Augustus Resurreccion
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Cited by
Relationship between specific surface area and the dry end of the water retention curve for soils with varying clay and organic carbon contents
AC Resurreccion, P Moldrup, M Tuller, TPA Ferré, K Kawamoto, ...
Water Resources Research 47 (6), 2011
Soil specific surface area and non‐singularity of soil‐water retention at low saturations
E Arthur, M Tuller, P Moldrup, AC Resurreccion, MS Meding, K Kawamoto, ...
Soil Science Society of America Journal 77 (1), 43-53, 2013
Variable pore connectivity factor model for gas diffusivity in unsaturated, aggregated soil
AC Resurreccion, P Moldrup, K Kawamoto, S Yoshikawa, DE Rolston, ...
Vadose Zone Journal 7 (2), 397-405, 2008
The solute diffusion coefficient in variably compacted, unsaturated volcanic ash soils
S Hamamoto, MSA Perera, A Resurreccion, K Kawamoto, S Hasegawa, ...
Vadose Zone Journal 8 (4), 942-952, 2009
Hierarchical, bimodal model for gas diffusivity in aggregated, unsaturated soils
AC Resurreccion, P Moldrup, K Kawamoto, S Hamamoto, DE Rolston, ...
Soil Science Society of America Journal 74 (2), 481-491, 2010
Gas diffusivity and air permeability in a volcanic ash soil profile: Effects of organic matter and water retention
AC Resurreccion, K Kawamoto, T Komatsu, P Moldrup, K Sato, ...
Soil science 172 (6), 432-443, 2007
Gas transport parameters along field transects of a volcanic ash soil
AC Resurreccion, K Kawamoto, T Komatsu, P Moldrup, N Ozaki, ...
Soil science 172 (1), 3-16, 2007
Arsenic removal by advanced electrocoagulation processes: The role of oxidants generated and kinetic modeling
MFV Montefalcon, MR Chiong III, AC Resurreccion, S Garcia-Segura, ...
Catalysts 10 (8), 928, 2020
Linear model to predict soil-gas diffusivity from two soil-water retention points in unsaturated volcanic ash soils
AC Resurreccion, T Komatsu, K Kawamoto, M Oda, S Yoshikawa, ...
Soils and foundations 48 (3), 397-406, 2008
Spatiotemporal variation of groundwater arsenic in Pampanga, Philippines
KLB Solis, RQ Macasieb, RC Parangat Jr, AC Resurreccion, JD Ocon
Water 12 (9), 2366, 2020
Heavy metal contamination assessment and source apportionment analysis using multivariate methods in surface sediments of mining-impacted rivers in Benguet
RQ Macasieb, CR Orozco, AC Resurreccion
International Journal of Environmental Studies 78 (2), 283-300, 2021
Iodine-129 for determining the origin of salinity in groundwater in Pampanga, Philippines
SPV Tan, ATB VII, NDS Mendoza, CDT Racadio, M Puthenpurekal, ...
Journal of environmental radioactivity 218, 106239, 2020
A research project removing heavy metals from wastewater of small-scale gold miners of Camarines Norte (Philippines) using coco-peat as sorbent material
MA Tanchuling, AC Resurreccion, D Ong
ASEAN Engineering Journal 1 (1), 22-28, 2012
Application of coupled HEC-HMS and US EPA WASP for transport modelling of mercury in the mining-impacted Ambalanga River
RQ Macasieb, CR Orozco, AC Resurreccion
ASEAN Engineering Journal 11 (3), 158-176, 2021
Estimating Energy Consumption and Cost for the Electrocoagulation of Arsenic-laden Water (ECAR) Using Iron Electrodes
KL Balares, J Nuevo, M Chiong, R Macasieb, A Resurreccion, C Orozco
E3S Web of Conferences 148, 01004, 2020
The soil-water characteristic curve at low soil-water contents: Relationships with soil specific surface area and texture
AC Resurreccion, P Møldrup, M Tuller, T Ferre, K Kawamoto, T Komatsu, ...
Water Resources Research 47 (W06522), 2011
Kinetic and equilibrium studies on the adsorption of pb2+ and zn2+ from aqueous solution using coco-peat by batch experiment
KJ Waskita, AC Resurreccion, W Budianta
Journal of Applied Geology 4 (1), 2012
Evaluating Different Commercial Forms of Carbon as Cathodes in Air-cathode Assisted Iron Electrocoagulation (ACAIE) of Groundwater for Arsenic Removal
JDA Pascasio, KA Gandionco, SRS Bandaru, AJ Gadgil, AC Resurreccion, ...
An Opportunity Cost-Based Modified Genetic Algorithm for the P− k Median Problem
JZ Resurreccion, AC Resurreccion
Philippine Engineering Journal 25 (1), 2004
Science and policy in action: A localized intervention for arsenic risk mitigation in the Philippines
C Faulmino, A Rola, K Solis, R Macasieb, A Resurreccion
Arsenic in the Environment: Bridging Science to Practice for Sustainable …, 2023
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Articles 1–20