Alejandro Gómez Yepes
Alejandro Gómez Yepes
Other namesAlejandro G. Yepes
University of Vigo (Universidade de Vigo), CINTECX, APET
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Cited by
Effects of discretization methods on the performance of resonant controllers
AG Yepes, FD Freijedo, J Doval-Gandoy, Ó López, J Malvar, ...
IEEE transactions on power electronics 25 (7), 1692-1712, 2010
Passivity-Based Stability Assessment of Grid-Connected VSCs - An Overview
L Harnefors, X Wang, AG Yepes, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 4 (1), 116-125, 2016
Eliminating ground current in a transformerless photovoltaic application
O Lopez, F Freijedo, AG Yepes, Fernandez-Comesańa, J Malvar, ...
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 5 (1), 140-147, 2010
Analysis and design of resonant current controllers for voltage-source converters by means of Nyquist diagrams and sensitivity function
AG Yepes, FD Freijedo, O Lopez, J Doval-Gandoy
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 58 (11), 5231-5250, 2011
Passivity-based controller design of grid-connected VSCs for prevention of electrical resonance instability
L Harnefors, AG Yepes, A Vidal, J Doval-Gandoy
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 62 (2), 702-710, 2015
Wide bandgap devices in AC electric drives: Opportunities and challenges
AK Morya, MC Gardner, B Anvari, L Liu, AG Yepes, J Doval-Gandoy, ...
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 5 (1), 3-20, 2019
High-performance digital resonant controllers implemented with two integrators
AG Yepes, FD Freijedo, O López, J Doval-Gandoy
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 26 (2), 563-576, 2010
Assessment and optimization of the transient response of proportional-resonant current controllers for distributed power generation systems
A Vidal, FD Freijedo, AG Yepes, P Fernandez-Comesana, J Malvar, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 60 (4), 1367-1383, 2012
Tuning method aimed at optimized settling time and overshoot for synchronous proportional-integral current control in electric machines
AG Yepes, A Vidal, J Malvar, O López, J Doval-Gandoy
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 29 (6), 3041-3054, 2014
Parameter identification of multiphase induction machines with distributed windings—Part 1: Sinusoidal excitation methods
AG Yepes, JA Riveros, J Doval-Gandoy, F Barrero, Ó Lopez, B Bogado, ...
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 27 (4), 1056-1066, 2012
An Efficient Implementation of Generalized Delayed Signal Cancellation PLL
S Golestan, FD Freijedo, A Vidal, AG Yepes, JM Guerrero, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2016
Control strategy for multiphase drives with minimum losses in the full torque operation range under single open-phase fault
F Baneira, J Doval-Gandoy, AG Yepes, O Lopez, D Pérez-Estévez
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 32 (8), 6275-6285, 2017
Parameter identification of multiphase induction machines with distributed windings—Part 2: Time-domain techniques
JA Riveros, AG Yepes, F Barrero, J Doval-Gandoy, B Bogado, O Lopez, ...
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 27 (4), 1067-1077, 2012
PLL with MAF-based prefiltering stage: small-signal modeling and performance enhancement
S Golestan, JM Guerrero, A Vidal, AG Yepes, J Doval-Gandoy
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 31 (6), 4013-4019, 2016
Small-Signal Modeling, Stability Analysis and Design Optimization of Single-Phase Delay-Based PLLs
S Golestan, JM Guerrero, A Vidal, AG Yepes, J Doval-Gandoy, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2016
Passivity-based stabilization of resonant current controllers with consideration of time delay
L Harnefors, AG Yepes, A Vidal, J Doval-Gandoy
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 29 (12), 6260-6263, 2014
Three-phase PLLs with fast postfault retracking and steady-state rejection of voltage unbalance and harmonics by means of lead compensation
FD Freijedo, AG Yepes, O Lopez, A Vidal, J Doval-Gandoy
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 26 (1), 85-97, 2010
Current Harmonics Compensation Based on Multi-Resonant Control in Synchronous Frames for Symmetrical n-Phase Machines
AG Yepes, J Malvar, A Vidal, O Lopez, Doval-Gandoy
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 62 (5), 2708-2720, 2015
Tuning of Synchronous-Frame PI Current Controllers in Grid-Connected Converters Operating at a Low Sampling Rate by MIMO Root Locus
F Freijedo, A Vidal, A Yepes, JM Guerrero, O Lopez, J Malvar, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2015
Grid-synchronization methods for power converters
FD Freijedo, J Doval-Gandoy, O Lopez, C Martinez-Penalver, AG Yepes, ...
2009 35th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics, 522-529, 2009
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Articles 1–20