Alessandro Colombo
Alessandro Colombo
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Cited by
On the flexibility of agglomeration based physical space discontinuous Galerkin discretizations
F Bassi, L Botti, A Colombo, DA Di Pietro, P Tesini
Journal of Computational Physics 231 (1), 45-65, 2012
Linearly implicit Rosenbrock-type Runge-Kutta schemes applied to the Discontinuous Galerkin solution of compressible and incompressible unsteady flows
F Bassi, L Botti, A Colombo, A Ghidoni, F Massa
Computers & Fluids 118, 305–320, 2015
On the development of an implicit high-order discontinuous Galerkin method for DNS and implicit LES of turbulent flows
F Bassi, L Botti, A Colombo, A Crivellini, A Ghidoni, F Massa
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 55, 367-379, 2016
Agglomeration based discontinuous Galerkin discretization of the Euler and Navier–Stokes equations
F Bassi, L Botti, A Colombo, S Rebay
Computers & fluids 61, 77-85, 2012
Very high-order accurate discontinuous Galerkin computation of transonic turbulent flows on aeronautical configurations
F Bassi, L Botti, A Colombo, A Crivellini, N Franchina, A Ghidoni, S Rebay
ADIGMA-A European Initiative on the Development of Adaptive Higher-Order …, 2010
Agglomeration-based physical frame dG discretizations: an attempt to be mesh free
F Bassi, L Botti, A Colombo
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 24 (08), 1495-1539, 2014
Time integration in the discontinuous Galerkin code MIGALE-Unsteady problems
F Bassi, L Botti, A Colombo, A Crivellini, A Ghidoni, A Nigro, S Rebay
IDIHOM: Industrialization of High-Order Methods-A Top-Down Approach: Results …, 2015
Assessment of a high-order accurate Discontinuous Galerkin method for turbomachinery flows
F Bassi, L Botti, A Colombo, A Crivellini, N Franchina, A Ghidoni
International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 30 (4), 307-328, 2016
Simulation of the transitional flow in a low pressure gas turbine cascade with a high-order discontinuous Galerkin method
A Ghidoni, A Colombo, S Rebay, F Bassi
Journal of fluids engineering 135 (7), 071101, 2013
A high-order discontinuous Galerkin solver for unsteady incompressible turbulent flows
G Noventa, F Massa, F Bassi, A Colombo, N Franchina, A Ghidoni
Computers & Fluids 139, 248-260, 2016
Artificial compressibility Godunov fluxes for variable density incompressible flows
F Bassi, F Massa, L Botti, A Colombo
Computers & Fluids 169, 186-200, 2018
h-multigrid agglomeration based solution strategies for discontinuous Galerkin discretizations of incompressible flow problems
L Botti, A Colombo, F Bassi
Journal of Computational Physics 347, 382-415, 2017
Entropy-Adjoint -Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Under-Resolved Simulation of Turbulent Flows
F Bassi, A Colombo, A Crivellini, KJ Fidkowski, M Franciolini, A Ghidoni, ...
AIAA Journal 58 (9), 3963-3977, 2020
Discontinuous Galerkin for turbulent flows
F Bassi, L Botti, A Colombo, A Ghidoni, S Rebay
Adaptive high-order methods in computational fluid dynamics, 1-32, 2011
p-Multigrid matrix-free discontinuous Galerkin solution strategies for the under-resolved simulation of incompressible turbulent flows
M Franciolini, L Botti, A Colombo, A Crivellini
Computers & Fluids 206, 104558, 2020
Time Integration in the Discontinuous Galerkin Code MIGALE-Steady Problems
F Bassi, L Botti, A Colombo, A Crivellini, C De Bartolo, N Franchina, ...
IDIHOM: Industrialization of High-Order Methods-A Top-Down Approach, 179-204, 2015
A p-adaptive Matrix-Free Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Implicit LES of Incompressible Transitional Flows
F Bassi, L Botti, A Colombo, A Crivellini, M Franciolini, A Ghidoni, ...
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 105, 437-470, 2020
Efficient p‐multigrid discontinuous Galerkin solver for complex viscous flows on stretched grids
A Ghidoni, A Colombo, F Bassi, S Rebay
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 75 (2), 134-154, 2014
A p-adaptive implicit discontinuous Galerkin method for the under-resolved simulation of compressible turbulent flows
A Colombo, G Manzinali, A Ghidoni, G Noventa, M Franciolini, A Crivellini, ...
7nd European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2018
Investigation of high-order temporal schemes for the discontinuous Galerkin solution of the Navier–Stokes equations
F Bassi, A Colombo, C De Bartolo, N Franchina, A Ghidoni, A Nigro
11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM, 5651-5662, 2014
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Articles 1–20