Eleanor CR Green
Eleanor CR Green
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New mineral activity–composition relations for thermodynamic calculations in metapelitic systems
RW White, R Powell, TJB Holland, TE Johnson, ECR Green
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 32 (3), 261-286, 2014
Activity–composition relations for the calculation of partial melting equilibria in metabasic rocks
ECR Green, RW White, JFA Diener, R Powell, TJB Holland, RM Palin
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 34 (9), 845-869, 2016
An order-disorder model for omphacitic pyroxenes in the system jadeite-diopside-hedenbergite-acmite, with applications to eclogitic rocks
E Green, T Holland, R Powell
American Mineralogist 92 (7), 1181-1189, 2007
High‐grade metamorphism and partial melting of basic and intermediate rocks
RM Palin, RW White, ECR Green, JFA Diener, R Powell, TJB Holland
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 34 (9), 871-892, 2016
Melting of peridotites through to granites: a simple thermodynamic model in the system KNCFMASHTOCr
TJB Holland, ECR Green, R Powell
Journal of Petrology 59, 881-900, 2018
Partial melting of metabasic rocks and the generation of tonalitic–trondhjemitic–granodioritic (TTG) crust in the Archaean: Constraints from phase equilibrium modelling
RM Palin, RW White, ECR Green
Precambrian Research 287, 73-90, 2016
Hydrous phase relations and trace element partitioning behaviour in calcareous sediments at subduction-zone conditions
S Skora, JD Blundy, RA Brooker, ECR Green, J de Hoog, JAD Connolly
Journal of Petrology 56 (5), 953-980, 2015
On parameterizing thermodynamic descriptions of minerals for petrological calculations
R Powell, RW White, ECR Green, TJB Holland, JFA Diener
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 32 (3), 245-260, 2014
High‐grade metamorphism and partial melting in Archean composite grey gneiss complexes
RW White, RM Palin, ECR Green
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 35 (2), 181-195, 2017
A thermodynamic model for feldspars in KAlSi3O8−NaAlSi3O8−CaAl2Si2O8 for mineral equilibrium calculations
TJB Holland, ECR Green, R Powell
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 40 (4), 587-600, 2022
MAGEMin, an efficient Gibbs energy minimizer: application to igneous systems
N Riel, BJP Kaus, ECR Green, N Berlie
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 23 (7), e2022GC010427, 2022
Garnet and spinel lherzolite assemblages in MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 and CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2: thermodynamic models and an experimental conflict
ECR Green, TJB Holland, R Powell, RW White
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 30 (6), 561-577, 2012
On equilibrium in non‐hydrostatic metamorphic systems
R Powell, KA Evans, ECR Green, RW White
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 36, 419-438, 2018
Robust isochron calculation
R Powell, ECR Green, E Marillo Sialer, J Woodhead
Geochronology 2 (2), 325-342, 2020
Multiple-reaction geobarometry for olivine-bearing igneous rocks
L Ziberna, ECR Green, JD Blundy
American Mineralogist 102 (12), 2349-2366, 2017
The truth and beauty of chemical potentials
R Powell, KA Evans, ECR Green, RW White
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 37, 1007-1019, 2019
A thermodynamic model for silicate melt in CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 to 50 kbar and 1800 °C
ECR Green, TJB Holland, R Powell
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 30 (6), 579-597, 2012
Bulk properties and near-critical behaviour of SiO2 fluid
ECR Green, E Artacho, JAD Connolly
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 491, 11-20, 2018
The importance of active-learning, student support, and peer teaching networks: A case study from the world’s longest COVID-19 lockdown in Melbourne, Australia
S McLaren, ECR Green, M Anderson, M Finch
Journal of Geoscience Education 72 (4), 303-317, 2024
Inferring geological structural features from geophysical and geological mapping data using machine learning algorithms
L Xu, ECR Green
Geophysical Prospecting 71 (Advanced Techniques, Methods and Applications …, 2023
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Articles 1–20