Prof Qiuhua Liang
Prof Qiuhua Liang
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Numerical resolution of well-balanced shallow water equations with complex source terms
Q Liang, F Marche
Advances in water resources 32 (6), 873-884, 2009
Adaptive quadtree simulation of shallow flows with wet–dry fronts over complex topography
Q Liang, AGL Borthwick
Computers & Fluids 38 (2), 221-234, 2009
Assessing the utility of social media as a data source for flood risk management using a real‐time modelling framework
L Smith, Q Liang, P James, W Lin
Journal of Flood Risk Management 10 (3), 370-380, 2017
A deep convolutional neural network model for rapid prediction of fluvial flood inundation
S Kabir, S Patidar, X Xia, Q Liang, J Neal, G Pender
Journal of Hydrology 590, 125481, 2020
Flood simulation using a well-balanced shallow flow model
Q Liang
Journal of hydraulic engineering 136 (9), 669-675, 2010
Real‐time flood forecasting based on a high‐performance 2‐D hydrodynamic model and numerical weather predictions
X Ming, Q Liang, X Xia, D Li, HJ Fowler
Water Resources Research 56 (7), e2019WR025583, 2020
A 2D well-balanced shallow flow model for unstructured grids with novel slope source term treatment
J Hou, Q Liang, F Simons, R Hinkelmann
Advances in Water Resources 52, 107-131, 2013
An efficient and stable hydrodynamic model with novel source term discretization schemes for overland flow and flood simulations
X Xia, Q Liang, X Ming, J Hou
Water resources research 53 (5), 3730-3759, 2017
Simulation of dam‐and dyke‐break hydrodynamics on dynamically adaptive quadtree grids
Q Liang, AGL Borthwick, G Stelling
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 46 (2), 127-162, 2004
A full-scale fluvial flood modelling framework based on a high-performance integrated hydrodynamic modelling system (HiPIMS)
X Xia, Q Liang, X Ming
Advances in Water Resources 132, 103392, 2019
Comprehensive evaluation of hydrological drought and its relationships with meteorological drought in the Yellow River basin, China
F Wang, Z Wang, H Yang, D Di, Y Zhao, Q Liang, Z Hussain
Journal of Hydrology 584, 124751, 2020
An efficient unstructured MUSCL scheme for solving the 2D shallow water equations
J Hou, Q Liang, H Zhang, R Hinkelmann
Environmental Modelling & Software 66, 131-152, 2015
Neurocomputing in surface water hydrology and hydraulics: A review of two decades retrospective, current status and future prospects
M Zounemat-Kermani, E Matta, A Cominola, X Xia, Q Zhang, Q Liang, ...
Journal of Hydrology 588, 125085, 2020
Towards a generalised GPU/CPU shallow-flow modelling tool
LS Smith, Q Liang
Computers & Fluids 88, 334-343, 2013
Large-scale hydrodynamic modeling of the middle Yangtze River Basin with complex river–lake interactions
X Lai, J Jiang, Q Liang, Q Huang
Journal of hydrology 492, 228-243, 2013
Impoundment effects of the Three-Gorges-Dam on flow regimes in two China’s largest freshwater lakes
X Lai, Q Liang, J Jiang, Q Huang
Water resources management 28, 5111-5124, 2014
Utilizing GRACE-based groundwater drought index for drought characterization and teleconnection factors analysis in the North China Plain
F Wang, Z Wang, H Yang, D Di, Y Zhao, Q Liang
Journal of Hydrology 585, 124849, 2020
A 2D shallow flow model for practical dam-break simulations
Y Wang, Q Liang, G Kesserwani, JW Hall
Journal of Hydraulic Research 49 (3), 307-316, 2011
Flood inundation modeling with an adaptive quadtree grid shallow water equation solver
Q Liang, G Du, JW Hall, AG Borthwick
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 134 (11), 1603-1610, 2008
Urban flood susceptibility analysis using a GIS-based multi-criteria analysis framework
L Lin, Z Wu, Q Liang
Natural Hazards 97, 455-475, 2019
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Articles 1–20