Emmanuel Delaleau
Emmanuel Delaleau
Ecole nationale d'ingénieurs de Brest (ENIB), Institut de recherche Dupuy de Lôme (IRDL)
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Correcteurs proportionnels-intégraux généralisés
M Fliess, R Marquez, E Delaleau, H Sira–Ramírez
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 7, 23-41, 2002
Exact feedforward linearization based on differential flatness
V Hagenmeyer, E Delaleau
International Journal of Control 76 (6), 537-556, 2003
Experimental comparison of classical PID and model-free control: position control of a shape memory alloy active spring
PA Gédouin, E Delaleau, JM Bourgeot, C Join, S Arbab Chirani, ...
Control Engineering Practice 19 (5), 433-441, 2011
Control of flat systems by quasi-static feedback of generalized states
E Delaleau, J Rudolph
International Journal of Control 71 (5), 745-765, 1998
Lowering the orders of derivatives of controls in generalized state space systems
E Delaleau, W Respondek
Journal of Mathematical Systems Estimation and Control 8 (4), 427-454, 1998
Modeling and control of induction motors
E Delaleau, JP Louis, R Ortega
Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, 2001
Robustness analysis of exact feedforward linearization based on differential flatness
V Hagenmeyer, E Delaleau
Automatica 39 (11), 1941-1946, 2003
Flatness-based hierarchical control of the PM synchronous motor
E Delaleau, AM Stankovic
Proceedings of the 2004 American Control Conference 1, 65-70, 2004
Control of a doubly fed induction generator for aircraft application
F Khatounian, E Monmasson, F Berthereau, E Delaleau, JP Louis
IECON'03. 29th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2003
Algorithme de structure, filtrations de découplage
E Delaleau, M Fliess
Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 1, Mathématique 315 (1 …, 1992
State feedbacks without asymptotic observers and generalized PID regulators
M Fliess, R Marquez, E Delaleau
Nonlinear control in the Year 2000, 367-384, 2001
Continuous-time non-linear flatness-based predictive control: an exact feedforward linearisation setting with an induction drive example
V Hagenmeyer, E Delaleau
International Journal of Control 81 (10), 1645-1663, 2008
Filtrations in feedback synthesis: Part I–Systems and feedbacks
E Delaleau, PS Pereira da Silva
Walter de Gruyter 10 (2), 147-174, 1998
A robustness analysis with respect to exogenous perturbations for flatness-based exact feedforward linearization
V Hagenmeyer, E Delaleau
Prepr. 6th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems Stuttgart, Allemagne, 2004
Robustness Analysis with Respect to Exogenous Perturbations for Flatness-Based Exact Feedforward Linearization
Hagenmeyer, Veit, E Delaleau
Differential flatness and control of induction motors
A Chelouah, E Delaleau, P Martin, P Rouchon
Symposium on control, optimization and supervision (Lille, July 9-12, 1996 …, 1996
An algebraic interpretation of the structure algorithm with an application to feedback decoupling
E Delaleau, M Fliess
Nonlinear Control Systems Design 1992, 179-184, 1993
Some examples and remarks on quasi-static feedback of generalized states
J Rudolph, E Delaleau
Automatica 34 (8), 993-999, 1998
Decoupling and linearization by quasi-static feedback of generalized states
E Delaleau, J Rudolph
Proc. of the 3rd European Control Conf, 1069-1074, 1995
Commande par PID généralisé d’un moteur électrique sans capteur mécanique
R Marquez, E Delaleau, M Fliess
Actes Conférence Internationale Francophone d’Automatique (CIFA’2000), 453-458, 2000
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Articles 1–20