Luciano Raso
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Cited by
Optimal operation of the multireservoir system in the seine river basin using deterministic and ensemble forecasts
A Ficchì, L Raso, D Dorchies, F Pianosi, PO Malaterre, PJ Van Overloop, ...
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 142 (1), 05015005, 2016
Short-term optimal operation of water systems using ensemble forecasts
L Raso, D Schwanenberg, NC van de Giesen, PJ van Overloop
Advances in water resources 71, 200-208, 2014
Dynamic modeling of predictive uncertainty by regression on absolute errors
F Pianosi, L Raso
Water Resources Research 48 (3), 2012
Distributed tree-based model predictive control on a drainage water system
JM Maestre, L Raso, PJ Van Overloop, B De Schutter
Journal of Hydroinformatics 15 (2), 335-347, 2013
Effective streamflow process modeling for optimal reservoir operation using stochastic dual dynamic programming
L Raso, PO Malaterre, JC Bader
Journal of water resources planning and management 143 (4), 04017003, 2017
Tree structure generation from ensemble forecasts for real time control
L Raso, N Van De Giesen, P Stive, D Schwanenberg, PJ Van Overloop
Hydrological Processes 27 (1), 75-82, 2013
How to evaluate a monitoring system for adaptive policies: criteria for signposts selection and their model-based evaluation
L Raso, J Kwakkel, J Timmermans, G Panthou
Climatic change 153, 267-283, 2019
Combining short-term and long-term reservoir operation using infinite horizon model predictive control
L Raso, PO Malaterre
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 143 (3), B4016002, 2017
Reservoir operation optimized for hydropower production reduces conflict with traditional water uses in the Senegal River
L Raso, JC Bader, S Weijs
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 146 (4), 05020003, 2020
Optimal and centralized reservoir management for drought and flood protection on the Upper Seine–Aube river system using stochastic dual dynamic programming
L Raso, M Chiavico, D Dorchies
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 145 (3), 05019002, 2019
Distributed tree-based model predictive control on an open water system
JM Maestre, L Raso, PJ van Overloop, B De Schutter
2012 American Control Conference (ACC), 1985-1990, 2012
Assessing the capacity of adaptive policy pathways to adapt on time by mapping trigger values to their outcomes
L Raso, J Kwakkel, J Timmermans
Sustainability 11 (6), 1716, 2019
Modeling dynamics and adaptation at operational and structural scales for the ex-ante economic evaluation of large dams in an African context
L Raso, B Barbier, JC Bader
Water Resources and Economics 26, 100125, 2019
Optimal control of water systems under forecast uncertainty
L Raso
Balancing costs and benefits in selecting new information: Efficient monitoring using deterministic hydro-economic models
L Raso, SV Weijs, M Werner
Water resources management 32, 339-357, 2018
Flood forecasting for heteroscedastic streamflow processes
F Pianosi, L Raso
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 41 (2), 14534-14539, 2008
Decisions under uncertainty: Use of flexible model predictive control on a drainage canal system
L Raso, PJ Van Overloop, D Schwanenberg
Proceedings of the 9th conference on hydroinformatics, Tianjin, China, 2009
Optimal control of water systems under forecast uncertainty: robust, proactive, and integrated
L Raso
A centralized real time controller for reservoirs management on the Seine river using ensemble weather forecasting
A Ficchi
Politecnico di Milano, 2012
Nonlinear model predictive control of water resources systems in operational flood forecasting
D Schwanenberg, G Verhoeven, L Raso
Crossing Borders within the ABC: Automation, Biomedical Engineering and …, 2010
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Articles 1–20