Alberto Ceselli
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Cited by
Mobile edge cloud network design optimization
A Ceselli, M Premoli, S Secci
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 25 (3), 1818-1831, 2017
A branch-and-cut-and-price algorithm for the multi-depot heterogeneous vehicle routing problem with time windows
A Bettinelli, A Ceselli, G Righini
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 19 (5), 723-740, 2011
A column generation algorithm for a rich vehicle-routing problem
A Ceselli, G Righini, M Salani
Transportation Science 43 (1), 56-69, 2009
Modeling and assessing inference exposure in encrypted databases
A Ceselli, E Damiani, SDCD Vimercati, S Jajodia, S Paraboschi, ...
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC) 8 (1), 119-152, 2005
A branch‐and‐price algorithm for the capacitated p‐median problem
A Ceselli, G Righini
Networks: An International Journal 45 (3), 125-142, 2005
Cloudlet network design optimization
A Ceselli, M Premoli, S Secci
2015 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking), 1-9, 2015
Automatic Dantzig–Wolfe reformulation of mixed integer programs
M Bergner, A Caprara, A Ceselli, F Furini, ME Lübbecke, E Malaguti, ...
Mathematical Programming 149 (1), 391-424, 2015
A branch-and-price algorithm for the multi-depot heterogeneous-fleet pickup and delivery problem with soft time windows
A Bettinelli, A Ceselli, G Righini
Mathematical Programming Computation 6, 171-197, 2014
T-nova: An open-source mano stack for nfv infrastructures
MA Kourtis, MJ McGrath, G Gardikis, G Xilouris, V Riccobene, ...
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 14 (3), 586-602, 2017
Combined location and routing problems for drug distribution
A Ceselli, G Righini, E Tresoldi
Discrete applied mathematics 165, 130-145, 2014
Optimizing the cargo express service of swiss federal railways
A Ceselli, M Gatto, ME Lübbecke, M Nunkesser, H Schilling
Transportation Science 42 (4), 450-465, 2008
TeNOR: Steps towards an orchestration platform for multi-PoP NFV deployment
JF Riera, J Batallé, J Bonnet, M Dias, M McGrath, G Petralia, F Liberati, ...
2016 IEEE NetSoft Conference and Workshops (NetSoft), 243-250, 2016
A route decomposition approach for the single commodity split pickup and split delivery vehicle routing problem
M Casazza, A Ceselli, RW Calvo
European Journal of Operational Research 289 (3), 897-911, 2021
A branch-and-price algorithm for the multilevel generalized assignment problem
A Ceselli, G Righini
Operations research 54 (6), 1172-1184, 2006
Efficient algorithms for the double traveling salesman problem with multiple stacks
M Casazza, A Ceselli, M Nunkesser
Computers & operations research 39 (5), 1044-1053, 2012
Two exact algorithms for the capacitated p-median problem
A Ceselli
Quarterly Journal of the Belgian, French and Italian Operations Research …, 2003
Mathematical programming algorithms for bin packing problems with item fragmentation
M Casazza, A Ceselli
Computers & Operations Research 46, 1-11, 2014
Random sampling and machine learning to understand good decompositions
S Basso, A Ceselli, A Tettamanzi
Annals of Operations Research 284 (2), 501-526, 2020
An optimization algorithm for a penalized knapsack problem
A Ceselli, G Righini
Operations research letters 34 (4), 394-404, 2006
A branch-and-cut-and-price algorithm for the electric vehicle routing problem with multiple technologies
A Ceselli, Á Felipe, MT Ortuño, G Righini, G Tirado
Operations Research Forum 2, 1-33, 2021
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Articles 1–20