Robin Eunju Kim
Cited by
Cited by
Flexible smart sensor framework for autonomous structural health monitoring
JA Rice, K Mechitov, SH Sim, T Nagayama, S Jang, R Kim, BF Spencer Jr, ...
Smart structures and Systems 6 (5_6), 423-438, 2010
Dynamic assessment of timber railroad bridges using displacements
F Moreu, H Jo, J Li, RE Kim, S Cho, A Kimmle, S Scola, H Le, ...
Journal of Bridge Engineering 20 (10), 04014114, 2015
Recent advances in wireless smart sensors for multi-scale monitoring and control of civil infrastructure
BF Spencer, H Jo, KA Mechitov, J Li, SH Sim, RE Kim, S Cho, ...
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring 6, 17-41, 2016
Efficient time synchronization for structural health monitoring using wireless smart sensor networks
J Li, KA Mechitov, RE Kim, BF Spencer Jr
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 23 (3), 470-486, 2016
Railroad bridge monitoring using wireless smart sensors
F Moreu, RE Kim, BF Spencer Jr
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 24 (2), e1863, 2017
Reference-free displacements for condition assessment of timber railroad bridges
F Moreu, J Li, H Jo, RE Kim, S Scola, BF Spencer Jr, JM LaFave
Journal of Bridge Engineering 21 (2), 04015052, 2016
Hybrid simulation method for a structure subjected to fire and its application to a steel frame
X Wang, RE Kim, OS Kwon, I Yeo
Journal of Structural Engineering 144 (8), 04018118, 2018
Preliminary study of low-cost GPS receivers for time synchronization of wireless sensors
R Kim, T Nagayama, H Jo, BF Spencer
Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and …, 2012
Continuous real-time hybrid simulation method for structures subject to fire
X Wang, RE Kim, OS Kwon, IH Yeo, JK Ahn
Journal of Structural Engineering 145 (12), 04019152, 2019
New stochastic approach of vehicle energy dissipation on nondeformable rough pavements
RE Kim, S Kang, BF Spencer, IL Al-Qadi, H Ozer
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 143 (4), 04016118, 2017
Stochastic analysis of energy dissipation of a half-car model on nondeformable rough pavement
RE Kim, S Kang, BF Spencer, H Ozer, IL Al-Qadi
Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements 143 (4), 04017016, 2017
Probabilistic fatigue life updating for railway bridges based on local inspection and repair
YJ Lee, RE Kim, W Suh, K Park
Sensors 17 (4), 936, 2017
Synchronized sensing for wireless monitoring of large structures
RE Kim, J Li, BF Spencer Jr, T Nagayama, KA Mechitov
Smart Structures and Systems 18 (5), 885-909, 2016
Impact of pavement roughness and deflection on fuel consumption using energy dissipation
RE Kim, S Kang, BF Spencer, IL Al-Qadi, H Ozer
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 145 (10), 04019080, 2019
Hybrid model for railroad bridge dynamics
RE Kim, F Moreu, BF Spencer Jr
Journal of Structural Engineering 142 (10), 04016066, 2016
System identification of an in-service railroad bridge using wireless smart sensors
RE Kim, F Moreu, BF Spencer
Smart Struct. Syst 15 (3), 683-698, 2015
Campaign monitoring of railroad bridges in high-speed rail shared corridors using wireless smart sensors
BF Spencer Jr, F Moreu, RE Kim
Newmark Structural Engineering Laboratory Report Series 040, 2015
Structural health indices for steel truss bridges
RK Giles, R Kim, BF Spencer, M Nathan, AM Newmark, LA Bergman, ...
Civil Engineering Topics, Volume 4: Proceedings of the 29th IMAC, A …, 2011
Bridge monitoring using wireless smart sensors
S Cho, BF Spencer, H Jo, J Li, RE Kim
SPIE Newsroom, 1-3, 2012
Reliability analysis of wireless sensor networks
R Kim, J Song, BF Spencer Jr
Proceedings of the 6th international workshop on advanced smart materials …, 2011
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Articles 1–20