Diego J. Perez-Venegas, Msc., Ph.D.
Diego J. Perez-Venegas, Msc., Ph.D.
CIGREN, Instituto de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile
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Is the feeding type related with the content of microplastics in intertidal fish gut?
R Mizraji, C Ahrendt, D Perez-Venegas, J Vargas, J Pulgar, M Aldana, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 116 (1-2), 498-500, 2017
Microplastic ingestion cause intestinal lesions in the intertidal fish Girella laevifrons
C Ahrendt, DJ Perez-Venegas, M Urbina, C Gonzalez, P Echeveste, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 151, 110795, 2020
First detection of plastic microfibers in a wild population of South American fur seals (Arctocephalus australis) in the Chilean Northern Patagonia
DJ Perez-Venegas, M Seguel, H Pavés, J Pulgar, M Urbina, C Ahrendt, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 136, 50-54, 2018
Monitoring the occurrence of microplastic ingestion in Otariids along the Peruvian and Chilean coasts
DJ Perez-Venegas, C Toro-Valdivieso, F Ayala, B Brito, L Iturra, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 153, 110966, 2020
The influence of microplastics pollution on the feeding behavior of a prominent sandy beach amphipod, Orchestoidea tuberculata (Nicolet, 1849)
A Carrasco, J Pulgar, D Quintanilla-Ahumada, D Perez-Venegas, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 145, 23-27, 2019
Coastal debris survey in a Remote Island of the Chilean Northern Patagonia
D Perez-Venegas, H Pavés, J Pulgar, C Ahrendt, M Seguel, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 125 (1-2), 530-534, 2017
Parasitism Elicits a Stress Response That Allocates Resources for Immune Function in South American Fur Seals (Arctocephalus australis)
M Seguel, D Perez-Venegas, J Gutierrez, DE Crocker, EJ DeRango
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 92 (3), 326-338, 2019
Contamination of the upper class: occurrence and effects of chemical pollutants in terrestrial top predators
IA Rodríguez-Jorquera, N Vitale, L Garner, DJ Perez-Venegas, ...
Current Pollution Reports 3, 206-219, 2017
A country's response to tackling plastic pollution in aquatic ecosystems: The Chilean way
MA Urbina, G Luna‐Jorquera, M Thiel, T Acuña‐Ruz, MA Amenábar Cristi, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31 (2), 420-440, 2021
Immune-mediated hookworm clearance and survival of a marine mammal decrease with warmer ocean temperatures
M Seguel, F Montalva, D Perez-Venegas, J Gutierrez, HJ Paves, A Müller, ...
Elife 7, e38432, 2018
Hematology, Serum Chemistry, and Early Hematologic Changes in Free-Ranging South American Fur Seals (Arctocephalus australis) at Guafo Island, Chilean …
M Seguel, F Muñoz, A Keenan, DJ Perez-Venegas, E DeRango, H Paves, ...
Journal of wildlife diseases 52 (3), 663-668, 2016
Towards understanding the effects of oceanic plastic pollution on population growth for a South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis australis) colony in Chile
DJ Perez-Venegas, A Valenzuela-Sánchez, F Montalva, H Pavés, ...
Environmental Pollution 279, 116881, 2021
The life history strategy of a fur seal hookworm in relation to pathogenicity and host health status
M Seguel, F Muñoz, D Perez-Venegas, A Müller, H Paves, E Howerth, ...
International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 7 (3), 251-260, 2018
The contrasting hidden consequences of parasitism: Effects of a hematophagous nematode (Uncinaria sp.) in the development of a marine mammal swimming …
F Montalva, D Pérez‐Venegas, J Gutiérrez, M Seguel
Ecology and Evolution 9 (7), 3689-3699, 2019
Kelp and dolphin gulls cause perineal wounds in South American fur seal pups (Arctocephalus australis) at Guafo Island, Chilean Patagonia
M Seguel, F Muñoz, F Montalva, D Perez-Venegas, H Pavés, ...
Royal Society open science 4 (7), 170638, 2017
Occurrence, source estimation, and risk assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in coastal seawaters from the Quintero Industrial Complex (Valparaíso, Chile)
CJ Galbán-Malagón, J Zapata, DJ Perez-Venegas, R Vargas, ...
Science of the Total Environment 878, 162957, 2023
The hotspots of entanglement for pinnipeds of the world
DJ Perez-Venegas, BD Hardesty, C Wilcox, C Galbán-Malagón
Marine Pollution Bulletin 195, 115491, 2023
Lower marine productivity increases agonistic interactions between sea lions and fur seals in Northern Pacific Patagonia
F Montalva, H Pavés, D Pérez-Venegas, KG Barrientos E, C Valencia, ...
Current Zoology 68 (6), 657-666, 2022
Shifts in maternal foraging strategies during pregnancy promote offspring health and survival in a marine top predator
M Seguel, BE Molina-Burgos, DJ Perez-Venegas, G Chiang, C Harrod, ...
Oecologia 199 (2), 343-354, 2022
Enredos por plástico del lobo fino en isla Guafo:¿ un impacto local en una isla prístina?
DJ Pérez Venegas
UNAB, 2016
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Articles 1–20