Robert Steneck
Robert Steneck
Professor School of Marine Sciences, University of Maine
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Cited by
Historical overfishing and the recent collapse of coastal ecosystems
JBC Jackson, MX Kirby, WH Berger, KA Bjorndal, LW Botsford, ...
science 293 (5530), 629-637, 2001
A global map of human impact on marine ecosystems
BS Halpern, S Walbridge, KA Selkoe, CV Kappel, F Micheli, C d'Agrosa, ...
science 319 (5865), 948-952, 2008
Coral reefs under rapid climate change and ocean acidification
O Hoegh-Guldberg, PJ Mumby, AJ Hooten, RS Steneck, P Greenfield, ...
science 318 (5857), 1737-1742, 2007
Kelp forest ecosystems: biodiversity, stability, resilience and future
RS Steneck, MH Graham, BJ Bourque, D Corbett, JM Erlandson, JA Estes, ...
Environmental conservation 29 (4), 436-459, 2002
Phase shifts, herbivory, and the resilience of coral reefs to climate change
TP Hughes, MJ Rodrigues, DR Bellwood, D Ceccarelli, ...
Current biology 17 (4), 360-365, 2007
A functional group approach to the structure of algal-dominated communities
RS Steneck, MN Dethier
Oikos, 476-498, 1994
New paradigms for supporting the resilience of marine ecosystems
TP Hughes, DR Bellwood, C Folke, RS Steneck, J Wilson
Trends in ecology & evolution 20 (7), 380-386, 2005
Rising to the challenge of sustaining coral reef resilience
TP Hughes, NAJ Graham, JBC Jackson, PJ Mumby, RS Steneck
Trends in ecology & evolution 25 (11), 633-642, 2010
Critical science gaps impede use of no-take fishery reserves
PF Sale, RK Cowen, BS Danilowicz, GP Jones, JP Kritzer, KC Lindeman, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 20 (2), 74-80, 2005
Globalization, roving bandits, and marine resources
F Berkes, TP Hughes, RS Steneck, JA Wilson, DR Bellwood, B Crona, ...
Science 311 (5767), 1557-1558, 2006
Global patterns of kelp forest change over the past half-century
KA Krumhansl, DK Okamoto, A Rassweiler, M Novak, JJ Bolton, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (48), 13785-13790, 2016
Feeding capabilities and limitation of herbivorous molluscs: a functional group approach
RS Steneck, L Watling
Marine Biology 68, 299-319, 1982
The ecology of coralline algal crusts: convergent patterns and adaptative strategies
RS Steneck
Annual review of ecology and systematics, 273-303, 1986
Coral reef management and conservation in light of rapidly evolving ecological paradigms
PJ Mumby, RS Steneck
Trends in ecology & evolution 23 (10), 555-563, 2008
Guiding ecological principles for marine spatial planning
MM Foley, BS Halpern, F Micheli, MH Armsby, MR Caldwell, CM Crain, ...
Marine policy 34 (5), 955-966, 2010
Larval retention and connectivity among populations of corals and reef fishes: history, advances and challenges
GP Jones, GR Almany, GR Russ, PF Sale, RS Steneck, MJH van Oppen, ...
Coral reefs 28, 307-325, 2009
Navigating transformations in governance of Chilean marine coastal resources
S Gelcich, TP Hughes, P Olsson, C Folke, O Defeo, M Fernández, S Foale, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (39), 16794-16799, 2010
The global contribution of forage fish to marine fisheries and ecosystems
EK Pikitch, KJ Rountos, TE Essington, C Santora, D Pauly, R Watson, ...
Fish and Fisheries 15 (1), 43-64, 2014
Recruitment habitats and nursery grounds of the American lobster Homarus americanus: a demographic bottleneck?
RA Wahle, RS Steneck
Marine ecology progress series, 231-243, 1991
Status and management of world sea urchin fisheries
NL Andrew, Y Agatsuma, E Ballesteros, AG Bazhin, EP Creaser, ...
Oceanography and marine biology, 351-438, 2002
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