Mohamadreza Ahmadi
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Cited by
A model for precipitation strengthening in multi-particle systems
MR Ahmadi, E Povoden-Karadeniz, KI Öksüz, A Falahati, E Kozeschnik
Computational materials science 91, 173-186, 2014
High-efficiency on-chip dielectric resonator antenna for mm-wave transceivers
MR Nezhad-Ahmadi, M Fakharzadeh, B Biglarbegian, S Safavi-Naeini
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 58 (10), 3388-3392, 2010
A dynamic VM consolidation technique for QoS and energy consumption in cloud environment
SY Zahedi Fard, MR Ahmadi, S Adabi
The Journal of Supercomputing 73 (10), 4347-4368, 2017
Chaotic invasive weed optimization algorithm with application to parameter estimation of chaotic systems
M Ahmadi, H Mojallali
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 45 (9-10), 1108-1120, 2012
Safe Policy Synthesis in Multi-Agent POMDPs via Discrete-Time Barrier Functions
M Ahmadi, A Singletary, JW Burdick, AD Ames
58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2019
Stability analysis for a class of partial differential equations via semidefinite programming
G Valmorbida, M Ahmadi, A Papachristodoulou
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 61 (6), 1649-1654, 2015
Energy and Wiener index of zero-divisor graphs
MR Ahmadi, R Jahani-Nezhad
Iranian Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 2 (1 (Special Issue on the …, 2011
Risk-averse control via CVaR barrier functions: Application to bipedal robot locomotion
M Ahmadi, X Xiong, AD Ames
IEEE Control Systems Letters 6, 878-883, 2021
Cutoff grade optimization in open pit mines using genetic algorithm
MR Ahmadi, RS Shahabi
Resources Policy 55, 184-191, 2018
Dissipation inequalities for the analysis of a class of PDEs
M Ahmadi, G Valmorbida, A Papachristodoulou
Automatica 66, 163-171, 2016
Evaluating the effectiveness of mixed-integer linear programming for day-ahead hydro-thermal self-scheduling considering price uncertainty and forced outage rate
A Esmaeily, A Ahmadi, F Raeisi, MR Ahmadi, AE Nezhad, M Janghorbani
Energy 122, 182-193, 2017
Constrained risk-averse Markov decision processes
M Ahmadi, U Rosolia, MD Ingham, RM Murray, AD Ames
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35 (13), 11718 …, 2021
Techno-economic evaluation of a multi effect distillation system driven by low-temperature waste heat from exhaust flue gases
S Goodarzi, EJ Javaran, M Rahnama, M Ahmadi
Desalination 460, 64-80, 2019
Risk-sensitive motion planning using entropic value-at-risk
A Dixit, M Ahmadi, JW Burdick
2021 European Control Conference (ECC), 1726-1732, 2021
A fractional type of the Chebyshev polynomials for approximation of solution of linear fractional differential equations
M Ahmadi Darani, M Nasiri
Computational Methods for Differential Equations 1 (2), 96-107, 2013
Privacy verification in POMDPs via barrier certificates
M Ahmadi, B Wu, H Lin, U Topcu
2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 5610-5615, 2018
Semi-definite programming and functional inequalities for distributed parameter systems
G Valmorbida, M Ahmadi, A Papachristodoulou
53rd IEEE conference on decision and control, 4304-4309, 2014
Identification of multiple-input single-output Hammerstein models using Bezier curves and Bernstein polynomials
M Ahmadi, H Mojallali
Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (4), 1969-1982, 2011
Risk-Averse Planning Under Uncertainty
M Ahmadi, M Ono, MD Ingham, RM Murray, AD Ames
2020 American Control Conference, 2019
A survey and taxonomy of distributed certificate authorities in mobile ad hoc networks
M Masdari, S Jabbehdari, MR Ahmadi, SM Hashemi, J Bagherzadeh, ...
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2011, 1-12, 2011
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Articles 1–20