, KN Botteron, ... Brain 138 (7), 2046-2058, 2015 | 239 | 2015 |
Longitudinal patterns of repetitive behavior in toddlers with autism JJ Wolff, KN Botteron, SR Dager, JT Elison, AM Estes, H Gu, HC Hazlett, ... Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 55 (8), 945-953, 2014 | 226 | 2014 |
Joint attention and brain functional connectivity in infants and toddlers AT Eggebrecht, JT Elison, E Feczko, A Todorov, JJ Wolff, S Kandala, ... Cerebral Cortex 27 (3), 1709-1720, 2017 | 169 | 2017 |
Early motor abilities in infants at heightened versus low risk for ASD: A Baby Siblings Research Consortium (BSRC) study. JM Iverson, F Shic, CA Wall, K Chawarska, S Curtin, A Estes, JM Gardner, ... Journal of abnormal psychology 128 (1), 69, 2019 | 141 | 2019 |
Repetitive behavior in 12-month-olds later classified with autism spectrum disorder JT Elison, JJ Wolff, JS Reznick, KN Botteron, AM Estes, H Gu, HC Hazlett, ... Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 53 (11 …, 2014 | 140 | 2014 |
Neural circuitry at age 6 months associated with later repetitive behavior and sensory responsiveness in autism JJ Wolff, MR Swanson, JT Elison, G Gerig, JR Pruett, MA Styner, C Vachet, ... Molecular autism 8, 1-12, 2017 | 128 | 2017 |
Walking, gross motor development, and brain functional connectivity in infants and toddlers N Marrus, AT Eggebrecht, A Todorov, JT Elison, JJ Wolff, L Cole, W Gao, ... Cerebral Cortex 28 (2), 750-763, 2018 | 117 | 2018 |
Restricted and repetitive behavior and brain functional connectivity in infants at risk for developing autism spectrum disorder CJ McKinnon, AT Eggebrecht, A Todorov, JJ Wolff, JT Elison, CM Adams, ... Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 4 (1), 50-61, 2019 | 116 | 2019 |
Frontolimbic neural circuitry at 6 months predicts individual differences in joint attention at 9 months JT Elison, JJ Wolff, DC Heimer, SJ Paterson, H Gu, HC Hazlett, M Styner, ... Developmental Science 16 (2), 186-197, 2013 | 116 | 2013 |
Regional characterization of longitudinal DT-MRI to study white matter maturation of the early developing brain N Sadeghi, M Prastawa, PT Fletcher, J Wolff, JH Gilmore, G Gerig Neuroimage 68, 236-247, 2013 | 113 | 2013 |
Repetitive and self-injurious behaviors: associations with caudate volume in autism and fragile X syndrome JJ Wolff, HC Hazlett, AA Lightbody, AL Reiss, J Piven Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders 5, 1-9, 2013 | 106 | 2013 |
Evidence of a distinct behavioral phenotype in young boys with fragile X syndrome and autism JJ Wolff, JW Bodfish, HC Hazlett, AA Lightbody, AL Reiss, J Piven Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 51 (12 …, 2012 | 106 | 2012 |
Neurodevelopmental heterogeneity and computational approaches for understanding autism S Jacob, JJ Wolff, MS Steinbach, CB Doyle, V Kumar, JT Elison Translational psychiatry 9 (1), 63, 2019 | 101 | 2019 |
The journey to autism: Insights from neuroimaging studies of infants and toddlers JJ Wolff, S Jacob, JT Elison Development and psychopathology 30 (2), 479-495, 2018 | 98 | 2018 |
A longitudinal study of parent‐reported sensory responsiveness in toddlers at‐risk for autism JJ Wolff, AF Dimian, KN Botteron, SR Dager, JT Elison, AM Estes, ... Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 60 (3), 314-324, 2019 | 89 | 2019 |
Clinical Sites. Data Coordinating Center. Image Processing Core. Statistical Analysis. Early brain development in infants at high risk for autism spectrum disorder HC Hazlett, H Gu, BC Munsell, SH Kim, M Styner, JJ Wolff, JT Elison, ... Nature 542 (7641), 348-351, 2017 | 87 | 2017 |