John F. Timms
Cited by
Cited by
Synthesis and function of 3-phosphorylated inositol lipids
B Vanhaesebroeck, SJ Leevers, K Ahmadi, J Timms, R Katso, PC Driscoll, ...
Annual review of biochemistry 70 (1), 535-602, 2001
Cellular function of phosphoinositide 3-kinases: implications for development, immunity, homeostasis, and cancer
R Katso, K Okkenhaug, K Ahmadi, S White, J Timms, MD Waterfield
Annual review of cell and developmental biology 17 (1), 615-675, 2001
Exploring the specificity of the PI3K family inhibitor LY294002
SI Gharbi, MJ Zvelebil, SJ Shuttleworth, T Hancox, N Saghir, JF Timms, ...
Biochemical Journal 404 (1), 15-21, 2007
Evaluation of two-dimensional differential gel electrophoresis for proteomic expression analysis of a model breast cancer cell system
S Gharbi, P Gaffney, A Yang, MJ Zvelebil, R Cramer, MD Waterfield, ...
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 1 (2), 91-98, 2002
Regulation of early events in integrin signaling by protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-2
ES Oh, H Gu, TM Saxton, JF Timms, S Hausdorff, EU Frevert, BB Kahn, ...
Molecular and cellular biology, 1999
Difference gel electrophoresis
JF Timms, R Cramer
Proteomics 8 (23‐24), 4886-4897, 2008
Identification of major binding proteins and substrates for the SH2-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1 in macrophages
JF Timms, K Carlberg, H Gu, H Chen, S Kamatkar, MJS Nadler, ...
Molecular and cellular biology 18 (7), 3838-3850, 1998
Serum CA19-9 is significantly upregulated up to 2 years before diagnosis with pancreatic cancer: implications for early disease detection
DP O'Brien, NS Sandanayake, C Jenkinson, A Gentry-Maharaj, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 21 (3), 622-631, 2015
Preanalytic influence of sample handling on SELDI-TOF serum protein profiles
JF Timms, E Arslan-Low, A Gentry-Maharaj, Z Luo, D T’Jampens, ...
Clinical chemistry 53 (4), 645-656, 2007
A time-resolved proteomic and prognostic map of COVID-19
V Demichev, P Tober-Lau, O Lemke, T Nazarenko, C Thibeault, ...
Cell systems 12 (8), 780-794. e7, 2021
AGR2 is a novel surface antigen that promotes the dissemination of pancreatic cancer cells through regulation of cathepsins B and D
L Dumartin, HJ Whiteman, ME Weeks, D Hariharan, B Dmitrovic, ...
Cancer research 71 (22), 7091-7102, 2011
Evaluation of serum CEA, CYFRA21-1 and CA125 for the early detection of colorectal cancer using longitudinal preclinical samples
DS Thomas, EO Fourkala, S Apostolidou, R Gunu, A Ryan, I Jacobs, ...
British journal of cancer 113 (2), 268-274, 2015
Association between the cervicovaginal microbiome, BRCA1 mutation status, and risk of ovarian cancer: a case-control study
NR Nené, D Reisel, A Leimbach, D Franchi, A Jones, I Evans, S Knapp, ...
The lancet oncology 20 (8), 1171-1182, 2019
The B-cell transmembrane protein CD72 binds to and is an in vivo substrate of the protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1
Y Wu, MJS Nadler, LA Brennan, GD Gish, JF Timms, N Fusaki, ...
Current biology 8 (18), 1009-1017, 1998
Testing breast cancer serum biomarkers for early detection and prognosis in pre-diagnosis samples
A Kazarian, O Blyuss, G Metodieva, A Gentry-Maharaj, A Ryan, ...
British journal of cancer 116 (4), 501-508, 2017
SHPS-1 is a scaffold for assembling distinct adhesion-regulated multi-protein complexes in macrophages
JF Timms, KD Swanson, A Marie-Cardine, M Raab, CE Rudd, B Schraven, ...
Current Biology 9 (16), 927-930, 1999
The role of S100P in the invasion of pancreatic cancer cells is mediated through cytoskeletal changes and regulation of cathepsin D
HJ Whiteman, ME Weeks, SE Dowen, S Barry, JF Timms, NR Lemoine, ...
Cancer research 67 (18), 8633-8642, 2007
Heat shock protein 27 is the major differentially phosphorylated protein involved in renal epithelial cellular stress response and controls focal adhesion organization and …
M de Graauw, I Tijdens, R Cramer, S Corless, JF Timms, B Van De Water
Journal of Biological Chemistry 280 (33), 29885-29898, 2005
Proteomic analysis of redox‐and ErbB2‐dependent changes in mammary luminal epithelial cells using cysteine‐and lysine‐labelling two‐dimensional difference gel electrophoresis
HL Chan, S Gharbi, PR Gaffney, R Cramer, MD Waterfield, JF Timms
Proteomics 5 (11), 2908-2926, 2005
Evidence against stable protein S-nitrosylation as a widespread mechanism of post-translational regulation
K Wolhuter, HJ Whitwell, CH Switzer, JR Burgoyne, JF Timms, P Eaton
Molecular cell 69 (3), 438-450. e5, 2018
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Articles 1–20