Regina Motz
Regina Motz
Professor of Computer Science, Universidad de la República
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Cited by
Making ontology relationships explicit in a ontology network
A Dıaz, R Motz, E Rohrer
AMW 749, 2011
Enriching adaptation in e‐learning systems through a situation‐aware ontology network
A Marilza Pernas, A Diaz, R Motz, J Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira
Interactive Technology and Smart Education 9 (2), 60-73, 2012
Guía metodológica para la implantación de desarrollos curriculares virtuales accesibles
JR Hilera, R Motz, S Temesio
Conferencias LACLO 4 (1), 2013
Applying ontologies to educational resources retrieval driven by cultural aspects
R Motz, J Guzmán, C Deco, C Bender
Journal of Computer Science & Technology 5, 2005
Digital storytelling and blockchain as pedagogy and technology to support the development of an inclusive smart learning ecosystem
SS Oyelere, IF Silveira, VF Martins, MA Eliseo, ÖY Akyar, ...
Trends and Innovations in Information Systems and Technologies: Volume 3 8 …, 2020
The description logic SHIQ with a flexible meta-modelling hierarchy
R Motz, E Rohrer, P Severi
Journal of Web Semantics 35, 214-234, 2015
An ontology network for educational recommender systems
A Díaz, R Motz, E Rohrer, L Tansini
Educational Recommender Systems and Technologies: Practices and Challenges …, 2012
Pensando los Ecosistemas de Aprendizaje desde los Entornos Virtuales de Aprendizaje
R Motz, V Rodés
Conferencias LACLO 4 (1), 2013
Managing source schema evolution in web warehouses
A Marotta, R Motz, R Ruggia
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 8, 20-31, 2002
Blockchain technology to support smart learning and inclusion: pre-service teachers and software developers viewpoints
SS Oyelere, U Bin Qushem, V Costas Jauregui, ÖY Akyar, Ł Tomczyk, ...
Trends and Innovations in Information Systems and Technologies: Volume 3 8 …, 2020
Building databases with information extracted from web documents
A Gutiérrez, R Motz, D Viera
Proceedings 20th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science …, 2000
A Smart Ecosystem for Learning and Inclusion: An Architectural Overview
VF Martins, Ł Tomczykv, C Amato, MA Eliseo, SS Oyelere, ÖY Akyar, ...
International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, 601-616, 2020
Reasoning for Extended with a Flexible Meta-Modelling Hierarchy
R Motz, E Rohrer, P Severi
Joint International Semantic Technology Conference, 47-62, 2014
Design of a recommender educational system
C Deco, C Bender, A Casali, R Motz
Proceedings 3ra. Conferencia Latinoamericana de Objetos de Aprendizaje LACLO …, 2008
Descriptive analytics dashboard for an inclusive learning environment
V Costas-Jauregui, SS Oyelere, B Caussin-Torrez, G Barros-Gavilanes, ...
2021 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-9, 2021
Analysis of existing technological platforms for the collaborative production of Open Textbooks
X Ochoa, A Casali, C Deco, V Gerling, I Frango, J Fager, G Carrillo, ...
EdMedia+ Innovate Learning, 1106-1115, 2013
Smart Ecosystem for Learning and Inclusion-assumptions, actions and challenges in the implementation of an international educational project
L Tomczyk, SS Oyelere, C Amato, VF Martins, R Motz, G Barros, ÖY Akyar, ...
Adult Education 2019-in the Context of Professional Development and Social …, 2020
A digital ecosystem for the collaborative production of open textbooks: The LATIn methodology
IF Silveira, X Ochoa, A Cuadros-Vargas, AP Casas, A Casali, A Ortega, ...
Journal of Information Technology Education 12, 225-249, 2013
Semantic refinement for web information retrieval
C Deco, C Bender, J Saer, M Chiari, R Motz
Third Latin American Web Congress (LA-WEB'2005), 5 pp., 2005
Modelos de madurez de la enseñanza virtual¿ Consideran la accesibilidad
C Cano, L Fernández Sanz, L Pages, MT Villalba, S Temesio, R Motz
ATICA 2012. IV Congreso Internacional sobre Aplicación de Tecnologías de la …, 2012
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Articles 1–20