Frans van de Vosse
Frans van de Vosse
University of Technology, Eindhoven
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Experimental investigation of collagen waviness and orientation in the arterial adventitia using confocal laser scanning microscopy
R Rezakhaniha, A Agianniotis, JTC Schrauwen, A Griffa, D Sage, ...
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 11, 461-473, 2012
The influence of the non-Newtonian properties of blood on the flow in large arteries: steady flow in a carotid bifurcation model
FJH Gijsen, FN van de Vosse, JD Janssen
Journal of biomechanics 32 (6), 601-608, 1999
The influence of the non-Newtonian properties of blood on the flow in large arteries: unsteady flow in a 90 curved tube
FJH Gijsen, E Allanic, FN Van De Vosse, JD Janssen
Journal of biomechanics 32 (7), 705-713, 1999
Pulse wave propagation in the arterial tree
FN Van de Vosse, N Stergiopulos
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 43 (1), 467-499, 2011
Coronary thermodilution to assess flow reserve: validation in humans
NHJ Pijls, B De Bruyne, L Smith, W Aarnoudse, E Barbato, J Bartunek, ...
Circulation 105 (21), 2482-2486, 2002
An approximate projection scheme for incompressible flow using spectral elements
LJP Timmermans, PD Minev, FN Van De Vosse
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 22 (7), 673-688, 1996
Epicardial stenosis severity does not affect minimal microcirculatory resistance
W Aarnoudse, WF Fearon, G Manoharan, M Geven, F van de Vosse, ...
Circulation 110 (15), 2137-2142, 2004
Comparison of various fluid–structure interaction methods for deformable bodies
R van Loon, PD Anderson, FN van de Vosse, SJ Sherwin
Computers & structures 85 (11-14), 833-843, 2007
A patient-specific computational model of fluid–structure interaction in abdominal aortic aneurysms
B Wolters, MCM Rutten, GWH Schurink, U Kose, J De Hart, ...
Medical engineering & physics 27 (10), 871-883, 2005
The mechanical role of thrombus on the growth rate of an abdominal aortic aneurysm
L Speelman, GWH Schurink, EMH Bosboom, J Buth, M Breeuwer, ...
Journal of vascular surgery 51 (1), 19-26, 2010
A fluid–structure interaction method with solid-rigid contact for heart valve dynamics
R van Loon, PD Anderson, FN van de Vosse
Journal of computational physics 217 (2), 806-823, 2006
A wave propagation model of blood flow in large vessels using an approximate velocity profile function
D Bessems, M Rutten, F Van De Vosse
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 580, 145-168, 2007
Patient-specific initial wall stress in abdominal aortic aneurysms with a backward incremental method
S De Putter, B Wolters, MCM Rutten, M Breeuwer, FA Gerritsen, ...
Journal of biomechanics 40 (5), 1081-1090, 2007
Direct volumetric blood flow measurement in coronary arteries by thermodilution
W Aarnoudse, M van’t Veer, NHJ Pijls, J Ter Woorst, S Vercauteren, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 50 (24), 2294-2304, 2007
“Virtual”(computed) fractional flow reserve: current challenges and limitations
PD Morris, FN van de Vosse, PV Lawford, DR Hose, JP Gunn
JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions 8 (8), 1009-1017, 2015
The influence of boundary conditions on wall shear stress distribution in patients specific coronary trees
AG Van der Giessen, HC Groen, PA Doriot, PJ De Feyter, ...
Journal of biomechanics 44 (6), 1089-1095, 2011
Effects of wall calcifications in patient-specific wall stress analyses of abdominal aortic aneurysms
L Speelman, A Bohra, EMH Bosboom, GWH Schurink, FN van de Vosse, ...
Experimental validation of a time-domain-based wave propagation model of blood flow in viscoelastic vessels
D Bessems, CG Giannopapa, MCM Rutten, FN van de Vosse
Journal of biomechanics 41 (2), 284-291, 2008
Steady entry flow in a curved pipe
PHM Bovendeerd, AA Van Steenhoven, FN Van de Vosse, G Vossers
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 177, 233-246, 1987
Dependence of intramyocardial pressure and coronary flow on ventricular loading and contractility: a model study
PHM Bovendeerd, P Borsje, T Arts, FN van De Vosse
Annals of biomedical engineering 34, 1833-1845, 2006
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Articles 1–20