Kevin Weitemier
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Cited by
Navigating the tip of the genomic iceberg: Next‐generation sequencing for plant systematics
SCK Straub, M Parks, K Weitemier, M Fishbein, RC Cronn, A Liston
American journal of botany 99 (2), 349-364, 2012
Hyb‐Seq: Combining target enrichment and genome skimming for plant phylogenomics
K Weitemier, SCK Straub, RC Cronn, M Fishbein, R Schmickl, ...
Applications in plant sciences 2 (9), 1400042, 2014
Reconciling conflicting phylogenies in the origin of sweet potato and dispersal to Polynesia
P Muñoz-Rodríguez, T Carruthers, JRI Wood, BRM Williams, K Weitemier, ...
Current Biology 28 (8), 1246-1256. e12, 2018
Building a model: developing genomic resources for common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) with low coverage genome sequencing
SCK Straub, M Fishbein, T Livshultz, Z Foster, M Parks, K Weitemier, ...
BMC genomics 12, 1-22, 2011
eDNA as a tool for identifying freshwater species in sustainable forestry: A critical review and potential future applications
AA Coble, CA Flinders, JA Homyack, BE Penaluna, RC Cronn, ...
Science of the Total Environment 649, 1157-1170, 2019
A taxonomic monograph of Ipomoea integrated across phylogenetic scales
P Muñoz-Rodríguez, T Carruthers, JRI Wood, BRM Williams, K Weitemier, ...
Nature plants 5 (11), 1136-1144, 2019
Phylogenetic marker development for target enrichment from transcriptome and genome skim data: the pipeline and its application in southern African Oxalis (Oxalidaceae)
R Schmickl, A Liston, V Zeisek, K Oberlander, K Weitemier, SCK Straub, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources 16 (5), 1124-1135, 2016
Intragenomic polymorphisms among high-copy loci: a genus-wide study of nuclear ribosomal DNA in Asclepias (Apocynaceae)
K Weitemier, SCK Straub, M Fishbein, A Liston
PeerJ 3, e718, 2015
Estimating the genetic diversity of Pacific salmon and trout using multigene eDNA metabarcoding
K Weitemier, BE Penaluna, LL Hauck, LJ Longway, T Garcia, R Cronn
Molecular Ecology 30 (20), 4970-4990, 2021
Evolution of pyrrolizidine alkaloid biosynthesis in Apocynaceae: revisiting the defence de‐escalation hypothesis
T Livshultz, E Kaltenegger, SCK Straub, K Weitemier, E Hirsch, K Koval, ...
New Phytologist 218 (2), 762-773, 2018
A draft genome and transcriptome of common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) as resources for evolutionary, ecological, and molecular studies in milkweeds and Apocynaceae.
K Weitemier, SCK Straub, M Fishbein, CD Bailey, RC Cronn, A Liston
PeerJ 7, e7649, 2019
Casting a broader net: Using microfluidic metagenomics to capture aquatic biodiversity data from diverse taxonomic targets
LL Hauck, KA Weitemier, BE Penaluna, T Garcia, R Cronn
Environmental DNA 1 (3), 251-267, 2019
Phylogeny of Crataegus (Rosaceae) based on 257 nuclear loci and chloroplast genomes: evaluating the impact of hybridization
A Liston, KA Weitemier, L Letelier, J Podani, Y Zong, L Liu, TA Dickinson
PeerJ 9, e12418, 2021
Phylogeny and Biogeography of Primula sect. Parryi (Primulaceae)
S Kelso, PM Beardsley, K Weitemier
International Journal of Plant Sciences 170 (1), 93-106, 2009
Uncovering the hidden biodiversity of streams at the upper distribution limit of fish
BE Penaluna, R Cronn, LL Hauck, KA Weitemier, TS Garcia
Journal of Biogeography 50 (6), 1151-1162, 2023
Phylogeographic patterns and intervarietal relationships within Lupinus lepidus: Morphological differences, genetic similarities
KA Weitemier
Portland State University, 2010
Genomic Investigations of Diversity within the Milkweed Genus Asclepias, at Multiple Scales
KA Weitemier
Supplemental data to" Estimating the Genetic Diversity of Pacific salmon and trout using Multi-gene eDNA Metabarcoding"
KA Weitemier
Evolution of SARS-CoV-2 Viral Mutations in Individuals with Prolonged Infections
L Jiang-Qin, K Weitemier, G Fan, X Qin
Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science 53 (6), 931-937, 2023
Genome-enabled phylogeography in Asclepias cryptoceras
K Weitemier, S Straub, M Fishbein, R Cronn, A Liston
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Articles 1–20