Jean-François Agnèse
Jean-François Agnèse
Directeur de recherche IRD
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Genetic differentiation among natural populations of the Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Teleostei, Cichlidae)
JF Agnèse, B Adépo-Gourène, EK Abban, Y Fermon
Heredity 79 (1), 88-96, 1997
Morphometric and genetic characterization of sympatric populations of Clarias gariepinus and C. anguillaris from Senegal
JF Agnèse, GG Teugels, P Galbusera, R Guyomard, F Volckaert
Journal of Fish Biology 50 (6), 1143-1157, 1997
Insight into the phylogeny of African Clariidae (Teleostei, Siluriformes): implications for their body shape evolution, biogeography, and taxonomy
JF Agnese, GG Teugels
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 36 (3), 546-553, 2005
Phylogenetic relationships between 21 species of three tilapiine genera Tilapia, Sarotherodon and Oreochromis using allozyme data
L Pouyaud, JF Agnèse
Journal of Fish Biology 47 (1), 26-38, 1995
Kin cohesiveness and possible inbreeding in the mouthbrooding tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron (Pisces Cichlidae)
Pouyaud, Desmarais, Chenuil, Agnese, Bonhomme
Molecular Ecology 8 (5), 803-812, 1999
Effects of domestication on genetic variability, fertility, survival and growth rate in a tropical siluriform: Heterobranchus longifilis Valenciennes 1840
JF Agnèse, ZJ Otémé, S Gilles
Aquaculture 131 (3-4), 197-204, 1995
One‐locus‐several‐primers: A strategy to improve the taxonomic and haplotypic coverage in diet metabarcoding studies
E Corse, C Tougard, G Archambaud‐Suard, JF Agnèse, ...
Ecology and Evolution 9 (8), 4603-4620, 2019
Phylogenetic relationships of mormyrid electric fishes (Mormyridae; Teleostei) inferred from cytochrome b sequences
S Lavoue, R Bigorne, G Lecointre, JF Agnese
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 14 (1), 1-10, 2000
Morphometric and allozyme variation in the African catfishes Clarias gariepinus and C. anguillaris
X Rognon, GG Teugels, R Guyomard, P Galbusera, M Andriamanga, ...
Journal of Fish Biology 53 (1), 192-207, 1998
Genetic characterization of an unknown and endangered native population of the Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758)(Cichlidae; Teleostei) in the Loboi Swamp (Kenya)
D Nyingi, L De Vos, R Aman, JF Agnèse
Aquaculture 297 (1-4), 57-63, 2009
Testicular structure, spermatogenesis and sperm cryopreservation in the African clariid catfish Heterobranchus longifilis (Valenciennes, 1840)
ZJ Otémé, JN Rodriguez, CK Kouassi, S Hem, JF Agnese
Aquaculture Research 27 (11), 805-813, 1996
A phylogeny of Cichlidogyrus spp. (Monogenea, Dactylogyridea) clarifies a host-switch between fish families and reveals an adaptive component to attachment …
FD Messu Mandeng, CF Bilong Bilong, A Pariselle, MPM Vanhove, ...
Parasites & Vectors 8, 1-12, 2015
An Important Natural Genetic Resource of Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) Threatened by Aquaculture Activities in Loboi Drainage, Kenya
TC Ndiwa, DW Nyingi, JF Agnese
PLoS One 9 (9), e106972, 2014
Morphological variations of wild populations of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) living in extreme environmental conditions in the Kenyan Rift-Valley
TC Ndiwa, DW Nyingi, J Claude, JF Agnèse
Environmental Biology of Fishes 99, 473-485, 2016
Disentangling the taxonomy of the subfamily Rasborinae (Cypriniformes, Danionidae) in Sundaland using DNA barcodes
A Sholihah, E Delrieu-Trottin, T Sukmono, H Dahruddin, R Risdawati, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 2818, 2020
Two lineages, diploid and tetraploid, demonstrated in African species Barbus (Osteichthyes, Cyprinidae)
JF Agnèse, P Berrebi, C Lévêque, JF Guégan
Aquatic Living Resources 3 (4), 305-311, 1990
Recent introgressive hybridization revealed by exclusive mtDNA transfer from Oreochromis leucostictus (Trewavas, 1933) to Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus …
DW Nyingi, JF Agnèse
Journal of Fish Biology 70, 148-154, 2007
Diploid and tetraploid African Barbus (Osteichthyes, Cyprinidae): on the coding of differential gene expression
P Berrebi, C Lévêque, G Cattaneo-Berrebi, JF Agnèse, JF Guégan, ...
Aquatic Living Resources 3 (4), 313-323, 1990
Morphometric and allozyme variation in natural populations and cultured strains of the Nile tilapia Oreochrornis niloticus (Teleostei, Cichlidae)
EM Vreven, B Adepo-Gourene, JF Agnèse, GG Teugels
Belgian Journal of Zoology 128, 23-34, 1998
Impact of Pleistocene eustatic fluctuations on evolutionary dynamics in Southeast Asian biodiversity hotspots
A Sholihah, E Delrieu-Trottin, FL Condamine, D Wowor, L Rüber, ...
Systematic biology 70 (5), 940-960, 2021
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Articles 1–20