Shi Jin
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Cited by
The relaxation schemes for systems of conservation laws in arbitrary space dimensions
S Jin, Z Xin
Communications on pure and applied mathematics 48 (3), 235-276, 1995
Efficient asymptotic-preserving (AP) schemes for some multiscale kinetic equations
S Jin
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 21 (2), 441-454, 1999
On time-splitting spectral approximations for the Schrödinger equation in the semiclassical regime
W Bao, S Jin, PA Markowich
Journal of Computational Physics 175 (2), 487-524, 2002
Physical symmetry and lattice symmetry in the lattice Boltzmann method
N Cao, S Chen, S Jin, D Martinez
Physical review E 55 (1), R21, 1997
A class of asymptotic-preserving schemes for kinetic equations and related problems with stiff sources
F Filbet, S Jin
Journal of Computational Physics 229 (20), 7625-7648, 2010
Asymptotic preserving (AP) schemes for multiscale kinetic and hyperbolic equations: a review
S Jin
Lecture notes for summer school on methods and models of kinetic theory (M …, 2010
Numerical schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws with stiff relaxation terms
S Jin, CD Levermore
Journal of computational physics 126 (2), 449-467, 1996
Runge-Kutta methods for hyperbolic conservation laws with stiff relaxation terms
S Jin
Journal of Computational Physics 122 (1), 51-67, 1995
Numerical study of time-splitting spectral discretizations of nonlinear Schrödinger equations in the semiclassical regimes
W Bao, S Jin, PA Markowich
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 25 (1), 27-64, 2003
Uniformly accurate diffusive relaxation schemes for multiscale transport equations
S Jin, L Pareschi, G Toscani
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 38 (3), 913-936, 2000
A steady-state capturing method for hyperbolic systems with geometrical source terms
S Jin
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 35 (4), 631-645, 2001
Diffusive relaxation schemes for multiscale discrete-velocity kinetic equations
S Jin, L Pareschi, G Toscani
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 35 (6), 2405-2439, 1998
Uniformly accurate schemes for hyperbolic systems with relaxation
RE Caflisch, S Jin, G Russo
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 34 (1), 246-281, 1997
Mathematical and computational methods for semiclassical Schrödinger equations
S Jin, P Markowich, C Sparber
Acta Numerica 20, 121-209, 2011
Numerical approximations of pressureless and isothermal gas dynamics
F Bouchut, S Jin, X Li
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 41 (1), 135-158, 2003
An all-speed asymptotic-preserving method for the isentropic Euler and Navier-Stokes equations
J Haack, S Jin, JG Liu
Communications in Computational Physics 12 (4), 955-980, 2012
Regularization of the Burnett equations via relaxation
S Jin, M Slemrod
Journal of Statistical Physics 103, 1009-1033, 2001
A consensus-based global optimization method for high dimensional machine learning problems
JA Carrillo, S Jin, L Li, Y Zhu
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 27, S5, 2021
Numerical passage from systems of conservation laws to Hamilton--Jacobi equations, and relaxation schemes
S Jin, Z Xin
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 35 (6), 2385-2404, 1998
Random batch methods (RBM) for interacting particle systems
S Jin, L Li, JG Liu
Journal of Computational Physics 400, 108877, 2020
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Articles 1–20