Simon Hart
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Cited by
How variation between individuals affects species coexistence
SP Hart, SJ Schreiber, JM Levine
Ecology letters 19 (8), 825-838, 2016
Understanding climate change from a global analysis of city analogues
JF Bastin, E Clark, T Elliott, S Hart, J Van Den Hoogen, I Hordijk, H Ma, ...
PloS one 14 (7), e0217592, 2019
Climate-smart sustainable agriculture in low-to-intermediate shade agroforests
WJ Blaser, J Oppong, SP Hart, J Landolt, E Yeboah, J Six
Nature Sustainability 1, 234–239, 2018
When climate reshuffles competitors: a call for experimental macroecology
JM Alexander, JM Diez, SP Hart, JM Levine
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 31 (11), 831-841, 2016
How to quantify competitive ability
SP Hart, R Freckleton, JM Levine
Journal of Ecology,, 2018
Effects of rapid evolution on species coexistence
SP Hart, MM Turcotte, JM Levine
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, …, 2019
The spatial scales of species coexistence
SP Hart, J Usinowicz, JM Levine
Nature Ecology and Evolution 1, 1066-1073, 2017
Environmental stress, facilitation, competition, and coexistence
SP Hart, DJ Marshall
Ecology 94 (12), 2719-2731, 2013
Facilitative or competitive effects of woody plants on understorey vegetation depend on N‐fixation, canopy shape and rainfall
WJ Blaser, J Sitters, SP Hart, PJ Edwards, H Olde Venterink
Journal of Ecology 101 (6), 1598-1603, 2013
Spatial arrangement affects population dynamics and competition independent of community composition
SP Hart, DJ Marshall
Ecology 90 (6), 1485-1491, 2009
On the origin of coexisting species
RM Germain, SP Hart, MM Turcotte, SP Otto, J Sakarchi, J Rolland, T Usui, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 36 (4), 284-293, 2021
The effectiveness of cocoa agroforests depends on shade-tree canopy height
WJ Blaser-Hart, SP Hart, J Oppong, D Kyereh, E Yeboah, J Six
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 322, 107676, 2021
Parks Victoria standard operating procedure: biological monitoring of subtidal reefs
MJ Edmunds, SP Hart
Parks Victoria, 2003
Pre-settlement behavior in larval bryozoans: the roles of larval age and size
SC Burgess, SP Hart, DJ Marshall
The Biological Bulletin 216 (3), 344-354, 2009
Do soil biota influence the outcome of novel interactions between plant competitors?
A Cardinaux, SP Hart, JM Alexander
Journal of Ecology 106 (5), 1853-1863, 2018
Phenotypic plasticity promotes species coexistence
C Hess, JM Levine, MM Turcotte, SP Hart
Nature Ecology & Evolution 6 (9), 1256-1261, 2022
Does deterministic coexistence theory matter in a finite world?
SJ Schreiber, JM Levine, O Godoy, NJB Kraft, SP Hart
Ecology 104 (1), e3838, 2023
Does the presence of potential prey affect web design in Argiope keyserlingi (Araneae, Araneidae)?
ME Herberstein, AC Gaskett, D Glencross, S Hart, S Jaensch, MA Elgar
The Journal of Arachnology 28 (3), 346-350, 2000
Advantages and disadvantages of interference‐competitive ability and resource‐use efficiency when invading established communities
SP Hart, DJ Marshall
Oikos 121 (3), 396-402, 2012
Revisiting competition in a classic model system using formal links between theory and data
SP Hart, JR Burgin, DJ Marshall
Ecology 93 (9), 2015-2022, 2012
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Articles 1–20