Ingénieur, CNES
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Computation of order conditions for symplectic partitioned Runge-Kutta schemes with application to optimal control
JF Bonnans, J Laurent-Varin
Numerische Mathematik 103, 1-10, 2006
Interior-point approach to trajectory optimization
J Laurent-Varin, JF Bonnans, N Bérend, M Haddou, C Talbot
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 30 (5), 1228-1238, 2007
Study on the eddy current damping of the spin dynamics of space debris from the Ariane launcher upper stages
N Praly, M Hillion, C Bonnal, J Laurent-Varin, N Petit
Acta Astronautica 76, 145-153, 2012
Numerical study of optimal trajectories with singular arcs for an Ariane 5 launcher
P Martinon, F Bonnans, J Laurent-Varin, E Trélat
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 32 (1), 51-55, 2009
Rosetta lander Philae: Flight Dynamics analyses for landing site selection and post-landing operations
E Jurado, T Martin, E Canalias, A Blazquez, R Garmier, T Ceolin, ...
Acta Astronautica 125, 65-79, 2016
Trajectory analysis for the Phobos proximity phase of the MMX mission
E Canalias, L Lorda, T Martin, J Laurent-Varin, JC Marty, Y Mimasu
international symposium on space technology and science, ISTS‑2017‑d‑006 …, 2017
Design of realistic trajectories for the exploration of Phobos
E Canalias, L Lorda, J Laurent-Varin
2018 Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, 0716, 2018
Ascent optimization for a heavy space launcher
C Ponssard, K Graichen, N Petit, J Laurent-Varin
2009 European Control Conference (ECC), 3033-3038, 2009
Efficient QR sequential least square algorithm for high frequency GNSS precise point positioning seismic application
AL Barbu, J Laurent-Varin, F Perosanz, F Mercier, JC Marty
Advances in Space Research 61 (1), 448-456, 2018
On the refinement of discretization for optimal control problems
J Laurent-Varin, F Bonnans, N Berend, C Talbot, M Haddou
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 37 (6), 405-410, 2004
Using distributed magnetometry in navigation of heavy launchers and space vehicles
N Praly, PJ Bristeau, J Laurent-Varin, N Petit
Progress in Flight Dynamics, Guidance, Navigation, Control, Fault Detection …, 2013
Fast linear algebra for multiarc trajectory optimization
N Bérend, JF Bonnans, J Laurent-Varin, M Haddou, C Talbot
Large-Scale Nonlinear Optimization, 1-14, 2006
Study on the eddy current damping of the spin dynamics of spatial debris from the Ariane launcher
N Praly, N Petit, C Bonnal, J Laurent-Varin
4th European Conference For Aerospace Sciences, 2011
Calcul de trajectoires optimales de lanceurs spatiaux réutilisables par une méthode de point intérieur
J Laurent-Varin
Ecole doctorale de polytechnique, 2005
Philae landing site selection and descent trajectory design
E Jurado, A Blazquez, T Martin, E Canalias, T Ceolin, R Garmier, J Biele, ...
American Astronomical Society 15, 2016
Asymptotic expansion of the optimal control under logarithmic penalty: worked example and open problems
F Alvarez, JF Bonnans, J Laurent-Varin
INRIA, 2007
Computation of order conditions for symplectic partitioned runge-kutta schemes with application to optimal control. Rapport de recherche RR-5398, INRIA, 2004
JF Bonnans, J Laurent-Varin
Numerische Mathematik, to appear, 2004
An interior point algorithm for optimal control problems
J Laurent-Varin, F Bonnans
Talk at Fifth International Conference on Launcher Technology, Madrid, Spain, 2003
Technological requirements of nuclear electric propulsion systems for fast Earth-Mars transfers
N Bérend, R Epenoy, E Cliquet, J Laurent-Varin, S Avril
Progress in Propulsion Physics 4, 313-336, 2013
Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman approach for the climbing problem
O Bokanowski, E Cristiani, J Laurent-Varin, H Zidani
preprint submitted, 2009
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Articles 1–20