Stephanie D'Agata
Stephanie D'Agata
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Bright spots among the world’s coral reefs
JE Cinner, C Huchery, MA MacNeil, NAJ Graham, TR McClanahan, ...
Nature 535 (7612), 416-419, 2016
Gravity of human impacts mediates coral reef conservation gains
JE Cinner, E Maire, C Huchery, MA MacNeil, NAJ Graham, C Mora, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (27), E6116-E6125, 2018
Human-mediated loss of phylogenetic and functional diversity in coral reef fishes
S D’agata, D Mouillot, M Kulbicki, S Andréfouët, DR Bellwood, JE Cinner, ...
Current Biology 24 (5), 555-560, 2014
Global patterns and predictors of tropical reef fish species richness
V Parravicini, M Kulbicki, DR Bellwood, AM Friedlander, ...
Ecography 36 (12), 1254-1262, 2013
Meeting fisheries, ecosystem function, and biodiversity goals in a human-dominated world
JE Cinner, J Zamborain-Mason, GG Gurney, NAJ Graham, MA MacNeil, ...
Science 368 (6488), 307-311, 2020
How accessible are coral reefs to people? A global assessment based on travel time
E Maire, J Cinner, L Velez, C Huchery, C Mora, S Dagata, L Vigliola, ...
Ecology letters 19 (4), 351-360, 2016
Temperature patterns and mechanisms influencing coral bleaching during the 2016 El Nińo
TR McClanahan, ES Darling, JM Maina, NA Muthiga, SD ’agata, ...
Nature Climate Change 9 (11), 845-851, 2019
Marine reserves lag behind wilderness in the conservation of key functional roles
S D’agata, D Mouillot, L Wantiez, AM Friedlander, M Kulbicki, L Vigliola
Nature communications 7 (1), 12000, 2016
The Coral Sea: physical environment, ecosystem status and biodiversity assets
DM Ceccarelli, AD McKinnon, S Andréfouët, V Allain, J Young, ...
Advances in marine biology 66, 213-290, 2013
Implementing a social-ecological systems framework for conservation monitoring: lessons from a multi-country coral reef program
GG Gurney, ES Darling, SD Jupiter, S Mangubhai, TR McClanahan, ...
Biological Conservation 240, 108298, 2019
Large geographic variability in the resistance of corals to thermal stress
TR McClanahan, JM Maina, ES Darling, MMM Guillaume, NA Muthiga, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 29 (12), 2229-2247, 2020
Unexpected high vulnerability of functions in wilderness areas: evidence from coral reef fishes
S D'agata, L Vigliola, NAJ Graham, L Wantiez, V Parravicini, S Villéger, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1844), 20160128, 2016
Highly variable taxa-specific coral bleaching responses to thermal stresses
TR McClanahan, ES Darling, JM Maina, NA Muthiga, J Leblond, R Arthur, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 648, 135-151, 2020
Protecting connectivity promotes successful biodiversity and fisheries conservation
L Fontoura, S D’agata, M Gamoyo, DR Barneche, OJ Luiz, EMP Madin, ...
Science 375 (6578), 336-340, 2022
Dynamics and fate of blue carbon in a mangrove–seagrass seascape: influence of landscape configuration and land-use change
ME Asplund, M Dahl, RO Ismail, A Arias-Ortiz, D Deyanova, JN Franco, ...
Landscape Ecology 36, 1489-1509, 2021
Multiscale determinants of social adaptive capacity in small-scale fishing communities
S D’agata, ES Darling, GG Gurney, TR McClanahan, NA Muthiga, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 108, 56-66, 2020
Climate‐driven shift in coral morphological structure predicts decline of juvenile reef fishes
L Fontoura, KJA Zawada, S D’agata, M Álvarez‐Noriega, AH Baird, ...
Global change biology 26 (2), 557-567, 2020
Coral reefs: fishing for sustainability
ES Darling, S D'agata
Current Biology 27 (2), R65-R68, 2017
Aligning marine spatial conservation priorities with functional connectivity across maritime jurisdictions
JM Maina, M Gamoyo, VM Adams, S D'agata, J Bosire, J Francis, ...
Conservation Science and Practice 2 (2), e156, 2020
Multivariate environment-fish biomass model informs sustainability and lost income in Indian Ocean coral reefs
TR McClanahan, S D’agata, NAJ Graham, MA Kodia, JM Maina
Marine Policy 152, 105590, 2023
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Articles 1–20