Soleiman Yousef
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Cited by
Adaptive regularization, linearization, and discretization and a posteriori error control for the two-phase Stefan problem
DA Di Pietro, M Vohralík, S Yousef
Mathematics of Computation, 153-186, 2015
A posteriori error estimates, stopping criteria, and adaptivity for multiphase compositional Darcy flows in porous media
DA Di Pietro, E Flauraud, M Vohralík, S Yousef
Journal of Computational Physics 276, 163-187, 2014
Goal-oriented a posteriori error estimation for conforming and nonconforming approximations with inexact solvers
G Mallik, M Vohralík, S Yousef
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 366, 112367, 2020
Robust algebraic Schur complement preconditioners based on low rank corrections
L Grigori, F Nataf
INRIA, 2014
A simple a posteriori estimate on general polytopal meshes with applications to complex porous media flows
M Vohralík, S Yousef
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 331, 728-760, 2018
An a posteriori-based, fully adaptive algorithm with adaptive stopping criteria and mesh refinement for thermal multiphase compositional flows in porous media
DA Di Pietro, M Vohralík, S Yousef
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 68 (12), 2331-2347, 2014
Adaptive solution of linear systems of equations based on a posteriori error estimators
A Anciaux-Sedrakian, L Grigori, Z Jorti, J Papež, S Yousef
Numerical Algorithms 84, 331-364, 2020
PTFlash: A vectorized and parallel deep learning framework for two-phase flash calculation
J Qu, T Faney, JC de Hemptinne, S Yousef, P Gallinari
Fuel 331, 125603, 2023
Hmoe: Hypernetwork-based mixture of experts for domain generalization
J Qu, T Faney, Z Wang, P Gallinari, S Yousef, JC de Hemptinne
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.08253, 2022
A posteriori error estimates, stopping criteria, and adaptivity for multiphase compositional refinement for thermal multiphase compositional flows in porous media
DAD Pietro, E Flauraud, M Vohralík, S Yousef
J. Comput. Phys 276, 163-187, 2014
S-step BiCGStab algorithms for geoscience dynamic simulations
A Anciaux-Sedrakian, L Grigori, S Moufawad, S Yousef
Oil & Gas Science and Technology–Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 71 (6), 66, 2016
Reservoir simulator runtime enhancement based on a posteriori error estimation techniques
JM Gratien, O Ricois, S Yousef
Oil & Gas Science and Technology–Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 71 (5), 59, 2016
Adaptive inexact smoothing Newton method for a nonconforming discretization of a variational inequality
IB Gharbia, J Ferzly, M Vohralík, S Yousef
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 133, 12-29, 2023
Semismooth and smoothing Newton methods for nonlinear systems with complementarity constraints: adaptivity and inexact resolution
IB Gharbia, J Ferzly, M Vohralík, S Yousef
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 420, 114765, 2023
A posteriori error estimates and adaptivity based on stopping criteria and adaptive mesh re finement for multiphase and thermal flows. Application to steam-assisted gravity …
S Yousef
Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris VI, 2013
A posteriori error estimates with application of adaptive mesh refinement for thermal multiphase compositional flows in porous media
DA Di Pietro, M Vohralık, S Yousef
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2013
Etude d’estimations d’erreur a posteriori et d’adaptivité basée sur des critčres d’arręt et raffinement de maillages pour des problčmes d’écoulements multiphasiques et …
S Yousef
Paris 6, 2013
A posteriori-based, local multilevel mesh refinement for the Darcy porous media flow problem
S Yousef
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 454, 116162, 2025
NNEoS: Neural network-based thermodynamically consistent equation of state for fast and accurate flash calculations
J Qu, S Yousef, T Faney, JC de Hemptinne, P Gallinari
Applied Energy 374, 124025, 2024
An application of the Gronwall lemma avoiding exponential of the final time: a posteriori error estimates for the Stefan and Richards problems
M Vohralík
Mathematical Models and Numerical Methods for Multiphysics Systems, 2024
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Articles 1–20