Daniel Martin
Daniel Martin
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The biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea: estimates, patterns, and threats
M Coll, C Piroddi, J Steenbeek, K Kaschner, F Ben Rais Lasram, J Aguzzi, ...
PloS one 5 (8), e11842, 2010
An ecological perspective on the deployment and design of low-crested and other hard coastal defence structures
L Airoldi, M Abbiati, MW Beck, SJ Hawkins, PR Jonsson, D Martin, ...
Coastal engineering 52 (10-11), 1073-1087, 2005
Symbiotic polychaetes: review of known species
D Martin, TA Britayev
Oceanography and Marine Biology: an annual review 36, 217-340, 1998
Ecological impact of coastal defence structures on sediment and mobile fauna: evaluating and forecasting consequences of unavoidable modifications of native habitats
D Martin, F Bertasi, MA Colangelo, M de Vries, M Frost, SJ Hawkins, ...
Coastal engineering 52 (10-11), 1027-1051, 2005
Biological activity of extracts from some Mediterranean macrophytes
E Ballesteros, D Martin, MJ Uriz
Botanica Marina 35 (6), 481-486, 1992
The sponge population of the Cabrera Archipelago (Balearic Islands): characteristics, distribution, and abundance of the most representative species
MJ Uriz, D Rosell, D Martín
Marine Ecology 13 (2), 101-117, 1992
Seasonal dynamics of macroinfaunal key species inhabiting shallow soft-bottoms in the Bay of Blanes (NW Mediterranean)
R Sardá, S Pinedo, D Martin
Acta Oecologica 20 (4), 315-326, 1999
Integrated study of Mediterranean deep canyons: Novel results and future challenges Preface
M Canals, Company, JB, D Martin, A Sanchez-Vidal, E Ramirez-Llodra
Integrated study of Mediterranean deep canyons: Novel results and future challenges
M Canals, JB Company, D Martin, A Sanchez-Vidal, E Ramirez-Llodra
Progress in Oceanography 118, 1-27, 2013
An approach to the ecological significance of chemically mediated activity in Mediterranean benthic communities
MJ Uriz, D Martin, X Turon, E Ballesteros, R Hughues, C Acebal
Marine Ecology Progress Series 70 (2), 175-188, 1991
Comparison of benthic foraminifera and macrofaunal indicators of the impact of oil-based drill mud disposal
M Denoyelle, FJ Jorissen, D Martin, F Galgani, J Miné
Marine pollution bulletin 60 (11), 2007-2021, 2010
Relationship between environment and the occurrence of the deep-water rose shrimp Aristeus antennatus (Risso, 1816) in the Blanes submarine canyon (NW Mediterranean)
F Sardà, JB Company, N Bahamon, G Rotllant, MM Flexas, JD Sánchez, ...
Progress in Oceanography 82 (4), 227-238, 2009
Relationships of biological and taxonomic characteristics to chemically mediated bioactivity in Mediterranean littoral sponges
MJ Uriz, D Martin, D Rosell
Marine Biology 113 (2), 287-297, 1992
Chemical bioactivity of Mediterranean benthic organisms against embryos and larvae of marine invertebrates
D Martin, MJ Uriz
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and ·cology 173 (1), 11-27, 1993
Infestation by excavating sponges on the oyster (Ostrea edulis) populations of the Blanes littoral zone (north-western Mediterranean Sea)
D Rosell, MJ Uriz, D Martin
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 79 (3 …, 1999
Symbiotic polychaetes revisited: an update of the known species and relationships (1998–2017)
D Martin, TA Britayev
Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review 56, 371-448, 2018
Polychaetes associated to a Cymodocea nodosa meadow in the Canary Islands: assemblage structure, temporal variability and vertical distribution compared to other Mediterranean …
MC Brito, D Martin, J Núñez
Marine Biology 146 (3), 467-481, 2005
New symbiotic associations involving Syllidae (Annelida: Polychaeta), with taxonomic and biological remarks on Pionosyllis magnifica and Syllis cf. armillaris
E López, TA Britayev, D Martin, G San Martín
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK 81 (03), 399-409, 2001
Populations of Streblospio (Polychaeta: Spionidae) in temperate zones: demography and production
R Sardá, D Martin
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 73 (4 …, 1993
Features of spatial distribution of benthic infauna in a Mediterranean shallow-water bay
C Palacín, D Martin, JM Gili
Marine Biology 110 (2), 315-321, 1991
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