David P. Chassin
David P. Chassin
Eudoxys Sciences LLC
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GridLAB-D: An open-source power systems modeling and simulation environment
DP Chassin, K Schneider, C Gerkensmeyer
2008 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, 1-5, 2008
Electrical appliance energy consumption control methods and electrical energy consumption systems
AM Boberly-Bartis, DP Chassin, JE Dagle, MK Donnelly, M Kintner-Meyer, ...
US Patent 7,420,293, 2008
Pacific northwest gridwise™ testbed demonstration projects; part i. olympic peninsula project
DJ Hammerstrom, R Ambrosio, TA Carlon, JG DeSteese, GR Horst, ...
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2008
Evaluating North American electric grid reliability using the Barabási–Albert network model
DP Chassin, C Posse
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 355 (2-4), 667-677, 2005
Electric power grid control using a market-based resource allocation system
DP Chassin
US Patent 8,639,392, 2014
A state-queueing model of thermostatically controlled appliances
N Lu, DP Chassin
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 19 (3), 1666-1673, 2004
Modeling uncertainties in aggregated thermostatically controlled loads using a state queueing model
N Lu, DP Chassin, SE Widergren
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 20 (2), 725-733, 2005
GridLAB‐D: an agent‐based simulation framework for smart grids
DP Chassin, JC Fuller, N Djilali
Journal of Applied Mathematics 2014 (1), 492320, 2014
Nested, hierarchical resource allocation schema for management and control of an electric power grid
DP Chassin, RG Pratt
US Patent 9,425,620, 2016
Load modeling in power system studies: WECC progress update
D Kosterev, A Meklin, J Undrill, B Lesieutre, W Price, D Chassin, R Bravo, ...
2008 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting-Conversion and Delivery …, 2008
Modern grid initiative distribution taxonomy final report
KP Schneider, Y Chen, DP Chassin, RG Pratt, DW Engel, SE Thompson
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2008
Estimation of WECC system inertia using observed frequency transients
DP Chassin, Z Huang, MK Donnelly, C Hassler, E Ramirez, C Ray
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 20 (2), 1190-1192, 2005
Using one-way communications in a market-based resource allocation system
D chassin, RG Pratt
US Patent App. 20,100/106,641, 2010
Analysis of residential demand response and double-auction markets
JC Fuller, KP Schneider, D Chassin
2011 IEEE power and energy society general meeting, 1-7, 2011
Electrical power distribution control methods, electrical energy demand monitoring methods, and power management devices
DP Chassin, MK Donnelly, JE Dagle, JE Dagle
US Patent 7,149,605, 2006
Pacific northwest gridwise™ testbed demonstration projects; part ii. grid friendly™ appliance project
DJ Hammerstrom, J Brous, DP Chassin, GR Horst, R Kajfasz, P Michie, ...
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2007
Aggregate model for heterogeneous thermostatically controlled loads with demand response
W Zhang, K Kalsi, J Fuller, M Elizondo, D Chassin
2012 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 1-8, 2012
Using bi-directional communications in a market-based resource allocation system
DP Chassin, RG Pratt
US Patent 8,694,409, 2014
Modeling framework and validation of a smart grid and demand response system for wind power integration
T Broeer, J Fuller, F Tuffner, D Chassin, N Djilali
Applied Energy 113, 199-207, 2014
Rooftop package unit diagnostician
DP Chassin, RG Pratt, LD Reid
US Patent 6,778,945, 2004
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Articles 1–20