Stefaan De Smet
Stefaan De Smet
Hoogleraar, Universiteit Gent
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Nutritional composition of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) prepupae reared on different organic waste substrates
T Spranghers, M Ottoboni, C Klootwijk, A Ovyn, S Deboosere, ...
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 97 (8), 2594-2600, 2017
Meat fatty acid composition as affected by fatness and genetic factors: a review
S De Smet, K Raes, D Demeyer
Animal Research 53 (2), 81-98, 2004
Effect of dietary fatty acids on incorporation of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid in lamb, beef and pork meat: a review
K Raes, S De Smet, D Demeyer
Animal feed science and technology 113 (1-4), 199-221, 2004
Association between heat stress and oxidative stress in poultry; mitochondrial dysfunction and dietary interventions with phytochemicals
A Akbarian, J Michiels, J Degroote, M Majdeddin, A Golian, S De Smet
Journal of animal science and biotechnology 7, 1-14, 2016
Meat: The balance between nutrition and health. A review
S De Smet, E Vossen
Meat Science 120, 145-156, 2016
Black soldier fly as dietary protein source for broiler quails: apparent digestibility, excreta microbial load, feed choice, performance, carcass and meat traits
M Cullere, G Tasoniero, V Giaccone, R Miotti-Scapin, E Claeys, ...
animal 10 (12), 1923-1930, 2016
Meat quality, fatty acid composition and flavour analysis in Belgian retail beef
K Raes, A Balcaen, P Dirinck, A De Winne, E Claeys, D Demeyer, ...
Meat science 65 (4), 1237-1246, 2003
Effect of double-muscling in Belgian Blue young bulls on the intramuscular fatty acid composition with emphasis on conjugated linoleic acid and polyunsaturated fatty acids
K Raes, S De Smet, D Demeyer
Animal Science 73 (2), 253-260, 2001
Insects in animal feed: Acceptance and its determinants among farmers, agriculture sector stakeholders and citizens
W Verbeke, T Spranghers, P De Clercq, S De Smet, B Sas, M Eeckhout
Animal Feed Science and Technology 204, 72-87, 2015
Gut antimicrobial effects and nutritional value of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens L.) prepupae for weaned piglets
T Spranghers, J Michiels, J Vrancx, A Ovyn, M Eeckhout, P De Clercq, ...
Animal Feed Science and Technology 235, 33-42, 2018
Mechanisms linking colorectal cancer to the consumption of (processed) red meat: a review
D Demeyer, B Mertens, S De Smet, M Ulens
Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 56 (16), 2747-2766, 2016
The role of red and processed meat in colorectal cancer development: a perspective
M Oostindjer, J Alexander, GV Amdam, G Andersen, NS Bryan, D Chen, ...
Meat science 97 (4), 583-596, 2014
In vitro degradation and in vivo passage kinetics of carvacrol, thymol, eugenol and trans‐cinnamaldehyde along the gastrointestinal tract of piglets
J Michiels, J Missotten, N Dierick, D Fremaut, P Maene, S De Smet
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 88 (13), 2371-2381, 2008
Supplementation of guanidinoacetic acid to broiler diets: effects on performance, carcass characteristics, meat quality, and energy metabolism
J Michiels, L Maertens, J Buyse, A Lemme, M Rademacher, NA Dierick, ...
Poultry science 91 (2), 402-412, 2012
Proteomic analysis of bovine skeletal muscle hypertrophy
J Bouley, B Meunier, C Chambon, S De Smet, JF Hocquette, B Picard
Proteomics 5 (2), 490-500, 2005
Fermented liquid feed for pigs: an ancient technique for the future
JAM Missotten, J Michiels, J Degroote, S De Smet
Journal of animal science and biotechnology 6, 1-9, 2015
Lipid and protein oxidation of broiler meat as influenced by dietary natural antioxidant supplementation
K Smet, K Raes, G Huyghebaert, L Haak, S Arnouts, S De Smet
Poultry science 87 (8), 1682-1688, 2008
36th international symposium on intensive care and emergency medicine: Brussels, Belgium. 15-18 March 2016
RM Bateman, MD Sharpe, JE Jagger, CG Ellis, J Solé-Violán, ...
Critical care 20, 13-182, 2016
Influence of different dietary forages on the fatty acid composition of rumen digesta as well as ruminant meat and milk
M Lourenço, G Van Ranst, B Vlaeminck, S De Smet, V Fievez
Animal Feed Science and Technology 145 (1-4), 418-437, 2008
Production of conjugated linoleic acid and conjugated linolenic acid isomers by Bifidobacterium species
L Gorissen, K Raes, S Weckx, D Dannenberger, F Leroy, L De Vuyst, ...
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 87, 2257-2266, 2010
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Articles 1–20