Niamh McHugh
Niamh McHugh
Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust
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The contribution of semi‐natural habitats to biological control is dependent on sentinel prey type
NM McHugh, S Moreby, ME Lof, W Van der Werf, JM Holland
Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (5), 914-925, 2020
Moderate pollination limitation in some entomophilous crops of Europe
JM Holland, L Sutter, M Albrecht, P Jeanneret, SC Pfister, J Schirmel, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 302, 107002, 2020
Agri-environmental measures and the breeding ecology of a declining farmland bird
NM McHugh, M Prior, PV Grice, SR Leather, JM Holland
Biological Conservation 212, 230-239, 2017
The value of two agri-environment scheme habitats for pollinators: Annually cultivated margins for arable plants and floristically enhanced grass margins
NM McHugh, B Bown, A McVeigh, R Powell, E Swan, J Szczur, P Wilson, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 326, 107773, 2022
Agri-environment scheme habitat preferences of Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella on English farmland
NM McHugh, CED Goodwin, S Hughes, SR Leather, JM Holland
Acta Ornithologica 51 (2), 199-209, 2016
Field specific monitoring of cereal yellow dwarf virus aphid vectors and factors influencing their immigration within fields
JM Holland, NM McHugh, F Salinari
Pest Management Science 77 (9), 4100-4108, 2021
Relationships between agri-environment scheme habitat characteristics and insectivorous bats on arable farmland
NM McHugh, BL Bown, JA Hemsley, JM Holland
Basic and Applied Ecology 40, 55-66, 2019
The diet of Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus nestlings in relation to agri-environment scheme habitats
NM McHugh, M Prior, SR Leather, JM Holland
Bird Study 63 (2), 279-283, 2016
Patterns of cereal aphid infestation in autumn and implications for Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus control
J Holland, B Bown, J Clarke, N McHugh
IOBC-WPRS Bull 143, 105-109, 2019
Use of field margins managed under an agri-environment scheme by foraging Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica
NM McHugh, BL Bown, JE Clark
Bird Study 65 (3), 329-337, 2018
Vocal individuality measures reveal spatial and temporal variation in roding behaviour in Woodcock Scolopax rusticola
TG Bristow, NM Mchugh, CJ Heward, DL Jenkins, SE Newson, ...
Ibis, 2023
Measuring biological control using surrogate prey items in winter wheat
J Holland, N McHugh, S Moreby, P Jeanneret
Landscape Management for Functional Biodiversity IOBC‐WPRS Bulletin 122, 98-102, 2017
Evaluation of cultivated margin option effectiveness and exploration of their natural capital
NM McHugh, A McVeigh, B Bown, PJ Wilson, J Holland
Defra Research report on Project ITT_3829, 2020
The influence of Environmental Stewardship (ES) summer foraging habitat on the territory selection of yellowhammer, Emberiza citrinella
CG Goodwin, N McHugh, JM Holland, SR Leather
agri-environment schemes—what have they achieved and where do we go from …, 2013
Relationships between tree sparrow Passer montanus fledging success and the quantity and quality of agricultural habitats–A model comparison study
NM McHugh, M Prior, SR Leather, JM Holland
Ecological Informatics 47, 73-76, 2018
Use of agri-environment scheme habitats by pipistrelle bats on arable farmland
Measuring the transition to regenerative agriculture in the UK with a co-designed experiment: design, methods and expected outcomes
K Berthon, CC Jaworski, JD Beacham, P Jackson, J Leake, NM McHugh, ...
Environmental Research: Food Systems 1 (2), 025007, 2024
Relationships between breeding Barn Owls Tyto alba, their prey, and agri-environment scheme habitats in lowland arable landscapes
NM McHugh, J Case, CJ Heward, ER Ness, M Baker, RA Burrell
Bird Study, 1-7, 2024
The Farmer Cluster approach for effective agroecology: a standardised protocol for measuring farmland biodiversity outcomes at the landscape-scale across Europe
R Nichols, L Cantú-Salazar, S Vray, Y Martin, D Warner, J Tzilivakis, ...
PLoS ONE, 2024
The role of flower strips for field spider communities in a biodiversity-based agroecological system
P Bannwart, A Gardarin, S Petit, AC Moonen, G Begg, D Lupi, A Loni, ...
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Articles 1–20