Ruben Medina
Ruben Medina
Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela
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Accuracy of advanced versus strictly conventional 12-lead ECG for detection and screening of coronary artery disease, left ventricular hypertrophy and left ventricular systolic …
TT Schlegel, WB Kulecz, AH Feiveson, EC Greco, JL DePalma, V Starc, ...
BMC cardiovascular disorders 10, 1-11, 2010
Gear and bearing fault classification under different load and speed by using Poincaré plot features and SVM
R Medina, JC Macancela, P Lucero, D Cabrera, RV Sánchez, M Cerrada
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 33 (4), 1031-1055, 2022
Electrocardiograma de alta resolución y variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca en pacientes chagásicos crónicos
H Carrasco, D Jugo, R Medina, C Castillo, P Miranda
Arch. Inst. Cardiol. Méx 67, 277-285, 1997
Period estimation using minimum entropy deconvolution (MED)
G González, RE Badra, R Medina, J Regidor
Signal processing 41 (1), 91-100, 1995
Vibration signal analysis using symbolic dynamics for gearbox fault diagnosis
R Medina, JC Macancela, P Lucero, D Cabrera, M Cerrada, RV Sánchez, ...
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 104, 2195-2214, 2019
A 2-D active appearance model for prostate segmentation in ultrasound images
R Medina, A Bravo, P Windyga, J Toro, P Yan, G Onik
2005 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 27th Annual Conference, 3363-3366, 2006
Bases del procesamiento de imágenes médicas
R Medina, J Bellera
Mérida: Universidad de los Andes, 2009
Curvature and torsion estimation for coronary-artery motion analysis
R Medina, A Wahle, ME Olszewski, M Sonka
Medical Imaging 2004: Physiology, Function, and Structure from Medical …, 2004
Three methods for accurate quantification of plaque volume in coronary arteries
R Medina, A Wahle, ME Olszewski, M Sonka
The international journal of cardiovascular imaging 19, 301-311, 2003
Reciprocating compressor multi-fault classification using symbolic dynamics and complex correlation measure
M Cerrada, JC Macancela, D Cabrera, E Estupiñan, RV Sánchez, ...
Applied Sciences 10 (7), 2512, 2020
Three–dimensional segmentation of ventricular heart chambers from multi–slice computerized tomography: An hybrid approach
A Bravo, M Vera, M Garreau, R Medina
Digital Information and Communication Technology and Its Applications …, 2011
Segmentation of ventricular angiographic images using fuzzy clustering
M Rubén, G Mireille, J Diego, C Carlos, T Javier
Proceedings of 17th International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine …, 1995
Deep learning-based gear pitting severity assessment using acoustic emission, vibration and currents signals
R Medina, M Cerrada, D Cabrera, RV Sánchez, C Li, JV De Oliveira
2019 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference (PHM-Paris), 210-216, 2019
Three-dimensional reconstruction of the left ventricle from two angiographic views: An evidence combination approach
R Medina, M Garreau, J Toro, JL Coatrieux, D Jugo
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2004
Multiple motion estimation and segmentation in transparency
JG Toro, FJ Owens, R Medina
2000 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2000
An unsupervised clustering framework for automatic segmentation of left ventricle cavity in human heart angiograms
A Bravo, R Medina
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 32 (5), 396-408, 2008
Supermarkets and Michoacán guava farmers in Mexico
JA Berdegue, T Reardon, F Balsevich, A Martínez, R Medina, M Aguirre, ...
Hepatic Steatosis detection using the co-occurrence matrix in tomography and ultrasound images
EC Rivas, F Moreno, A Benitez, V Morocho, P Vanegas, R Medina
2015 20th Symposium on Signal Processing, Images and Computer Vision (STSIVA …, 2015
Similarity enhancement for automatic segmentation of cardiac structures in computed tomography volumes
M Vera, A Bravo, M Garreau, R Medina
2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2011
Myocardial border detection from ventriculograms using support vector machines and real-coded genetic algorithms
M Vera, A Bravo, R Medina
Computers in Biology and Medicine 40 (4), 446-455, 2010
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Articles 1–20