John Horne
John Horne
NOAA, Southwest Fisheries Science Center
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Cited by
High population connectivity across the Indo-Pacific: congruent lack of phylogeographic structure in three reef fish congeners
JB Horne, L van Herwerden, JH Choat, DR Robertson
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 49 (2), 629-638, 2008
Applications of random forest feature selection for fine‐scale genetic population assignment
EVA Sylvester, P Bentzen, IR Bradbury, M Clément, J Pearce, J Horne, ...
Evolutionary applications 11 (2), 153-165, 2018
The molecular biogeography of the Indo‐Pacific: Testing hypotheses with multispecies genetic patterns
ED Crandall, C Riginos, CE Bird, L Liggins, E Treml, M Beger, PH Barber, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 28 (7), 943-960, 2019
Genotyping-by-sequencing of genome wide microsatellite loci reveals fine scale harvest composition in a coastal Atlantic salmon fishery
PB Ian R. Bradbury, Brendan F. Wringe, Beth Watson, Ian Paterson, John Horne ...
Evolutionary applications, 2018
Limited ecological population connectivity suggests low demands on self‐recruitment in a tropical inshore marine fish (Eleutheronema tetradactylum: Polynemidae)
JB Horne, P Momigliano, DJ Welch, SJ Newman, L Van Herwerden
Molecular Ecology 20 (11), 2291-2306, 2011
Anchovies go north and west without losing diversity: Post‐glacial range expansions in a small pelagic fish
G Silva, JB Horne, R Castilho
Journal of biogeography 41 (6), 1171-1182, 2014
Resolving fine‐scale population structure and fishery exploitation using sequenced microsatellites in a northern fish
KKS Layton, B Dempson, PVR Snelgrove, SJ Duffy, AM Messmer, ...
Evolutionary Applications 13 (5), 1055-1068, 2020
Chromosome polymorphisms track trans‐Atlantic divergence and secondary contact in Atlantic salmon
SJ Lehnert, P Bentzen, T Kess, S Lien, JB Horne, M Clément, IR Bradbury
Molecular ecology 28 (8), 2074-2087, 2019
Environmental extremes drive population structure at the northern range limit of Atlantic salmon in North America
EVA Sylvester, RG Beiko, P Bentzen, I Paterson, JB Horne, B Watson, ...
Molecular Ecology 27 (20), 4026-4040, 2018
Observations of migrant exchange and mixing in a coral reef fish metapopulation link scales of marine population connectivity
JB Horne, L van Herwerden, S Abellana, JL McIlwain
Journal of Heredity 104 (4), 532-546, 2013
Thinking outside the barrier: neutral and adaptive divergence in Indo-Pacific coral reef faunas
JB Horne
Evolutionary Ecology 28, 991-1002, 2014
Long‐term panmixia in a cosmopolitan Indo‐Pacific coral reef fish and a nebulous genetic boundary with its broadly sympatric sister species
JB Horne, L Van Herwerden
Journal of Evolutionary biology 26 (4), 783-799, 2013
Searching for common threads in threadfins: phylogeography of Australian polynemids in space and time
JB Horne, P Momigliano, DJ Welch, SJ Newman, L Van Herwerden
Marine Ecology Progress Series 449, 263-276, 2012
Limited contemporary gene flow and high self‐replenishment drives peripheral isolation in an endemic coral reef fish
MH van der Meer, JB Horne, MG Gardner, JPA Hobbs, M Pratchett, ...
Ecology and Evolution 3 (6), 1653-1666, 2013
Defining the stock structure of northern Australia's threadfin salmon species
DJ Welch, A Ballagh, SJ Newman, RJG Lester, B Moore, ...
FRDC, 2010
Murky waters: Searching for structure in genetically depauperate blue threadfin populations of Western Australia
JB Horne, P Momigliano, L Van Herwerden, SJ Newman
Fisheries Research 146, 1-6, 2013
Genotyping-by-sequencing of genome-wide microsatellite loci reveals fine-scale harvest composition in a coastal Atlantic salmon fishery. Evol Appl 11: 918–930
IR Bradbury, BF Wringe, B Watson, I Paterson, J Horne, R Beiko, ...
doi. org/10.1111/eva 1260 (6), 2018
Complete mitochondrial genomes for Icelus spatula, Aspidophoroides olrikii and Leptoclinus maculatus: pan-Arctic marine fishes from Canadian waters
T Swanburg, JB Horne, S Baillie, SD King, MC McBride, MP Mackley, ...
Mitochondrial DNA Part A 27 (4), 2982-2983, 2016
Complex post-larval dispersal processes in Atlantic cod revealed by age-based genetics and relatedness analysis
JB Horne, IR Bradbury, IG Paterson, D Hardie, J Hutchings, BJ Laurel, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 556, 237-250, 2016
Emerging patterns and emerging challenges of comparative phylogeography
JB Horne
Frontiers of Biogeography 6 (4), 2014
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Articles 1–20