Jess Adkins
Jess Adkins
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Abrupt onset and termination of the African Humid Period:: rapid climate responses to gradual insolation forcing
P Demenocal, J Ortiz, T Guilderson, J Adkins, M Sarnthein, L Baker, ...
Quaternary science reviews 19 (1-5), 347-361, 2000
Marine20—the marine radiocarbon age calibration curve (0–55,000 cal BP)
TJ Heaton, P Köhler, M Butzin, E Bard, RW Reimer, WEN Austin, ...
Radiocarbon 62 (4), 779-820, 2020
13C–18O bonds in carbonate minerals: A new kind of paleothermometer
P Ghosh, J Adkins, H Affek, B Balta, W Guo, EA Schauble, D Schrag, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70 (6), 1439-1456, 2006
The salinity, temperature, and δ18O of the glacial deep ocean
JF Adkins, K McIntyre, DP Schrag
Science 298 (5599), 1769-1773, 2002
Global climate evolution during the last deglaciation
PU Clark, JD Shakun, PA Baker, PJ Bartlein, S Brewer, E Brook, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (19), E1134-E1142, 2012
Rapid sea-level fall and deep-ocean temperature change since the last interglacial period
KB Cutler, RL Edwards, FW Taylor, H Cheng, J Adkins, CD Gallup, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 206 (3-4), 253-271, 2003
Stable isotopes in deep-sea corals and a new mechanism for “vital effects”
JF Adkins, EA Boyle, WB Curry, A Lutringer
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67 (6), 1129-1143, 2003
Millennial-scale trends in west Pacific warm pool hydrology since the Last Glacial Maximum
JW Partin, KM Cobb, JF Adkins, B Clark, DP Fernandez
Nature 449 (7161), 452-455, 2007
Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during the Last Glacial Maximum
J Lynch-Stieglitz, JF Adkins, WB Curry, T Dokken, IR Hall, JC Herguera, ...
science 316 (5821), 66-69, 2007
The oxygen isotopic composition of seawater during the Last Glacial Maximum
DP Schrag, JF Adkins, K McIntyre, JL Alexander, DA Hodell, CD Charles, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 21 (1-3), 331-342, 2002
Antarctic sea ice control on ocean circulation in present and glacial climates
R Ferrari, MF Jansen, JF Adkins, A Burke, AL Stewart, AF Thompson
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (24), 8753-8758, 2014
Strong influence of water vapor source dynamics on stable isotopes in precipitation observed in Southern Meghalaya, NE India
SFM Breitenbach, JF Adkins, H Meyer, N Marwan, KK Kumar, GH Haug
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 292 (1-2), 212-220, 2010
Sulfate was a trace constituent of Archean seawater
SA Crowe, G Paris, S Katsev, CA Jones, ST Kim, AL Zerkle, S Nomosatryo, ...
Science 346 (6210), 735-739, 2014
Deep-sea coral evidence for rapid change in ventilation of the deep North Atlantic 15,400 years ago
JF Adkins, H Cheng, EA Boyle, ERM Druffel, RL Edwards
Science 280 (5364), 725-728, 1998
Radiocarbon variability in the western North Atlantic during the last deglaciation
LF Robinson, JF Adkins, LD Keigwin, J Southon, DP Fernandez, SL Wang, ...
Science 310 (5753), 1469-1473, 2005
U-Th dating of deep-sea corals
H Cheng, J Adkins, RL Edwards, EA Boyle
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 64 (14), 2401-2416, 2000
The role of deep ocean circulation in setting glacial climates
JF Adkins
Paleoceanography 28 (3), 539-561, 2013
Variability of the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation during the last interglacial period
JF Adkins §, EA Boyle, L Keigwin, E Cortijo
Nature 390 (6656), 154-156, 1997
A 120-yr record of widespread contamination from mining of the Iberian pyrite belt
A Van Geen, JF Adkins, EA Boyle, CH Nelson, A Palanques
Geology 25 (4), 291-294, 1997
Interlaboratory study for coral Sr/Ca and other element/Ca ratio measurements
EC Hathorne, A Gagnon, T Felis, J Adkins, R Asami, W Boer, N Caillon, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 14 (9), 3730-3750, 2013
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