Adela Moreno
Adela Moreno
Research Assistant - IRNAS (CSIC)
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Cited by
Above‐ground biomass and species richness in a Mediterranean salt marsh
LV García, T Marañón, A Moreno, L Clemente
Journal of Vegetation Science 4 (3), 417-424, 1993
Monitoring burnt areas by principal components analysis of multi-temporal TM data
P Siljestrom Ribed, A Moreno López
International Journal of Remote Sensing 16 (9), 1577-1587, 1995
Doñana National Park (south-west Spain): geomorphological characterization through a soil-vegetation study
PA Siljeström, A Moreno, LV Garcia, LE Clemente
Journal of Arid Environments 26 (4), 315-323, 1994
Protected wading bird species threaten relict centenarian cork oaks in a Mediterranean Biosphere Reserve: a conservation management conflict
LV García, C Ramo, C Aponte, A Moreno, MT Domínguez, ...
Biological Conservation 144 (2), 764-771, 2011
Technical note The application of selective principal components analysis (SPCA) to a Thematic Mapper (TM) image for the recognition of geomorphologic features configuration
PA Siljestrom, A Moreno, K Vikgren, LM Caceres
International Journal of Remote Sensing 18 (18), 3843-3852, 1997
Characterization of phanerogam communities (Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa) using side-scan-sonar images
PA Siljestrom, J Rey, A Moreno
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 51 (6), 308-315, 1996
Las marismas del parque nacional de Doñana
L Clemente, LVG Fernández, JL Espinar, JS Cara, AM López
Investigación y Ciencia, 72-83, 2004
Benthic phanerogam species recognition in side scan sonar images: Importance of the sensor direction
A Moreno, P Siljestrom, J Rey
Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics. Italian …, 1998
Caracterización de las pautas geomorfológicas de la flecha litoral de Doñana.
A Rodríguez Ramírez, P Siljeström, L Clemente Salas, J Rodríguez Vidal, ...
Revista de Teledetección 5, 1-6, 1995
Technical note Seafloor characterization through side scan sonar image processing
P Siljeström, A Moreno, J Rey
International Journal Remote Sensing 16 (4), 625-632, 1995
Selectivity in the acoustic response of Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson
P Siljeström, A Moreno, R Carbó, J Rey, J Cara
International Journal of Remote Sensing 23 (14), 2869-2876, 2002
Monitoring sea meadows for the sustainability of fisheries resources
P Siljeström, A Moreno López, J Rey Salgado
Identification of riverbed structures aided by side scan sonar image processing
P Siljeström, J Rey Salgado, A Moreno López, A Rodríguez Ramírez, ...
International Cartographic Association, 1995
Diferenciación de unidades edáficas en base a imágenes TM.
P Siljeström, A Moreno López, LV García, L Clemente Salas
Revista de Teledetección 2, 1-8, 1993
Waterbird detritus impair seedling root growth in a unique centenarian cork oak population: implications for forest regeneration
MESLGA Gutiérrez-Hernández, LV García, IM Pérez-Ramos, C Ramo, JS Cara, E ...
Decline of relict centennial cork oaks in Doñana (SW Spain) and potential deleterious effect of tree-nesting colonial waterbirds
C Ramo, T Marañón, C Aponte, MT Domínguez, P De Vita, ...
El decaimiento del alcornocal en el Parque Nacional de Doñana: papel de los cambios bióticos y abióticos en el suelo
LV García, C Aponte, C Ramo, P De Vita, L Gómez Aparicio, P Madejón, ...
Sociedad Española de la Ciencia del Suelo, 2010
Caracterización de comunidades de Posidonia oceanica a través del tratamiento digital de sonografÌas
P Siljeström, A Moreno López, J Rey Salgado
CSIC-Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Blanes (CEAB), 1994
Compost de residuos urbanos de recogida selectiva en huertos urbanos y escolares bajo agricultura ecológica
R López Núñez, S Rossini Oliva, P Madejón, A Moreno López, ...
Sociedad Española de Agricultura Ecológica, 2024
Proyecto de ciencia ciudadana recicomphuertos: reciclamos el compost de residuos urbanos de recogida selectiva en los huertos urbanos
R López Núñez, S Rossini Oliva, P Madejón, A Moreno López
Universidad de Córdoba, 2024
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Articles 1–20