Knut Graichen
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Cited by
Improved computational target site prediction for pentatricopeptide repeat RNA editing factors
M Takenaka, A Zehrmann, A Brennicke, K Graichen
PloS one 8 (6), e65343, 2013
A new approach to inversion-based feedforward control design for nonlinear systems
K Graichen, V Hagenmeyer, M Zeitz
Automatica 41 (12), 2033-2041, 2005
A software framework for embedded nonlinear model predictive control using a gradient-based augmented Lagrangian approach (GRAMPC)
T Englert, A Völz, F Mesmer, S Rhein, K Graichen
Optimization and Engineering 20, 769-809, 2019
Swing-up of the double pendulum on a cart by feedforward and feedback control with experimental validation
K Graichen, M Treuer, M Zeitz
Automatica 43 (1), 63-71, 2007
Stability and incremental improvement of suboptimal MPC without terminal constraints
K Graichen, A Kugi
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 55 (11), 2576-2580, 2010
Nonlinear model predictive control of a magnetic levitation system
T Bächle, S Hentzelt, K Graichen
Control Engineering Practice 21 (9), 1250-1258, 2013
A real-time gradient method for nonlinear model predictive control
K Graichen, B Käpernick, T Zheng
Frontiers of model predictive control 9, 28, 2012
The gradient based nonlinear model predictive control software GRAMPC
B Käpernick, K Graichen
2014 European Control Conference (ECC), 1170-1175, 2014
Control and observer design for nonlinear finite and infinite dimensional systems
T Meurer, K Graichen, ED Gilles
Springer Science & Business Media, 2005
Feedforward control design for finite-time transition problems of nonlinear systems with input and output constraints
K Graichen, M Zeitz
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 53 (5), 1273-1278, 2008
Handling constraints in optimal control with saturation functions and system extension
K Graichen, A Kugi, N Petit, F Chaplais
Systems & Control Letters 59 (11), 671-679, 2010
Incorporating a class of constraints into the dynamics of optimal control problems
K Graichen, N Petit
Optimal Control Applications and Methods 30 (6), 537-561, 2009
Trajectory tracking of a 3DOF laboratory helicopter under input and state constraints
T Kiefer, K Graichen, A Kugi
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 18 (4), 944-952, 2009
Control design for a bionic kangaroo
K Graichen, S Hentzelt, A Hildebrandt, N Kärcher, N Gaißert, E Knubben
Control Engineering Practice 42, 106-117, 2015
Model predictive control of an overhead crane using constraint substitution
B Käpernick, K Graichen
2013 American Control Conference, 3973-3978, 2013
Constructive methods for initialization and handling mixed state-input constraints in optimal control
K Graichen, N Petit
Journal Of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 31 (5), 1334-1343, 2008
Feedforward control with online parameter estimation applied to the Chylla–Haase reactor benchmark
K Graichen, V Hagenmeyer, M Zeitz
Journal of process control 16 (7), 733-745, 2006
Dynamic optimization of a slab reheating furnace with consistent approximation of control variables
A Steinboeck, K Graichen, A Kugi
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 19 (6), 1444-1456, 2011
Nonlinear model predictive torque control of PMSMs for high performance applications
T Englert, K Graichen
Control Engineering Practice 81, 43-54, 2018
Solving the Goddard problem with thrust and dynamic pressure constraints using saturation functions
K Graichen, N Petit
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 41 (2), 14301-14306, 2008
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Articles 1–20