Li Yuxin
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Cited by
G3BP1 is a tunable switch that triggers phase separation to assemble stress granules
P Yang, C Mathieu, RM Kolaitis, P Zhang, J Messing, U Yurtsever, Z Yang, ...
Cell 181 (2), 325-345. e28, 2020
C11orf95RELA fusions drive oncogenic NF-κB signalling in ependymoma
M Parker, KM Mohankumar, C Punchihewa, R Weinlich, JD Dalton, Y Li, ...
Nature 506 (7489), 451, 2014
Deep Multilayer Brain Proteomics Identifies Molecular Networks in Alzheimer’s Disease Progression
B Bai, X Wang, Y Li, PC Chen, K Yu, KK Dey, JM Yarbro, X Han, BM Lutz, ...
Neuron, 2020
Integrative Proteomics and Phosphoproteomics Profiling Reveals Dynamic Signaling Networks and Bioenergetics Pathways Underlying T Cell Activation
H Tan, K Yang, Y Li, TI Shaw, Y Wang, DB Blanco, X Wang, JH Cho, ...
Immunity 46 (3), 488-503, 2017
U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein complex and RNA splicing alterations in Alzheimer’s disease
B Bai, CM Hales, PC Chen, Y Gozal, EB Dammer, JJ Fritz, X Wang, Q Xia, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (41), 16562-16567, 2013
Differential genome-wide profiling of tandem 3′ UTRs among human breast cancer and normal cells by high-throughput sequencing
Y Fu, Y Sun, Y Li, J Li, X Rao, C Chen, A Xu
Genome research 21 (5), 741-747, 2011
Quantitative phosphoproteomic analysis of the molecular substrates of sleep need
Z Wang, J Ma, C Miyoshi, Y Li, M Sato, Y Ogawa, T Lou, C Ma, X Gao, ...
Nature 558 (7710), 435, 2018
Comparative metagenomics of microbial communities inhabiting deep-sea hydrothermal vent chimneys with contrasting chemistries
W Xie, F Wang, L Guo, Z Chen, SM Sievert, J Meng, G Huang, Y Li, Q Yan, ...
The ISME journal 5 (3), 414-426, 2010
Hippo/Mst signalling couples metabolic state and immune function of CD8α+ dendritic cells
X Du, J Wen, Y Wang, PWF Karmaus, A Khatamian, H Tan, Y Li, C Guy, ...
Nature 558 (7708), 141, 2018
Proteomic landscape of Alzheimer’s Disease: novel insights into pathogenesis and biomarker discovery
B Bai, D Vanderwall, Y Li, X Wang, S Poudel, H Wang, KK Dey, PC Chen, ...
Molecular Neurodegeneration 16 (1), 1-16, 2021
JUMP: a tag-based database search tool for peptide identification with high sensitivity and accuracy
X Wang, Y Li, Z Wu, H Wang, H Tan, J Peng
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 13 (12), 3663-3673, 2014
Integrated analysis of ultra-deep proteomes in cortex, cerebrospinal fluid and serum reveals a mitochondrial signature in Alzheimer’s disease
H Wang, KK Dey, PC Chen, Y Li, M Niu, JH Cho, X Wang, B Bai, Y Jiao, ...
Molecular Neurodegeneration 15 (1), 1-20, 2020
Partial loss of psychiatric risk gene Mir137 in mice causes repetitive behavior and impairs sociability and learning via increased Pde10a
Y Cheng, ZM Wang, W Tan, X Wang, Y Li, B Bai, Y Li, SF Zhang, HL Yan, ...
Nature neuroscience 21 (12), 1689, 2018
Identification of therapeutic targets in rhabdomyosarcoma through integrated genomic, epigenomic, and proteomic analyses
E Stewart, J McEvoy, H Wang, X Chen, V Honnell, M Ocarz, B Gordon, ...
Cancer cell 34 (3), 411-426. e19, 2018
Deep undepleted human serum proteome profiling toward biomarker discovery for Alzheimer’s disease
KK Dey, H Wang, M Niu, B Bai, X Wang, Y Li, JH Cho, H Tan, A Mishra, ...
Clinical Proteomics 16 (1), 16, 2019
Hippo Kinases Mst1 and Mst2 Sense and Amplify IL-2R-STAT5 Signaling in Regulatory T Cells to Establish Stable Regulatory Activity
H Shi, C Liu, H Tan, Y Li, TLM Nguyen, Y Dhungana, C Guy, P Vogel, ...
Immunity 49 (5), 899-914. e6, 2018
Extensive Peptide Fractionation and y1 Ion-Based Interference Detection Method for Enabling Accurate Quantification by Isobaric Labeling and Mass Spectrometry
M Niu, JH Cho, K Kodali, V Pagala, AA High, H Wang, Z Wu, Y Li, W Bi, ...
Analytical Chemistry 89 (5), 2956-2963, 2017
Systematic Optimization of Long Gradient Chromatography Mass Spectrometry for Deep Analysis of Brain Proteome
H Wang, Y Yang, Y Li, B Bai, X Wang, H Tan, T Liu, TG Beach, J Peng, ...
Journal of proteome research 14 (2), 829-838, 2014
JUMPg: an integrative proteogenomics pipeline identifying unannotated proteins in human brain and cancer cells
Y Li, X Wang, JH Cho, TI Shaw, Z Wu, B Bai, H Wang, S Zhou, TG Beach, ...
Journal of proteome research 15 (7), 2309-2320, 2016
The neoepitope landscape in pediatric cancers
TC Chang, RA Carter, Y Li, Y Li, H Wang, MN Edmonson, X Chen, ...
Genome Medicine 9 (1), 78, 2017
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Articles 1–20