Morteza Sadeghi
Morteza Sadeghi
Sustainable Groundwater Management Office (SGMO), California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
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Cited by
Ground, proximal, and satellite remote sensing of soil moisture
E Babaeian, M Sadeghi, SB Jones, C Montzka, H Vereecken, M Tuller
Reviews of Geophysics 57 (2), 530-616, 2019
The optical trapezoid model: A novel approach to remote sensing of soil moisture applied to Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 observations
M Sadeghi, E Babaeian, M Tuller, SB Jones
Remote sensing of environment 198, 52-68, 2017
A linear physically-based model for remote sensing of soil moisture using short wave infrared bands
M Sadeghi, SB Jones, WD Philpot
Remote Sensing of Environment 164, 66-76, 2015
Mapping soil moisture with the OPtical TRApezoid Model (OPTRAM) based on long-term MODIS observations
E Babaeian, M Sadeghi, TE Franz, S Jones, M Tuller
Remote sensing of environment 211, 425-440, 2018
A statistical framework for estimating air temperature using MODIS land surface temperature data
N Janatian, M Sadeghi, SH Sanaeinejad, E Bakhshian, A Farid, ...
International Journal of Climatology 37 (3), 1181-1194, 2017
MARMIT: A multilayer radiative transfer model of soil reflectance to estimate surface soil moisture content in the solar domain (400–2500 nm)
A Bablet, PVH Vu, S Jacquemoud, F Viallefont-Robinet, S Fabre, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 217, 1-17, 2018
Application of" panel-data" modeling to predict groundwater levels in the Neishaboor Plain, Iran
A Izady, K Davary, A Alizadeh, B Ghahraman, M Sadeghi, ...
Hydrogeology Journal 20 (3), 435, 2012
Particle size effects on soil reflectance explained by an analytical radiative transfer model
M Sadeghi, E Babaeian, M Tuller, SB Jones
Remote Sensing of Environment 210, 375-386, 2018
Advancing NASA’s AirMOSS P-band radar root zone soil moisture retrieval algorithm via incorporation of Richards’ equation
M Sadeghi, A Tabatabaeenejad, M Tuller, M Moghaddam, SB Jones
Remote Sensing 9 (1), 17, 2016
Microwave retrievals of soil moisture and vegetation optical depth with improved resolution using a combined constrained inversion algorithm: Application for SMAP satellite
L Gao, M Sadeghi, A Ebtehaj
Remote Sensing of Environment 239, 111662, 2020
A new optical remote sensing technique for high-resolution mapping of soil moisture
E Babaeian, P Sidike, MS Newcomb, M Maimaitijiang, SA White, ...
Frontiers in big Data 2, 37, 2019
A binary mixing model for characterizing stony-soil water retention
K Parajuli, M Sadeghi, SB Jones
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 244, 1-8, 2017
A novel analytical solution to steady‐state evaporation from porous media
M Sadeghi, N Shokri, SB Jones
Water Resources Research 48 (9), 2012
Derivation of an explicit form of the percolation‐based effective‐medium approximation for thermal conductivity of partially saturated soils
M Sadeghi, B Ghanbarian, R Horton
Water Resources Research 54 (2), 1389-1399, 2018
Column-scale unsaturated hydraulic conductivity estimates in coarse-textured homogeneous and layered soils derived under steady-state evaporation from a water table
M Sadeghi, M Tuller, MR Gohardoust, SB Jones
Journal of Hydrology 519, 1238-1248, 2014
An assessment of L-band surface soil moisture products from SMOS and SMAP in the tropical areas
H Ma, X Li, J Zeng, X Zhang, J Dong, N Chen, L Fan, M Sadeghi, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 284, 113344, 2023
Reappraisal of SMAP inversion algorithms for soil moisture and vegetation optical depth
L Gao, A Ebtehaj, MJ Chaubell, M Sadeghi, X Li, JP Wigneron
Remote Sensing of Environment 264, 112627, 2021
Global estimates of land surface water fluxes from SMOS and SMAP satellite soil moisture data
M Sadeghi, A Ebtehaj, WT Crow, L Gao, AJ Purdy, JB Fisher, SB Jones, ...
Journal of Hydrometeorology 21 (2), 241-253, 2020
An analytical model for estimation of land surface net water flux from near-surface soil moisture observations
M Sadeghi, M Tuller, AW Warrick, E Babaeian, K Parajuli, MR Gohardoust, ...
Journal of hydrology 570, 26-37, 2019
Information depth of NIR/SWIR soil reflectance spectroscopy
S Norouzi, M Sadeghi, A Liaghat, M Tuller, SB Jones, H Ebrahimian
Remote Sensing of Environment 256, 112315, 2021
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Articles 1–20