Ecole national des ingenieurs de Gabes, ENIG
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Cited by
Passivity-based asynchronous fault-tolerant control for nonlinear discrete-time singular markovian jump systems: A sliding-mode approach
H Jerbi, R Abassi, J VijiPriya, F Hmidi, A Kouzou
European Journal of Control 60, 95-113, 2021
Enlarging region of attraction via LMI-based approach and Genetic Algorithm
F Hamidi, H Jerbi, W Aggoune, M Djemai, MN Abdkrim
2011 International Conference on Communications, Computing and Control …, 2011
An artificial neural network for solar energy prediction and control using Jaya-SMC
M Jlidi, F Hamidi, O Barambones, R Abbassi, H Jerbi, M Aoun, ...
Electronics 12 (3), 592, 2023
A chaotic krill herd optimization algorithm for global numerical estimation of the attraction domain for nonlinear systems
M Aloui, F Hamidi, H Jerbi, M Omri, D Popescu, R Abbassi
Mathematics 9 (15), 1743, 2021
On the estimation of a maximal Lyapunov function and domain of attraction determination via a genetic algorithm
F Hamidi, H Jerbi
2009 6th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, 1-6, 2009
Enlarging the domain of attraction in nonlinear polynomial systems
F Hamidi, H Jerbi, W Aggoune, M Djemai, MN Abdelkrim
International Journal of Computers Communications & Control 8 (4), 538-547, 2013
Chaotic particle swarm optimisation for enlarging the domain of attraction of polynomial nonlinear systems
F Hamidi, M Aloui, H Jerbi, M Kchaou, R Abbassi, D Popescu, ...
Electronics 9 (10), 1704, 2020
Metaheuristic solution for stability analysis of nonlinear systems using an intelligent algorithm with potential applications
F Hamidi, H Jerbi, H Alharbi, V Leiva, D Popescu, W Rajhi
Fractal and Fractional 7 (1), 78, 2023
An enhanced stabilizing strategy for switched nonlinear systems
F Hamidi, H Jerbi, SC Olteanu, D Popescu
Studies in Informatics and Control 28 (4), 391-400, 2019
Model based optimisation algorithm for Maximum Power Point Tracking in photovoltaic panels
F Hamidi, SC Olteanu, D Popescu, H Jerbi, I Dincă, S Ben Aoun, ...
Energies 13 (18), 4798, 2020
Lyapunov-based Methods for Maximizing the Domain of Attraction
HM JERBI, F Hamidi, BEN Sondess, SC Olteanu, D Popescu
International Journal of Computers Communications & Control 15 (5), 2020
Searching Candidate Lyapunov Function with Threshold Accepting Algorithm
F Hamidi, MN Abdelkrim, J Houssem
2011 Third International Conference on Computational Intelligence …, 2011
Synchronization of chaotic systems: a survey study
N Griba, F Hamidi, K Menighed, B Boussaid, MN Abdelkrim
2019 International Conference On Signal, Control And Communication (SCC …, 2019
Synthesis of an Advanced Maximum Power Point Tracking Method for a Photovoltaic System: A Chaotic Jaya Logistic Approach
M Jlidi, F Hamidi, MN Abdelkrim, H Jerbi, R Abbassi, M Kchaou
2022 4th International Conference on Applied Automation and Industrial …, 2022
Maximizing the Domain of attraction of nonlinear systems: A PSO optimization approach
M Aloui, F Hamiidi, H Jerbi
2021 18th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD …, 2021
Gradient Optimization Methods for Maximum Power Point Tracking in Photovoltaic Panels
F Hamidi, SC Olteanu, LI Gliga
15th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, 867-876, 2018
A synthesis on Lyapunov methods to the estimation and enlargement of attraction domain for nonlinear autonomous systems
F Hamidi, H Jerbi
2009 International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modelling and …, 2009
Computing the Domain of Attraction using Numerical Techniques
H Jerbi, B Dabbagui, F Hamidi, M Aoun, Y Bouazzi, SB Aoun
2022 4th International Conference on Applied Automation and Industrial …, 2022
Sliding mode controller for global chaos synchronization of two chaotic systems
G Noussaiba, F Hamidi, B Boussaid, MN Abdelkrim
2020 17th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD …, 2020
ANN for Temperature and Irradiation Prediction and Maximum Power Point Tracking Using MRP-SMC
M Jlidi, O Barambones, F Hamidi, M Aoun
Energies 17 (12), 2802, 2024
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Articles 1–20