Ronald Spencer
Ronald Spencer
Professor of Geoscience, University of Calgary
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Melting behavior of fluid inclusions in laboratory-grown halite crystals in the systems NaCl H2O, NaCl KCl H2O, NaCl MgCl2 H2O, and NaCl CaCl2 H2O
DW Davis, TK Lowenstein, RJ Spencer
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 54 (3), 591-601, 1990
The prediction of mineral solubilities in natural waters: A chemical equilibrium model for the Na K Ca Mg Cl SO4 H2O system at temperatures below 25° C
RJ Spencer, N Møller, JH Weare
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 54 (3), 575-590, 1990
Seismic geomorphology and sedimentology of a tidally influenced river deposit, Lower Cretaceous Athabasca oil sands, Alberta, Canada
SM Hubbard, DG Smith, H Nielsen, DA Leckie, M Fustic, RJ Spencer, ...
AAPG bulletin 95 (7), 1123-1145, 2011
Great Salt Lake, and precursors, Utah: the last 30,000 years
RJ Spencer, MJ Baedecker, HP Eugster, RM Forester, MB Goldhaber, ...
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 86, 321-334, 1984
The problem of distinguishing between primary and secondary features in evaporites
LA Hardie, TK Lowenstein, RJ Spencer
Sixth international symposium on salt 1, 11-39, 1985
Paleotemperatures preserved in fluid inclusions in halite
SM Roberts, RJ Spencer
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 59 (19), 3929-3942, 1995
Model of seawater composition for the Phanerozoic
RV Demicco, TK Lowenstein, LA Hardie, RJ Spencer
Geology 33 (11), 877-880, 2005
Origin of ancient potash evaporites: clues from the modern nonmarine Qaidam Basin of western China
TK Lowenstein, RJ Spencer, Z Pengxi
Science 245 (4922), 1090-1092, 1989
Origin of CaCl brines in Devonian formations, western Canada sedimentary basin
RJ Spencer
Applied Geochemistry 2 (4), 373-384, 1987
Search for all self-avoiding paths for molecular graphs
M Randić, GM Brissey, RB Spencer, CL Wilkins
Computers & Chemistry 3 (1), 5-13, 1979
U-series chronology of lacustrine deposits in Death Valley, California
TL Ku, S Luo, TK Lowenstein, J Li, RJ Spencer
Quaternary Research 50 (3), 261-275, 1998
The rise and fall of Lake Bonneville between 45 and 10.5 áka
LV Benson, SP Lund, JP Smoot, DE Rhode, RJ Spencer, KL Verosub, ...
Quaternary International 235 (1-2), 57-69, 2011
Control of seawater composition by mixing of river waters and mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal brines
R Spencer, L Hardie
Fluid-mineral interactions: A tribute H.P. Eugster, 1990
Change in the size of Walker Lake during the past 5000 years
LV Benson, PA Meyers, RJ Spencer
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 81 (3-4), 189-214, 1991
Tidal channel, levee, and crevasse-splay deposits from a Cambrian tidal channel system; a new mechanism to produce shallowing-upward sequences
KC Cloyd, RV Demicco, RJ Spencer
Journal of Sedimentary Research 60 (1), 73-83, 1990
Exact mass measurement by Fourier transform mass spectrometry
EB Ledford, S Ghaderi, RL White, RB Spencer, PS Kulkarni, CL Wilkins, ...
Analytical Chemistry 52 (3), 463-468, 1980
Sulfate minerals in evaporite deposits
RJ Spencer
Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 40 (1), 173-192, 2000
Syndepositional origin of potash evaporites; petrographic and fluid inclusion evidence
TK Lowenstein, RJ Spencer
American Journal of Science 290 (1), 1-42, 1990
Geochemical evolution of great salt lake, Utah, USA
BF Jones, DL Naftz, RJ Spencer, CG Oviatt
Aquatic Geochemistry 15, 95-121, 2009
Geochemistry of Great salt lake, Utah II: pleistocene-holocene evolution
RJ Spencer, HP Eugster, BF Jones
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 49 (3), 739-747, 1985
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