Craig Nitschke
Craig Nitschke
Associate Professor, University of Melbourne
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Multiple ecosystem services and disservices of the urban forest establishing their connections with landscape structure and sociodemographics
C Dobbs, D Kendal, CR Nitschke
Ecological Indicators 43, 44-55, 2014
Too much, too soon? A review of the effects of increasing wildfire frequency on tree mortality and regeneration in temperate eucalypt forests
TA Fairman, CR Nitschke, LT Bennett
International journal of wildland fire 25 (8), 831-848, 2015
Assessing the drivers shaping global patterns of urban vegetation landscape structure
C Dobbs, C Nitschke, D Kendal
Science of the Total Environment 592, 171-177, 2017
Integrating climate change into forest management in South-Central British Columbia: an assessment of landscape vulnerability and development of a climate-smart framework
CR Nitschke, JL Innes
Forest Ecology and Management 256 (3), 313-327, 2008
A tree and climate assessment tool for modelling ecosystem response to climate change
CR Nitschke, JL Innes
Ecological modelling 210 (3), 263-277, 2008
The influence of climate and drought on urban tree growth in southeast Australia and the implications for future growth under climate change
CR Nitschke, S Nichols, K Allen, C Dobbs, SJ Livesley, PJ Baker, Y Lynch
Landscape and Urban Planning 167, 275-287, 2017
Short-interval wildfires increase likelihood of resprouting failure in fire-tolerant trees
TA Fairman, LT Bennett, CR Nitschke
Journal of Environmental Management 231, 59-65, 2019
Global drivers and tradeoffs of three urban vegetation ecosystem services
C Dobbs, CR Nitschke, D Kendal
PLoS One 9 (11), e113000, 2014
Frequent wildfires erode tree persistence and alter stand structure and initial composition of a fire‐tolerant sub‐alpine forest
TA Fairman, LT Bennett, S Tupper, CR Nitschke
Journal of Vegetation Science 28 (6), 1151-1165, 2017
Climatic niche models and their consensus projections for future climates for four major forest tree species in the Asia–Pacific region
T Wang, G Wang, J Innes, C Nitschke, H Kang
Forest Ecology and Management 360, 357-366, 2016
Modelling the potential impact of climate variability and change on species regeneration potential in the temperate forests of S outh‐E astern A ustralia
HF Mok, SK Arndt, CR Nitschke
Global Change Biology 18 (3), 1053-1072, 2012
An ecoclimatic framework for evaluating the resilience of vegetation to water deficit
PJ Mitchell, AP O'Grady, EA Pinkard, TJ Brodribb, SK Arndt, CJ Blackman, ...
Global Change Biology 22 (5), 1677-1689, 2016
Climatic change and fire potential in south‐central British Columbia, Canada
CR Nitschke, JL Innes
Global Change Biology 14 (4), 841-855, 2008
Adaptation to Climate Change in Panchase Mountain Ecological Regions of Nepal
S Adhikari, H Baral, C Nitschke
Environments 5 (3), 42, 2018
Carbon sequestration in managed temperate coniferous forests under climate change
CC Dymond, S Beukema, CR Nitschke, KD Coates, RM Scheller
Biogeosciences 13 (6), 1933-1947, 2016
Herbarium records identify sensitivity of flowering phenology of eucalypts to climate: implications for species response to climate change
DS Rawal, S Kasel, MR Keatley, CR Nitschke
Austral ecology 40 (2), 117-125, 2015
Does forest harvesting emulate fire disturbance? A comparison of effects on selected attributes in coniferous-dominated headwater systems
CR Nitschke
Forest Ecology and Management 214 (1-3), 305-319, 2005
The cumulative effects of resource development on biodiversity and ecological integrity in the Peace-Moberly region of Northeast British Columbia, Canada
CR Nitschke
Biodiversity and Conservation 17, 1715-1740, 2008
An approach for assessing adaptive capacity to climate change in resource dependent communities in the Nikachu watershed, Bhutan
K Choden, RJ Keenan, CR Nitschke
Ecological Indicators 114, 106293, 2020
Carbon stocks in temperate forests of south-eastern Australia reflect large tree distribution and edaphic conditions
M Fedrigo, S Kasel, LT Bennett, SH Roxburgh, CR Nitschke
Forest Ecology and Management 334, 129-143, 2014
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Articles 1–20