Caroline Moussy
Caroline Moussy
LPO France
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Migration and dispersal patterns of bats and their influence on genetic structure
C Moussy, DJ Hosken, F Mathews, GC Smith, JN Aegerter, S Bearhop
Mammal Review 43 (3), 183-195, 2013
A quantitative global review of species population monitoring
C Moussy, IJ Burfield, PJ Stephenson, AFE Newton, SHM Butchart, ...
Conservation Biology 36 (1), e13721, 2022
Unravelling migration connectivity reveals unsustainable hunting of the declining ortolan bunting
F Jiguet, A Robert, R Lorrillière, KA Hobson, KJ Kardynal, R Arlettaz, ...
Science advances 5 (5), eaau2642, 2019
Migratory pathways, stopover zones and wintering destinations of Western European Nightjars Caprimulgus europaeus
R Evens, GJ Conway, IG Henderson, B Cresswell, F Jiguet, C Moussy, ...
Ibis 159 (3), 680-686, 2017
Desert crossing strategies of migrant songbirds vary between and within species
F Jiguet, M Burgess, K Thorup, G Conway, JL Arroyo Matos, L Barber, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 20248, 2019
Population genetic structure of serotine bats (Eptesicus serotinus) across Europe and implications for the potential spread of bat rabies (European bat lyssavirus EBLV-1)
C Moussy, H Atterby, AGF Griffiths, TR Allnutt, F Mathews, GC Smith, ...
Heredity 115 (1), 83-92, 2015
Selection of old stone buildings as summer day roost by the brown long-eared bat Plecotus auritus
C Moussy
Acta Chiropterologica 13 (1), 101-111, 2011
Suivi des oiseaux communs en France 1989-2019: 30 ans de suivis participatifs
B Fontaine, C Moussy, JC Carricaburu, J Dupuis, E Corolleur, L Schmaltz, ...
Flyway trend analyses based on data from the African-Eurasian Waterbird Census from the period of 1967–2018
S Nagy, T Langendoen
Online publication. Wetlands International, Wageningen, The Netherlands. URL …, 2020
The genetic structure of the European breeding populations of a declining farmland bird, the ortolan bunting (Emberiza hortulana), reveals conservation priorities
C Moussy, R Arlettaz, JL Copete, S Dale, V Dombrovski, J Elts, ...
Conservation genetics 19, 909-922, 2018
Comptage des Oiseaux d’eau à la mi-janvier en France
C Moussy, G Quaintenne, C Gaudard
Résultats, 2021
Habitat management favouring hunted waterbird species prevents distribution changes in response to climate warming
E Gaget, T Galewski, JE Brommer, I Le Viol, F Jiguet, N Baccetti, ...
Animal Conservation 27 (1), 5-16, 2024
Anticipating the effects of climate warming and natural habitat conversion on waterbird communities to address protection gaps
F Verniest, I Le Viol, R Julliard, L Dami, A Guelmami, M Suet, W Abdou, ...
Biological Conservation 279, 109939, 2023
Spatial ecology of the serotine bat (Eptesicus serotinus)
CMC Moussy
PQDT-UK & Ireland, 2013
Exposure of wetlands important for nonbreeding waterbirds to sea‐level rise in the Mediterranean
F Verniest, T Galewski, O Boutron, L Dami, P Defos du Rau, A Guelmami, ...
Conservation Biology, e14288, 2024
On the need and difficulty of evaluating management strategies improving species persistence
E Gaget, T Galewski, JE Brommer, I Le Viol, F Jiguet, N Baccetti, ...
Animal Conservation 27 (1), 21-22, 2024
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Articles 1–16