Vikash V. Gayah
Vikash V. Gayah
Professor of Civil Engineering, Penn State University
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Macroscopic relations of urban traffic variables: Bifurcations, multivaluedness and instability
CF Daganzo, VV Gayah, EJ Gonzales
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 45 (1), 278-288, 2011
Presslight: Learning max pressure control to coordinate traffic signals in arterial network
H Wei, C Chen, G Zheng, K Wu, V Gayah, K Xu, Z Li
Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2019
Clockwise hysteresis loops in the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram: An effect of network instability
VV Gayah, CF Daganzo
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2011
A survey on traffic signal control methods
H Wei, G Zheng, V Gayah, Z Li
arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.08117, 2019
On the impacts of locally adaptive signal control on urban network stability and the macroscopic fundamental diagram
VV Gayah, XS Gao, AS Nagle
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 70, 255-268, 2014
Recent advances in reinforcement learning for traffic signal control: A survey of models and evaluation
H Wei, G Zheng, V Gayah, Z Li
ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter 22 (2), 12-18, 2021
Dynamic variable speed limit strategies for real-time crash risk reduction on freeways
M Abdel-Aty, RJ Cunningham, VV Gayah, L Hsia
Transportation Research Record 2078 (1), 108-116, 2008
Crash risk assessment using intelligent transportation systems data and real-time intervention strategies to improve safety on freeways
M Abdel-Aty, A Pande, C Lee, V Gayah, CD Santos
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 11 (3), 107-120, 2007
Diagnosing reinforcement learning for traffic signal control
G Zheng, X Zang, N Xu, H Wei, Z Yu, V Gayah, K Xu, Z Li
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.04716, 2019
The potential of parsimonious models for understanding large scale transportation systems and answering big picture questions
CF Daganzo, VV Gayah, EJ Gonzales
EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics 1 (1-2), 47-65, 2012
A robust optimization approach for dynamic traffic signal control with emission considerations
K Han, H Liu, VV Gayah, TL Friesz, T Yao
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 70, 3-26, 2016
Analytical capacity comparison of one-way and two-way signalized street networks
VV Gayah, CF Daganzo
Transportation Research Record 2301 (1), 76-85, 2012
Deriving macroscopic fundamental diagrams from probe data: Issues and proposed solutions
J Du, H Rakha, VV Gayah
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 66, 136-149, 2016
Quantifying the safety effects of horizontal curves on two-way, two-lane rural roads
JP Gooch, VV Gayah, ET Donnell
Accident Analysis & Prevention 92, 71-81, 2016
Bus priority at signalized intersections with single-lane approaches: A novel pre-signal strategy
SI Guler, VV Gayah, M Menendez
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 63, 51-70, 2016
Using Mobile Probe Data and the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram to Estimate Network Densities: Tests Using Micro-Simulation
VV Gayah, VV Dixit
Transportation Research Record, 2013
An equitable traffic signal control scheme at isolated signalized intersections using Connected Vehicle technology
XJ Liang, SI Guler, VV Gayah
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 110, 81-97, 2020
On the impacts of bus stops near signalized intersections: Models of car and bus delays
W Gu, VV Gayah, MJ Cassidy, N Saade
Transportation research part B: methodological 68, 123-140, 2014
Accuracy of networkwide traffic states estimated from mobile probe data
AS Nagle, VV Gayah
Transportation Research Record 2421 (1), 1-11, 2014
Effects of turning maneuvers and route choice on a simple network
VV Gayah, CF Daganzo
Transportation Research Record 2249 (1), 15-19, 2011
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Articles 1–20